Mel & Erin


Mel & Erin

Kiwi couple, currently fulfilling a lifelong dream of doing volunteer work in the Middle East.

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Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt January 20th 2010

Ok we are still not in our new flat, but we are in the building! It is smack bang in the middle of town, only a stone's throw away from everything we need. There is a nursery in the building too with friendly people working there, and the City Mall is just across the road. And it has a 2.5 pound shop! There is a great little shisha cafe across the road, in fact this was the first cafe we ever went to here, but we stopped going because Erin thought the waiter was dodgy. So we call it Dodgy Cafe. They make us nice sahlab with sprinkles in it. Another bonus about our building - we don't have noisy kids upstairs jumping up and down and ringing our doorbell. And there isn't a mosque right ... read more
Xmas 2009
Wadi Natron
Wadi Natron

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt December 10th 2009

The Greater Eid feast was on at the end of November, a 5 day public holiday which celebrates both the completion of the pilgrimage to Mecca and the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son. We decided to spend at least the weekend in Cairo, as it is difficult to find things to do in Sadat at the best of times, let alone when nothing is open. Adel tricked us into minding the hospital on his behalf while he started his journey back to Asyut. He is going back for his long-delayed wedding and we would have been quite happy to mind the hospital, so he didn't have to pretend that his replacement would be there in 15 minutes, especially when he had just told us that he had only just boarded the bus. About 2 ... read more
Eid 2009
Eid 2009
Eid 2009

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt November 21st 2009

One day, it rained. It rained short, heavy bursts during the night and throughout the day. It was mildy amusing after 5 months of hot dry weather, especially after we had laughed at NZ's appalling winter weather, but the amusement quickly faded when we got home and found our internet wasn't working. We called the technicians, and it turns out the rain had shorted the wired connection on the roof, which in turn shorted our network card and sound card. To fix the problem, we had to change our operating system to Windows, that at least got our internet working but we still have no sound so that means no Skype, no music and no movies. Things that really make a difference here. Shortly after our last blog, we were informed that our flat had been ... read more
Sadat City
Sadat City
Sadat City

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt October 20th 2009

After returning from Alexandria, we went back to Cairo to give Erin more time to recover. Although the wound seems to be healed on the outside, there is still healing to be done on the inside, and he must be careful not to get a hernia. The temperature in Cairo has cooled somewhat (30-35 instead of 35 upwards), but it is still very warm and necessitates the use of fans and air-con. We arrived back in Cairo on the first day of the Eid il Futr (festival of breaking the fast), meaning Ramadan is over. So what did we do for the next two weeks? Erin was unable to walk or sit for long periods of time, so that pretty much ruled out going very far. We took a trip to Old Cairo to visit the ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Mediterranean » Alexandria September 19th 2009

To ensure Erin took it easy, we got sent to Alexandria for 5 days, timed so that we would make it back before the "Little Feast" at the end of Ramadan. With its beaches and plentiful sea breezes, Alexandria is a popular summer holiday destination for Cairenes but we were told that since summer has come to an end, it shouldn't be too busy. Now compared to Cairo, it wasn't busy at all, but it was far busier than we have ever seen it, in the past having visited during early spring. Like Cairo, it seems at times like there are too many people and too many cars, and just walking down the street becomes an exercise. We stayed in a lovely hotel right on the waterfront with a view of the Mediterranean. Outside, the honking ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt September 11th 2009

Just as I published the last blog, Erin came down with a severe tummy ache. Unfortunately we ignored it for 2 days before seeing a doctor, since tummy aches are common, and it turned out to be appendicitis. We went to the Harmel Clinic in Sadat and the doctor said we would have to go to Menouf Hospital straight away for the operation. Then they refused payment, as they know we are working for the church. We asked how to get to the hospital, as Menouf is one hour's drive away. Take a taxi, was the reply, and someone even went and got a driver they knew. Now the road to Menouf goes across the desert until it reaches the Delta, then crisscrosses through the Delta villages and over canals. It is a narrow two-way road ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt September 1st 2009

Ramadan has begun, the month of daylight fasting and nighttime feasting. Many of the shops and private apartments have Ramadan lanterns and flashing strings of lights. As non-Muslims, we are not expected to fast, but politeness dictates avoiding eating, drinking or smoking in public. We watched a Dubai news bulletin saying the Government there was stepping in to curb deliberate food price hikes during the month. Erin wasn't impressed by the drummer that comes around at 2.30am to wake people to eat before morning prayers. Our days are pretty much routine. We used to stop at the falafel shop most mornings and buy our lunch to take to work, but it being Ramadan restaurants are closed during the day so we are having to make it the night before and buy any ingredients in the evenings. ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt August 7th 2009

Erin's birthday was on July 18, so we decided to go out for lunch. We had been past a pizza restaurant earlier in the week so returned to try our luck. After confirming that they did serve pizza, we got seated upstairs. And that's when it all went wrong. It seemed they didn't actually serve pizza at that time of day, and then they missed most of our subsequent order. And what we did get in the end looked nothing like what it did in the menu. None of this is a big deal, except that I was trying to make Erin's birthday nice. There was another couple in the restaurant who were friendly, and not long after leaving we ran into the man in the street and he was able to show us where to ... read more
Sadat Shisha Cafe
Area 8 Shops

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt July 15th 2009

The steel for the fence got delivered the evening of the day we arrived. We wanted to be present to show them where to put everything, but didn't get a phone call until quarter to midnight - normal to Egyptians but too late for us. Unfortunately all the steel and the precious welder got dumped in the sand in front of the building site. We had to ask the clinic to arrange labourers to move it all inside at our own cost. There are 3 or more Egyptians permanently on site, working for the contractor. I asked them if they really were permanently on site. Yes, they live there, eat there, sleep there, do their washing there... I asked if they left the site to pray and they said only on Fridays and that should they ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt July 8th 2009

This is one of the satellite cities of Cairo, and lies halfway along the Alexandria-Cairo Desert Highway. It really is a desert highway, running through the easternmost part of the Sahara the Egyptians call the Western Desert, just outside the lush Delta region. Either side of the road is sand, apart from the modern shopping complexes like Carrefour and Dandy Mega-Mall and the produce orchards further towards Sadat City. The project we are working on is being built at the northern edge of the city. Sadat City is much nicer to be in than Cairo, as the buildings are more spread apart, and not as high, so that frequent breezes cool the city. It's a real blessing to feel a cool breeze. It is an industrial city with about 120,000 inhabitants, with no tourist attractions, so ... read more

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