


Travelling is not just "Touch N Go". It is more than this. Travelling is to enjoy what other offers, fun, excitement, colors of nature and cultures, food culture , history and people who wants to know us and to make them special in our lives.

My grammar is great, I get jumbled up all the time. Simply wrote what comes to my mind and in many odd ways. Cuckoo is the word. Hope you will like my blogs(if that's a blog) to reckon with.

Asia » Malaysia » Negeri Sembilan » Kuala Pilah November 3rd 2013

(Mousoleum of Tuan Tulis)“He wrote the path to righteousness”“He was never an Imam…but the Saint of Allah” On my way to Gemas from KL, I was a bit worried that I will lose my way there. My brother Cikgu Rafdi, kept calling me “Kau kat mana sekarang?”every half hour. Taking a slow drive, passing thru few villages and I came across a small town called Tanjung Ipoh…I laughed to myself… “Sini pun ada Ipoh meh?” and to my attentive eyes on the road, I saw a signage “Makan Tuan Tulis”. “Now who can that be?” Must be someone special, with historical background, I believe. The Malay community here should know about him. But then, I just put the idea aside, as ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City July 17th 2013

Melaka, formerly known as Malacca was colonized by The Portuguese, Dutch and The British from 1400 until 1957. Melaka was the important trading port, strategically located in the South East Asia, all because of the Three "G"s. Gold, Glory and God. Today, Melaka is named UNESCO World Heritage. A busy city with two million pairs of legs. Traffic is bad on weekends. Jonker Street became Chinatown took over Bunga Raya Road (the original Chinatown, now a sleepy road during the nights). Gosh! How I missed the oldies played from the Jukebox and ice kacang (shaved ice dessert) It was in the sixties, when I was less than ten years old. Melaka has become wider and bigger due to numerous reclaiming the land. I always joke with my friends that this reclaiming land one day will join ... read more
Popiah Making
Popiah Seller
Wooden Buckets

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu April 19th 2013

Nagi Gompa, a place I called peace and serene. It is high up on the Shivapuri Forest Reserved, Bagmati District, Kathmandu. It belongs to KaNying Shedrup Ling Monastery. A well guarded place by the armies during the time when the Maoist rebels tried to take over this forest as the hideout and it is still on high security today. One has to pay a fee of Rs250 and for the bike charge of Rs150. Checking of passport and asking questions I could not understand but my friend Surendra replied all. It is always easy when you have a local friend around. The way up was not easy, rough snakey road, rocky road, as we went up it gets cooler, fresh air seem to seep in, cooling us but it really gave extra pressure on the bike. ... read more
Nagi Gompa
Nagi Gompa
Nagi Gompa

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu April 12th 2013

As we came down from Nagi Gompa Shivapuri Forest Reserves, my friend Surendra rode us to Nagarkot in his FZ Yamaha bought in 2008, using the shortcut he knew some twenty years ago, going up and down the terrains of some villages a couple of miles before Kathmandu. It was a big blow to us as the road had a landslide, generally being repair by the road works we had to divert to another direction to get to Kathmandu. After asking some people around, they showed us another way but not a better way, as we had to snake through the huge dumping river, the crows and the people scavenging through the rubbish dump, eagles high up in the sky looking for its prey, bypassed a pig sty which has “The Best Perfume“ ever produced in ... read more
Nepali Paper
Nepali Paper
Nepali Paper

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 10th 2013

I love to walk the streets of Thamel. It gave me joy to see a street full of life where tourists throng to this very place for shopping, food and a round trip sightseeing by trishaws. Narrow lanes and roads with hundreds of shops of many choices to haggle from one end to another can be quite tiresome but fun. Shops here usually opens around 11.00am, people busily displaying their products, some yawn the minute they lift up the shutters, Oh what a day to start! But soon the streets began bee-busy a whole new person is born. Tibetan music filled the streets, trishaw men cling-cling their bells to call on customers, flute players playing their tune asking if you would buy one…sorry, I don’t blow. Walking Cowboy hat seller, stacked up of a few hats ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Swayambhunath April 9th 2013

The story: It was believe that this hill was a lotus lake created by God. That there was actually a lake surrounded by the hills, bright light shone to the sky and Lord Manjusri at that time saw this light from China flew in to see the great lake. For the pilgrims to come to this holy place easy Lord Manjusri struck the ground with his sword, the water began to seep into the ground, leaving a vast land, now known as Kathmandu. I asked my Newari friend, "Where do you get your water supply?" They put a pipe into the ground of 200 feet deep with the help of the water pressure pump (if that is the right word). The Swayambunath Temple was founded by the great grandfather of King Manadeva (464-505CE), King Vsradeva about ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Pashupatinath Temple April 7th 2013

Pasupathinath, is one of the significant sacred Hindu place in praise of Lord Shiva, the temple served as the seat of the national deity, Lord Pasupathinath. Shree Pashupatinath, therefore, means the Respected Protector and Lord of all living things. It is nestled on the banks of Bagmati River. There are many Lingams displayed on the hills facing the crematory area. When I went there I saw some activities of cremation going on. My new friend, Mr Nainna showed me the place where cremation took place. It was sad to see the dead and the mourners, spending some moments with the decease for the last time was actually quite painful. But what more painful for me to see was the river dried up totally really hit my heart. "Where did the water go?" I came to hear ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Boudhanath April 4th 2013

The 14th century old Great Stupa of Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal never ceased to fail me because of its gigantic three level Mandala dome, a height of thirty six meters, with sixteen walls of one hundred and eight small turning wheels, adorned with colored prayer flags that waved gracefully against the sky. Four pairs of Buddha’s eyes facing four directions marking my steps, my thoughts and my speech. A circumambulate (kora) of one hundred and fifty meters which only took twenty minutes to walk round the Stupa. Well, I usually take more than this, maybe close to two hours, twice or thrice a day for my photography session of the Stupa, the people and the surrounding. These devotees’ starts very early in the morning, around 5.00am and ends at 8.00pm. Herbal Incense filled the air, offerings of ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Durbar Square March 30th 2013

It was a long journey to Thamel from Pharpin. At 11.00 am it was blazing hot despite the temperature to be 13 degrees centigrade. I was looking out from the taxi window, hoping to take photographs of the Hindus celebrating Holi festival. Kids and adults splashed water bags onto each other, rubbing color powders on faces as a symbol of being blessed. White shirts became colored, even the bald headed do get same results. Young and old and no matter who you are, you will be rubbed on faces with colors, being hug and sometimes cheek to cheek. Every time I see one on the streets, I could not get a good shot of pictures; my taxi driver just rammed his Maruti taxi like F1. My mind said “Oh it’s just a small group who plays ... read more
Holi Festival -Durbar Square
Holi Festival -Durbar Square
Holi Festival -Durbar Square

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 12th 2013

Driving from Maana Madurai to Madurai, I spotted a police post. It is a small post with not much existence to the public. I caught this picture because this is a rare site that I could not resist to capture something unusual. Water plastic pots as lamp post. The evening sunlight shone at the water pots giving a glow like Chinese red lanterns. Either the police station has run out of budget, maybe slogan says, "Counter Measures with Least Budget". What about "Waste Not Campaign"? My driver and I had a good laugh and even louder as he continued to say, "This is Indian Culture". I certainly agreed.... read more

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