Skyfire24x's Guestbook

14th February 2012

I hope u have double panes windows, how do u get any sleep? How different from your village in guinea huh? U should try and set up your camera around your neck as a necklace and film your walk to work, I\'m sure its just as interesting. Love your editing skills btw, not sure I even know how to do that.
21st April 2011

Im missing it.
Luv n hugs to all my wcna members n all fellow bro n sis hope enjoy n be more charge after wcna.bye luv n hugs>>>
From Blog: WCNA
13th February 2011

Liking Portugal
I had a bad experience in the Libson airport and decided to judge the entire country on those 24 hours. Obviously this was more or less a joke though as less than a year later I made the decision to move to Portugal. The title of the post was meant to be ironic. I have been here for almost six months now and I have nothing but praise for the the Portuguese and their country. Everyone here has been beyond nice and welcoming. It is easy to get around, even if you don't speak the language, you can find some amazing food, and compared to the rest of Western Europe, it's really cheap. I highly recommend making Portugal part of your upcoming travel plans. You won't be disappointed.
19th January 2011

20th August 2010

Saase doesn't change much. I looked at much the same scene over 20 years ago when I first moved to Labe. There are more multistory buildings.
9th June 2010

Hello Samantha
Hi Samantha, You know i am of the old school and find it so hard to follow-up with all these new programs. Anyway, today i find myself reading some of your blogs. They are quite interesting. I should have tried this long ago, but as the saying goes, better late than never. I hope to continue reading all the blogs i can get to. I just finished Andrew's. Bonne Chance!! Yvonne
3rd May 2010

Your Granada post made me laugh, but I sympathize! I loved Spain, and the food, and your photos made miss it so much! My blog is looking for travel photos, stories (like your volunteer experiences!), etc, to share. If you have the time, check it out at, or email me at Enjoy the rest of your time in Spain, and all that ham! Heather :)
From Blog: Spain?!
12th March 2010

Labe is my city
From Blog: Mini "Vacation"
29th August 2009

Great job!
Well said, again! You will fit in anywhere. Peace
From Blog: WCNA
29th August 2009

Friend of your dad's
Always good to read your comments related to your journey. Keep up the good work and positive attitude. The world needs more people like you. :) Peace Don
From Blog: Let It Rain!
25th July 2009

thanks for the entries
the pictures bring back many memories..
6th July 2009

Guinea is not the USA
You went to their world, they did not come to your world. You were not invited, you volunteered to go there. When Norhtern Europeans were invading N. America and Iberians were invading Central and S. Americas people in Guinea, though not called that at that time, had been around with their system of living for many years. Slaving and French merchantilism follwed by Colonialization(invasion) to rape the resources for the greater glory of French nobility. When you return to the USA look at all the DVD flicks and see 99% are male oriented and never notice what is the story of male sports and very little of female sports. Go on line and notice all the porn sites where women are used for male bisual satisfaction andf sexual stimulation so that they can face relating sexually to their partners and perhaps Guinea is not so strange. I was going to vote for Hillary because she had these massive bags under her eyes that told me she was not a juice freak(alcohol) but an avid reader with eyes strained severely from her love of the written word. Relax and learn from your experiance. Accept those things you did not cause and have come to witness and in the end dowhat you can to make a difference no matter how small. By the way I am 62 years old, have one daughter, married with the same person for 42 years happily and am a male who has traveled in Africa residing in Colorado wishing I could spend more time in Africa where I find life meaningful. Me Ye Owurra(I am a male-Twi Akan language)
10th January 2009

Keep it up! Your blog is so real and moving in portraying my lovely country.
21st November 2008

this is amazing. i knew you were watching (=
21st September 2008

This is why I'm hot
damn I'm hot. it's a wonder i'm single
From Blog: Visual Aides
13th May 2008

hi sam!
we got your letter here a couple days ago! Thanks for thinking of everyone (we all miss you!) Hope things are going well, and keep on posting so we know how you're doing! :) miss you!
10th February 2008

Congratulations! Give those AIDS some hell! Hope all is well!
8th February 2008

Stan! I miss you so much! Glad you're still alive and well :)
8th February 2008

So true. I love you :)
7th February 2008

i love the dress... stop puking or it'll fall right off of you!
26th January 2008

I ate a sardine salad today! I love you
5th January 2008

[Insert american exclamation word]
Sammy, I am so glad for you, for living your dream in Guinea. Keep it up!
26th December 2007

i love it. i love it. and i love you!!
6th December 2007

Welcome to Guinea
Bonjour Sam, Upon my arrival to Conakry in 1963, I likewise experienced similar feelings. Upon being posted to Kissidougou, I really fell in love with Guinea and the Guineans. Forty years later, I had a chance to return to Kissidougou and search for Guinean families whom I had known in 1964. It was a very fruitful and rewarding experience. Please enjoy your stay in Guinea! Robert
From Blog: Finally arrived!

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