Emma Jayne White


Emma Jayne White

This is a very lazy collection of events that happened on my first year teaching English in South Korea. I did intend to keep it very up to date, everytime something amazing happened I was going to dash back and let it all flow out on to this blog.... but... well I just got too caught up in living my life and LOVING IT! I love Korea, I went on to complete 2 years teaching (1 in Incheon & 1 in Seoul) and I have to say I had the time of my life. I'm still not completly over it and think I may indeed return to my second home soon.
I am currently living in Australia, at the end of my 1st year working holiday and about to embark on my 2nd year visa, however I will be back in Seoul this December for 2 months and I entend to fill up my memory stash with some great adventures.
Now i have a few weeks to myself I have decided to get this blog up to date. So if the entries aren't stuffed with detail that is because i have a rubbish memory and i get things confused all the time. Please forgive me.
If you have any questions about working and living in Korea, please do ask. I love to rant on about what an amazing country it is. Of course there are downsides to it, but the same can be said of anywhere.

Enjoy my blog and read it with the light heartedness it was written with. Cheers.

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Trip to Korea and back

Incheon! Wonderland Junior School...

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Mapo-gu » World Cup Stadium November 16th 2012

This second year in Korea was a bit different than I imagined, I know things can't always be the same but I didn’t expect to get bored by my time in Korea. No 'bored' isn't the right word for it, I guess 'same same' is the Asian way to say it. Over a year you do just end up repeating the same experiences only a little differently. This year I went to Japan, China and Thailand during the breaks, had a quick ski trip, a trip on the KTX (fast train) to Busan, a day trip to the DMZ/North Korea and enjoyed my second weekend at the Boryeong Mud Festival. Over Christmas most of us decided to stay in Korea and enjoy the ski season, mostly because it was cheap and as I had only just ... read more
K* Frontier, my Kindergarten crazys!
End of year play @ Kids College
PUB GOLF in Hongdae!

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mornington Peninsula November 16th 2012

So, as predicted in my last blog... I didn't keep up with any blogs over my entire time spent in Australia!! 2 years!! 2 Year have flown by and I have no blogs to show for it but a load of great memories and new friends. Why am I even in Oz? Well my parents immigrated to OZ 5 years ago, just before I 1st flew to Korea to work. In order to get a working holiday visa in Australia you need to be under 31 years old and i was rapidly aging! I wanted to spend 2 years in OZ with my parents and travelling around so needed to go ASAP! Getting my WHVisa sorted from inside Korea was amazingly easy!! I just went online, filled in the form, went to a hospital to get ... read more
China Man's hut
Swimming with the seals

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Mapo-gu December 7th 2010

Wow, so it turns out I wasRUBBISH at keeping this blog up to date. I say 'was' because I intend to correct that. Last thing you heard from me I was still in my 1st year in Korea and loving every second, well things didn't change much. My contract came to its natural end at Wonderland School in Mansu-dong, quiet a challange for most people in Korea who get sacked just before the end of 12 months so that their employer doesn't have to pay the months bonus promised! I had such a lovely time there, OK at times I had to psych myself up to go into the class with my worst/least controllable kids, and there was that one incident of the girl peeing down my leg, but apart from that I had a lovely ... read more
Kids college Quiz contest
K-Frontier actually working!
Sports day @ Kids College

Asia » South Korea » Incheon May 22nd 2009

WOW I just logged on her to actually sort out my blog that hasn't been touched in YEARS and I found this saved blog! It was written in the moment so why not publish it?! (FYI it was written in Spring 2009 during my first year teaching in Incheon, South Korea) OK I realise it's been a few months since I wrote one of these and lots has happened and im sure to miss out an awful lot. But I will try to stick to the stuff you might want to know. SPRING IS HERE!!! Well actually it's almost summer now I think, Spring was very short, I almost didnt notice the weather slowly warming up and the new shoots on the trees. Paddy's day was one of the first big events in a while, now ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon March 6th 2009

So the past month has been a hectic one at school, rushing through books to get them finished before the end of the school year. This didn't mean it was time for school holidays though.. oh no.. we started straight back at school the following monday. Graduation was a massive deal for our KINDERGARTEN kids, they were so excited and to be honest it was decked out far better than my University graduation! The parents were so proud of their kids and some even brought banners (that didnt really make sense... come out fighting??) to cheer their kids one. 1 of the graduating classes was my responsible class and i will admit i got a bit teary at one stage, when they were collecting thier certficates and then the photo montage of their past 3 years ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon January 9th 2009

So this was to be my first Christmas spent away from home and I was expecting it to be slightly weird. Korea isnt a christian place although you would never know that if you looked around the sky at night (giant red crooses illiminate the skies!). Christmas at school was quite good, i guess it helps having kids around that get all excited about anything different happening, we had a singing competition and you would have thought the Korean teachers won a prise for best class they they put in SO MUCH effort, i had one teacher interrupting my lessons to remind them of the songs and get extra things going. So the singing and dancing was good, we had dress up santa competition.. i have a great picture of one of my kids wearing eyeliner ... read more
3 islands together
gorgeous boats near Koh Phangan

Asia » South Korea » Incheon December 1st 2008

Hey guys, SO SORRY i haven't been blogging for ages.. 2 months in fact!! Gosh i cant believe it has been that long, just read my last blog and so much has happened since then! I wont remember it all in order so i will just throw things out and see if you can make sense of any of it!! Where do i start? Well school i suppose... its getting better, there have been moments when i have been told i was a crap teacher and that's kinda upsetting.. but i think this school (like so many others) is fickle, its just a business and they aren't really all that interesting in the kids actually learning they just want the kids to enjoy it enough to keep coming so they get the money. For example i ... read more
Proper Halloween coustume!
UR Seoul
Halloween costume hunt

Asia » South Korea » Incheon October 1st 2008

Ok so this last week has been a little hectic due to new teachers arriving everywhere and old ones leaving. Thursday we all went out for a korean meal (dont ask what cos i cant remember but it was the same as the 1 i had on my 1st day) and i got a chance to meet all the other foreigners in our apartment block. All really nice people. Then we went along to a kareoke room, you rent the room out and the whole thing is set up with like 6 tv screens and beer and food comes in etc.. we all know i cant sing so i was quite happy watching others.. some good .....some bad! Finally gave in to peer pressure and sang YMCA.. (yeah you can sing it!! well im sure some ... read more
dr fish again

Asia » South Korea » Incheon » Yeongheung-do September 18th 2008

HELLO from South Korea! My flight was fine, after an emotional send off from Claire, i had lots of movies to watch and a spare seat next to me! Met up with John-Lee the guy who organised my job and headed straight for Wonderland school to meet the teachers and sit on on my first class! Megan the teacher im taking over from is great, really helpful and its good to watch her handle the different classes. The school is in a high rise building.. well 4 stories, but well orgenised and each classroom is decorated differently. I will be teaching Korean 5 yr olds which are actually English 4 yr olds (different way of counting age, come out at 1 yr!) and all ages up to 11! You would really be surprised at how much ... read more
fall in korea

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Lewisham September 14th 2008

Hey guys, its a bit early i know but i wanted to get my 1st blog out of the way before i left the country! I have only 2 nights sleep till i have to leave England and take up residence in South Korea, scary stuff huh!? For the past 2 weeks i have been running round London trying to get everything sorted and to be honest it has been a nightmare! Finally got my visa application number through and took passport into the embassy, that all went fine and i saw two hot men there that were getting teaching Visas too.. so things are looking good in that respect. I booked my flight through Korean Air directly so that i wold get an extra 10Kgs allowance (which i desperatly NEED!). Then i never received the ... read more

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