Kyle Greer


Kyle Greer

Beat it, 'Bo, while your feet are mates,
We'll see the whole united states
With a smoke and a pal and a fire at night
Up again in the morning bright
With nothing but road and sky in sight
And nothing to do but go.

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

SW Bike Trip

North America » United States » Colorado » Boulder July 29th 2009

I've been out on the road for two months now and just after my mile marker 2000, finally arrived in Boulder Colorado. The Rockies are so beautiful in the summertime - I've been surrounded by aspen groves, huge fields of wildflowers, mighty rivers, giant mountains, and raging waterfalls. I met some awesome cross country cyclists in Telluride who are headed west, and then Joyce, a telluride local, joined me for 5 days as we pushed up and over the high passes toward Boulder. It was great to have another adventurous spirit to keep me company on the road. Every mile could tell a million tales, so to spare you all 2,000,000,000 tales I've put in a bunch of pictures hoping they will give you all a glimpse of my travels. Much love from the mountains, Kyle ... read more
More mountains
Sweet Sunset
Sun Rays

North America » United States » New Mexico » Taos July 8th 2009

The sun's rays come streaming down through empty sky, thunderclouds and aspen leaves - and strike an ant next to me scurrying about for its morning meal coffee black as night on my other side the sound of the ocean lapping with the wind in the trees Thunder rumble approaching tumbling nearer clouds swell, the ocean swells the sun's rays disappear A drop of rain strikes my nose like a river to the sea the rain unto me Hello out there in e-land! It has been quite awhile since the last one of these funny little things here on this blog, and quite a lot has happened! This is a long one, but I hope you enjoy it: We last left of our tale as the two adventurers, Kyle and Max, entered the dry and harsh ... read more
hopi corn fields
feelin the heat
Canyon de Chelly 1

The sun spins wide round and round Cross boulder and mountainside every day bringing new light new thoughts, new images as we ride A symphony of reds and browns surrounds me. The earth alive dripping from a tiny fracture in the bare stone splatters about Giving the plants insects and animals their fix. Earth's honey. Some traveling wisdom from Whitman: Traveling Souls Allons! Whoever you are come travel with me! Traveling with me you find what never tires. The earth never tires, The earth rude, silent, incomprehensible at first, Nature is rude and incomprehensible at first, Be not discouraged, keep on, there are divine things well envelop'd I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell Allons! We must not stop here, However sweet these laid-up stores, however convenient this dwelling ... read more
Faces in Stone
Grand Canyon 2
Grand Canyon 3

North America June 11th 2009

Uneven bedrolls hastily stuffed mark the beginning of the day and with few words exchanged we took to our way down the long and narrow path with only our minds to keep us company solemn loneliness with oneself where the mystery and uncertainty makes us pine for sureness and stability when in Truth the Mystery is Great and the instability is really being on the wings of an eagle soaring over unknown lands when the signs point the way the path is lit in light And the sky hums with music of stars and planets all through the night What we've done lately: Left Vegas (very important!) Crossed the Hoover Dam In & Out - Kingman, AZ Thanks Robert, our wonderful host in Kingman, for your kindness and good conversation Kickin it down Route 66 with ... read more
Get Your Kicks
The Arizona Expanse

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas June 7th 2009

Armed with a smile we sally forth across the land This deserted landscape of cacti and sand and wherever our thoughts take us that's where we roam With some food, water, and shelter called home Climbing over giants and flying down their backside we hunt for kindness and joy never fear or pride and the skies have rewarded us with hailstorms, thunder, heat, wind and dust As we continue our journey with gratitude and trust We just crossed over our first state line yesterday after battling hard head winds, dust storms, heat, and huge mountains into death valley - but we bombed down our biggest mountain yet - from 5000 feet to -100 feet in 10 miles! We just flew into death valley. We hitched a ride from a very nice man from death valley to ... read more
The Sierra 14ers
mmmmm - lunch
Panamint Valley

North America » United States » California » Bishop June 3rd 2009

We're well on our way, fueled by uncooked rice and lentils, stale bread, bland oats, and warm, salty water. We've made it to our first shelter and real food in a week! James and Susan are wonderful hosts and their home has so much character and their yard is beautiful and it's all set in between the white mountains and the sierras. The stars swallowed us up last night there were so many! The milky way seemed to just pour out over the mountains and all across the valley floor. To keep it brief - Our adventure thus far: A wonderful sendoff from Yoni and Alex Being chased by dogs Sweltering central valley heat and a long uphill Trying to fish with some line and a stick Cherry and lemon trees full of fruit! Almost being ... read more
Misty Trees
Some Crazy Bikers we met
The Beautiful Sierras

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