asharpe's Guestbook

2nd June 2014

Excellent post!
Loved reading this! Sigiriya is a crazy experience indeed, I loved reading your commentary! Could I ask you for the name of the hotel you stayed at? I checked and the Hotel Sigiriya seems to be the only decent lodgings in the area.
13th July 2013
Paulo Bus Lines

best buses in the world.
14th February 2012

Man oh Man!
What an adventure! This blog and some of the others too, reveal that although you had so many wonderful, memorable adventures and visited so many of the worlds wonders, there were many frustrations and scary moments. I'm so happy that you returned safely to your family and friends who love you - especially when you read of all the horrible things that happen to travellers! Sorry, sounding like a mother eh? It was such fun reading all your blogs Andy. Thanks!! Enjoy your Mardi Gras adventure - be safe and have a blast! xoxo
2nd February 2012
Tomb of H... I can't quite remember. Hoshan, I think.

Humayun's Tomb
One of my favourite sites in Delhi! It can be frustrating forgetting place names, especially when you see so much in a short time. Coming back home can be difficult at times, but if you start planning your next adventure, it makes missing the daily excitement of travel and discovery bearable.
28th July 2011

awesome pics!! I miss India
From Blog: Udaipur, India
23rd July 2011

Did you give the cows names? I would have. I wonder if the white cow realizes that he's different than the others...
22nd July 2011

Another glass of Sigiria please!
This looks like it was epic! The text was awesome but then when I get to see the pictures, I mean wow! So cool. I've held a praying mantis before, they're so cute! Not going to lie though, the "bush hotel' sounds like someplace where you would find ladies of the evening, judging strictly on calling it the bush hotel that is...
22nd July 2011

I Want Kandy
That train ride sounds amazing. I'm glad you have such an open mind and that you are appreciating everything and everyone for who they are and where they are. These stories emphasize what a spoiled brat I am!
22nd July 2011

Blue indeed.
They look more like teal mountains Andy. Is blue Australian for teal?
22nd July 2011

Oh Andy. I keep expecting to find a picture of you rocking a full beard or something. Glad to hear about how badly you had to pee in Sydney! lol
22nd July 2011

Hey Andy it looks like you are having a good time except for some of the dingy places. The furthest I made it down that way was Australia when I was in the navy. I will keep watching your blog to see all the places you have been to. Cheers Gerry
18th June 2011

Kandy isn't always sweet
I just read your newest blog and caught up with the last few blogs. We now have high speed, and it is so nice to be able to read through everything, and see the pics, with ease. You are going to be in western Europe when you are going to be in eastern Europe. The pics are great! Take care of yourselves over there, and be very careful. It sure would be neat if we could meet up when we are in Europe. xoxoxo Aunt Barb
5th June 2011

Worst Alarm Ever
Your story about the band reminds me of a time when for St. Patrick's day here, a band decided to march down the street leading an entire parade outside my window. Not only was it not St. Paddy's yet, it was 10:00 am and I was definitely hung over. Brutal. The plus side is that you have a travel companion who will sleep through ANYTHING. Sounds pretty ideal to me! wink wink! Also I didn't see a mermaid in the photo, just a merman. MERMAN!
23rd May 2011

Australia looks very beautiful! Sounds like you are having a great time. Great pictures.
21st May 2011

Birds of Paradise!
OMG Andy. I wish I were there right now. The birds along, I mean, c'mon - all the adorableness without having to clean up their shit, priceless. Can you bring one back for me? They can always find their way home across the world right? lol This was the week from hell for work! I'm hoping that you're savoring every minute! I can't believe how soon you'll be back! Next time you do something like this, I'm coming along!
15th May 2011
Andy = pro surfer.

Andy = pro surfer
You'll have to end your travels in Hawaii, to try the north shore, Bonzai Pipeline - evidently the best surfing! Good for you, trying new things. Enjoy! xoxo Auntie Brenda
8th May 2011

Is that a Turtle Head Popping out?
Andy, that diving experience sounds incredible. I think that turtle was looking for a little loving. Did you go night diving to try and re-kindle your romance? The diving experience sounds incredible. I am a horrible swimmer so this story is something that inspires me to get better at it! So cool. I also love how everywhere you guys go you seem to have made some new travel friends! Just start calling one of them John and the other one Gigi and you won't miss any of us at all! Say hi to Trung for me and don't be a Virgina! John
28th April 2011

oh the adventures of Andy and Trung. That's a pretty sweet deal about the 4 1/2 star hotel! Did you know Gigi is dating a guy named Randy? Maybe she's trying to replace you with a rhyming name BF?! Suggestive architecture indeed! That building looks way too happy to see you!
28th April 2011

Birds and Wizard Sleeves!
OMG I would have been all over the bird park Andy. If they had an aquarium there too, I may have crapped my pants with pure joy! I love that you found a way to mention wizard sleeves in your blog without using it as the urban dictionary reference - I may have to do the same in my blog!
28th April 2011

This is my favourite post so far. I think the pictures themselves make me laugh my ass off. "this reminds me of when our waitress caught on fire" - priceless. If I magically come across some money, I will be flying out to join you guys for a week or two!
17th April 2011

Hey Andy and Trung; It sure sounds like you guys are having the adventure of your life. You will never forget all that you have done and seen. Andy, you have a real knack for writing, are you sure that you shouldn't become an author. Your writing is very good, and pleasant to read. It is better than reading any travel brochures. The history and all that you have written about are wonderful, and you seem to make everyone reading it feel as though they are almost part of your trip. You guys continue to have a good time, but be careful too. By the way, it is past the middle of April, and we have had a mini snow storm. Don't you wish you were here. LOL Take care! Auntie Barb
26th March 2011

Now that I have stopped crying I am speechless.
26th March 2011

I am pretty sure I will never be travelling to Cambodia, so it is ablosutely amazng to see all these sights through your eyes, to read some of the history and to feel the flavour of everywhere you visit from your descriptions. INCREDIBLE. xxoo
16th March 2011

I want a $2 foot massage by fishes! You should have just said, I'll give you 5 cents to piss off, or $1 for the baby! lol
16th March 2011

Good Reading
Hey Andy....finally got caught up with your blogs. Amazing. Sounds thrilling, yet scary at the same time. Not sure I could be doing even 1/10th of what you are doing. It is great seeing the world without having to travel myself. Can't wait for the next adventure. Safe travels.

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