Thomas Elliott


Thomas Elliott

Europe » Germany » Berlin March 3rd 2012

I have been in Germany for almost a week now, and so far so good! I am beginning to feelwhy people like Berlin so much - it is difficult to put a finger on exactly what it is though; je ne sais quoi is definitely the answer I want to give, but it feels too much like a cop out. I will try to explain a few aspects though. 1)The city plan. Big wide thoroughfares eliminate the claustrophobic feelings that dominate so many other cities, like York or in a more extreme version, London. Rows of trees line many of the streets, and again, it opens the whole place up. It also makes walking a lot less painful, as there is enough room for people to walk 8 abreast in so many places. As I mentioned ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin February 29th 2012

First and formost, a belated happy leap day to you all. For those of you who (like me) failed to achieve anything, so long as you fit in an extra day between now and the next one, eternal bad luck won't befall you. Anyway, here is an update on my move to the land of the currywurst. After an entierly uneventful train back to derby (a place I did not envisage returning to so quickly!) and an airport shuttle to the hotel, I arranged a wake up call and quickly fell asleep - but no sooner had my head hit the pillow than the rude blare of the phone jolted back into reality and I was off. A crisp morning awaited me and an exceptionally prompt flight landed me at Berlin Schonefeld 20 minutes early, and ... read more

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos » Amazon Rainforest August 18th 2011

After one final, and very heavy, night in Mancora, I was on a 9am chicken bus (bad seats, no air-con) outta there. Long story short, so as not to dwell on it (I just deleted this paragraph as it sounded to negative!) , this, the next 15hour night bus, and the taxi rides (more the taxi drivers - they are just bad people) made me somewhat irate - more than any other journey I had taken this tour! Anyway I arrived at Yurimagus, and more importantly, I arrived at the time I wanted to, which is to say, I arrived in time to catch the boat. I did not even know there was going to be a boat that day, nor what time it would leave, so Lady Luck was definatly on hand for that one! ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora August 14th 2011

This is to be a (relativly) short entry as I did as I intended to in Mancora - very little! I updated my vitamin D, by enjoying far too many lazy days around the pool, the beach, and of course in the sea. Most of the time, I body-boarded in the sea, which was as much fun now at 22, as it was when I was the same size as the board itself - which must have been pretty young - oh what it is to feel old! Anyway, I did enjoy that, as the waves were pretty good in Mancora. So good infact I went surfing. And it (kinda) worked! I was crusing down green waves, a Beach Boys soundtrack in the back of my mind - actually one of my wipeouts was because I ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora August 8th 2011

On the 22h bus from Cusco to Lima, I decided that actually I fancied a few days on the beach, rather thasn in the mountains of Huaraz. This was quite a big descision in some respects, as it required a bit of rearranging. More than that, instead of another 8h bus, it meant that I had to get a 15h bus, followed by another 3 h colective taxi - so including transfer times, I was travelling for 42h by bus. This was not good. Needless to say, attempts at conversation with me towards the end were met with monosyllabic answers or a smile that didn't touch my eyes. However, at the end of it was Mancora, Peru's best beach. I am spending a few days here now, r&r before I head into the Amazon. It is ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 3rd 2011

After packing my bag, I was asked by my room maters why I hadn't gone to drink with them earlier (I had said I would), so I assured them that I would join them for one or two beers. It turned out my fellow imbibers were students at Nottingham uni - i.e. they were big drinkers. ------- At 6am my alarm went off, and I was on the 12 seater mini bus by 7 30. After a very pituresque couple of hours, we arrived at a snowy pass, where we were unloaded and mountain bikes given to each of us (yes, I opted for a treck that involved biking). At some point during the next 5 hours of cycling, I started to really feel the effects ofg the night . Turns out I still havn't fully ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco July 30th 2011

So, after my last entry, I found a resturant overlooking the main Plaza which was reputed to serve good Cuy - the Peruvian delicacy. Being a game old bird, I am happy to try anything, but I think this was one of the more bizarre foods I have ever eaten! Here is my account of the ensuing battle. ------ There were several resturants viying for my patronage as I walked towards my pre-selected eatary, which meant when I arrived at said place, I was obliged to ask the waiter trying to usher me in if I coulkd have a free Pisco Sour with my meal - he aquiesed. Win! Seating myself in a perfect people watching position, my order was taken without me ever looking at the menu, and I sipped my drink whilst watching the ... read more

I had acually tried to make a reservation for a trip here in Potosi. On A recommendation of a tour company - eviently the only one that spoke english - I had wanted to ring from Potosi just to let them know I was wanting to do it if they had placed. Whilst the operator indeed did speak perfect English, the connection was so bad that it almost foiled my efforts. "Can I take your name please?" "Thomas" "Robin?" "Thomas!" "Ok Robin, see you tomorrow" "No, Thomas, Tom, T- O- M" "Ooooh sorry! Ok then Jon, sorry about the phone, it´s a bad connection" No kidding. Anyway we got there in the end, and after a half night bus, half hostel nights sleep I was rearing to go, especially after caramel and pankakes for breakfast. It ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department July 26th 2011

After the excitement of the Death Road, I jumped on a night bus headed south to what is claimed to be the highest city in the world ( ) - Potosi. At the time the Spaniards descovered the mountain beside the then town's rich mineral deposits, the population exploaded' as the Spaniards imported huge numbers of people to work the mines and fund their eer expanding empire. This meant that at one point in history (between the C16 and early C18), Postosi was also one of the worlds largest in terms of population. Anyway, I arrived in the wee hours of the morning, and after learning a Polish guy and his American grlfriend could speak fluent Spanish, I latched onto them when the bus rolled in an hour earlier than anticipated, at 6am. Together we ... read more

This has to be a really rapido entry as I am due to leave this Internet Cafe in 15 mins! (sorry to those of you who have emailed or messaged with no reply - my internet time is very scant!) So. Firstly, sorry Mum, I know I said I wouldn{t do this! But, it was really really fun. Long story short, on Sunday, I decided to make my escape from the black whole that is La Paz, or more precicelty, Wild Rover. So I decided to oncve and for all book my trip down the worlds most dangerous road and then a ticket out of La Paz. ORigionally I intended to gho to Uyunio, but the bus times weren{t workiung for me so I booked to Potosi instead - due back from the cycle at 7 ... read more

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