celia sprague


celia sprague

Europe » Malta » Malta » La Valletta July 29th 2010

My last couple of days in Malta! I can't believe it. It has been so busy these past few days. So a very quick update... Last weekend, my friend Andrew and I took the ferry over to Sicily. It was amazing. The food was phenomenal and we ate a disgusting amount of gelato, pastries, cheeses, etc. We spent our time mostly in Catania exploring around, visiting the churches, wandering the markets and sipping cappuccinos in the town square. We also rented a scooter for a day and drove up the coast which was a fabulous way to see the island... down country back roads with Mount Etna on our left and the sea on our right. Amazing. We also went up Mount Etna and hiked around the site of the 2002 eruption. I have never scampered ... read more
Mosta Cathedral
St. John's Co Cathedral
St. John's Co Cathedral, Valletta

Europe » Malta » Malta » Sliema July 20th 2010

Well, the sun is just as strong and the sky is just as clear as the last time I wrote! Everyday, I wake up sweating. What was I thinking coming here in the middle of the summer!? And to cap it all off, Blake has been giving me updates on the weather in Morocco which is usually a daily high of a staggering 50 degrees! Eeeep. So my Maltese life is becoming more and more routine now. My days are beginning to blend together and my familiarity of the island is getting better. In Malta, despite the insane heat, the summer is packed with festivals and events which I have been doing my best to take advantage of. During my first week on the island, Andrew and I were so keen to hit the beach every ... read more
International Food Night
International Food Night
Megalithic Temples

Europe » Malta » Malta » Sliema July 7th 2010

I'm one week into my latest IFMSA exchange in Malta and am loving it! How could you not? The architecture is gorgeous, the people are incredibly laidback and I have forgotten what a cloudy day looks like! I arrived here last Thursday with my 'rich lady sun hat' (as Andrew calls it) in hand ready to start my month-long, sun-filled adventure in Malta under the pretence that this holiday is critical to my medical education :) My first impression of Malta was indicated by instantaneous back sweat as I stepped off the plane. To say it is hot here would be a gross understatement! I'm not complaining in the least though - my skin hasn't seen the sun for at least a year, and it wold probably be a safe bet that I am among the ... read more
the before photo...

Africa June 24th 2009

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to upload pics. I just spent the last hour trying to make it work... the computers here are not the best and the internet is incredibly slow! Since I'm 'stealing' internet time at the Faculty of Medicine's Physician's room I have to be quick... Since the first week, things here have improved significantly! Since then, I've really gotten to know the surgeons and the students in my department and they now are more than happy to include me in the OR and on ward rounds. Actually, I'm spending most of my time in the hospital - yesterday I was there from 7am until 9:30 pm! I'm learning so much from the docs and the residents & interns. I'm now somewhat competent at suturing - I was able to put ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Sud June 11th 2009

Not having any expectations for this trip was probably a good thing! My Rwandan life so far has been full of surprises and challenges and it's only been a week. On Monday, June 5th, myself and another med student from NOSM named Julie left from Toronto to head over to Rwanda to complete a 4 week medical placement with the International Federation of Medical Students. I was to be placed in surgery, while Julie was going to be spending her time in internal medicine. On our way to Rwanda, we had a 14 hour stop over in Amsterdam which was incredible. Unfortunately, neither of us had been attentive enough to really look over our travel itinerary... so with the time difference, we lost all of Friday night, arriving in Amsterdam in their morning, but our middle ... read more

Asia » Cambodia July 29th 2008

Leaving PP, I jumped on a bus to Kampot - a small town supposedly only 3 hrs away. Six hours of bumping along unpaved roads in a public bus that surprisingly made it in one piece and I finally arrived. I had stopped in Kampot because I was eager to go hiking in Bokor National Park. Unfortunately, when I arrived, I was told that the Bokor mountain was closed to tourists and everyone else because some foreign investor had somehow bought the mountain (!??!) and was building a 400 room hotel and a casino. UGH. I wasn't happy about that. Instead, I spent the afternoon and the next morning just wandering about town. There weren't any other tourists really and the town was really interesting. It was built beside a river and had remnants of French ... read more
Kampot town hall...
Kampot along the river
Bokor Mountain

Asia July 23rd 2008

Well Phnom Penh has defied all negative stereotypes. Coming to this city, I was actually worried that it would be awful since different travelers had told us really negative things about PP and Cambodia in general. After three days in the city, I haven't found any of the negative rumours to be true and would've loved to stay longer! We arrived to PP in the night after our long, long boat ride. We crashed at whatever hotel they brought us to so I really didn't know where I was until the next morning. Our first day in PP we did what we do best - wander (we also spent our second and third day doing more of the same). We walked all over the place stopping first at the Russian market - an eclectic mess of ... read more
Russian market = souvenirs galore (aka fake gucci, prada, GAP, etc. etc.)
How could anyone avoid buying?! There were silk scarves everywhere!
S-21 Prison

Asia July 23rd 2008

After a whirlwind couple of days in Ho Chi Minh City, I was ready to chill out on our supposedly very relaxing three day boat trip along the Mekong Delta. Sightseeing by boat is a very different experience compared to staring out of the window of a bus. Although it was a slow way to travel, I really enjoyed it and was able to see how ppl lived along the Mekong and experience their way of life. The first two days of our trip invovled travelling in a small boat, first along the Saigon river, out to the Mekong, then around many of the Mekong Delta's islands where we got off multiple times to visit setup tourist 'attractions'. These tourist sights were always demonstrations of how the Vietnamese produced some sort of food product. Called 'factories' ... read more
Saigon river
Big boats...
Medium boats...

Asia » Vietnam July 18th 2008

The past five days in this chaotic city has been stimulus overload! Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC or Saigon) is Vietnam's largest city and by large I mean INSANELY large! There are so many ppl and so many motorbikes, it's enough to make your head spin. Eghad! Tory & I arrived here from Mui Ne and checked into a super nice hotel ($16/night! eep! that's the most we've ever paid for a room) w/ air-con, tv, and a fridge. We're living the life! It's a good thing that we had air-con though b/c the city is SO hot, made hotter by the haze of pollution spewing out of the excessive number of motorbike exhaust pipes all over the city. There are no road rules - the motorbikes just go anywhere and everywhere. It's terrifying but also ... read more
There are so many motorbikes!
Instead of the minivan or the pickup truck - the honda motorbike acts as both!

Asia July 14th 2008

It's true - you can smell Mui Ne before you can see it! Mui Ne is a small fishing town where fish sauce is mass produced then shipped to Thailand before it can be exported abroad under the pretense that it was actually manufactured in Thailand, not Vietnam (apparently Vietnam doesn't have high enough hygienic standards to be granted exporting licenses). Food for thought when making Pad Thai back home...! Despite the very strong fish smell, Mui Ne is LOVELY. Unfortunately, unlike Nha Trang which made sure that hotels and resorts weren't built beach-side so that public could still have access, Mui Ne's stretch of beach is now lined with resorts. We found a cheap, but wonderful bungalow for $4/night with a perfect patch of beach, hammocks and really delicious mango shakes - all a girl ... read more
The beach, when the sun fades and the ppl come to swim and play soccer
Watersafety first!

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