Sam Heyes


Sam Heyes

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque September 29th 2019

I'm not going to go into too much detail here because, as you can see from the title, I visited more ruins and there's not much I can say which I haven't already. The ruins at Palenque (Palen-kay) are unique due to their artwork and carvings. Their location, situated on the side of a mountain also seems to be unique. The jungle scenery surrounding the former Mayan city was just as impressive as the structures, with some beautiful trees around 30M high. Coupled together with the former Mayan city this made for a very eerie atmosphere. Whilst walking around the central palace area, which seemed like a maze of different rooms and courtyards I managed to get lost. I'm not joking, it took me around ten minutes of walking down different passageways and ending up in ... read more

North America » Mexico » Campeche » Xpujil September 24th 2019

From doing research online it was apparent that this Mayan city was difficult to get to, a blog titled “how the hell do you get to Calakmul” revealed the difficulty, at least for the authors. Thanks to their hard work and stress it made my journey rather easy. Although, it took ten hours of travel including sitting in a Burger King playing Football Manager for three hours waiting for a connecting bus. My destination was the town of Xpujil (Esh-poohill), a small rural town with nothing except a few hotels. This is the closest town to Calakmul, I think around 120km away. The journey to Calakmul is 45 minutes spent driving down the highway and around an hour an half down a pot hole laden road through the jungle. I was advised to take plenty of ... read more

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Uxmal September 24th 2019

After realising that Mexico was more expensive than the research I did before arriving had me believe I've decided to be quick and see the sites I came for and get to, hopefully, much cheaper Guatemala ASAP. My stop in Merida was just one day, so this is a short blog. The city itself I didn't see a great deal of, however it's a properly Mexican city. The feeling of really being in Mexico began here. There's a colonial church overlooking the main park which is a social hub for the locals. All day and all night the park is full of friends and families all socialising together and something that I thought was really nice. Something society at home seems to have lost is our togetherness and community feel. The main purpose of my stop ... read more

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Valladolid September 24th 2019

I was keen to get to Valladolid and begin exploring the “real” Mexico rather than the heavily touristy version found along the Riviera Maya. So I was a little disappointed to find that Valladolid is more like a Spanish town than most Spanish towns. It's made up of these beautiful little streets with coloured houses. It's got a very sleepy feel to it. There seems to be quite a lot of ex-pats there who own little coffee shops giving the town a hipster feel. Something which was confirmed when I saw a “concept store”, what the fuck is a concept store?! Valladolid is ideally located to Chichen Itza, and is surrounded by lots of cenotes. I met a few people there and my first night happened to be one of their birthdays, so of course Tequila ... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Riviera Maya September 24th 2019

I've been a bit lazy so far so I'm writing this three weeks after the fact. Arriving in Mexico I noticed one thing immediately, it's FUCKING hot. Not like India hot, but this intense humidity which is reminiscent of a sauna. BUT it's so good to be back on the road again, no worries, no responsibilities...beyond making sure I stay alive. This truly is what life is about, something I might have forgotten had I stayed home any longer. What I've noticed since I arrived is the way I feel has completely changed, the discontent built up over two years of working “a typical 9-5” mostly dissolved after one week. Such is the difference in feeling that I almost feel like two different people. What I love the most about travel is the question mark over ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab May 29th 2017

I came to Egypt for two things, ancient Egyptian temples/pyramids and diving in the Red sea. The Red sea is renowned for being some of the best diving in the world. Before coming to Egypt I'd taken note of the governments warning and decided that I would go diving in Marsa Alam to the south due to the high chance of seeing giant sea turtles (my favourite animal) and the very slight chance of seeing a Dugong! After doing some research it looked increasingly unlikely that I would be able to visit due to the lack of backpacker accommodation. The minimum was $20 per night! My whole daily budget!. So after meeting a number of other backpackers who had either been to Dahab, or were heading to Dahab, I decided I HAD to go to Dahab. ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan May 29th 2017

I'd been forewarned that Aswan was going to be even quieter than Luxor, and so it was. With no especially famous or important monuments, Aswan is usually a quick stop off on the way to visit Abu Simbel around 300km to the south. Naturally though, this is Egypt and I'm alongside the Nile so inevitably there's some things to see. Aswan is the location of the quarry used all those years ago for the stones that built all the temples and pyramids of Egypt. The ancients being the genius' they were, waited every year for the flooding of the Nile, where the banks would be flooded for six months of the year leaving the farmland un-farmable. The ancients used this to their advantage because it allowed them to sail further away from the river. This is ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor May 15th 2017

Firstly the train journeys in other countries are always an interesting experience, and the 11 hours from Cairo to Luxor didn't disappoint. I'd read online that if you book a ticket at the station through the ticket booths you'll be sold a night ticket on the tourist train which costs around $100! BUT this is easily avoided by going to the self serve ticket machine and buying a ticket yourself. It's fine to do this, no ones going to stop you. The rule is presumably there to make tourists spend more money. So for E£57 I had a ticket to Luxor. Unfortunately the train at night was fully booked when I wanted to leave so I ended up “wasting” a whole day on the train. Perhaps this could've been easily avoided had I not been lazy ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo May 14th 2017

I'm back on the road and back with the blogs for a few weeks, and as the title suggests I'm EGYPT!. My earliest memory of learning about the ancient Egyptians comes from when I was in year 4, so when I was around 8 years old. Ever since it's been a dream to come and visit some of the oldest structures in the world, built by some of the most amazing humans to ever walk the planet...or aliens ;). I wanted to come when me and Dave first set off 15 months ago, but due to flight prices going up when we wanted to book we went straight to India, much to my dismay. Given the current “situation” in the country, now seemed like the perfect time to visit Egypt. A situation that doesn't exist by ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North January 4th 2017

When randomly looking through a guide book we picked out this temple as a crazy adventure. The more we looked into it, the harder it appeared to be to get there, the more exciting it seemed. We left our main bags at the hostel in Siem Reap, and packed small bags to take with us. We hired a scooter for $9 per day, charged our phones for satnav (Thankfully it's the 21st century!) and set off for Anlong Veng where we would spend a night before setting off for the temple. It didn't take long before we were clearly in a part of the country that doesn't get many foreign visitors. Back to being curiously stared at and children waving as we drove past. Along the way we drove past a really small, poor village and ... read more

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