Sadie & Øyvind


Sadie & Øyvind

We are Sadie and Øyvind, she is 28 and Spanish-American (raised in Barcelona, American by passport) and he is 35 and Norwegian all the way. We are married and live in Oslo (moved here together in 2008) and we both work in film and TV, Øyvind is a photografer and Sadie is a director working as a koordinator/AD 😊
We are quitting our jobs, packing up and leaving for the trip of a lifetime together! Our plans are to be gone anywhere between 6 and 10 months, and we hope to get off the beaten track and maybe work/volunteer along the way in order to better get to know the countries we visit and their people.
Between the two of us we speak English, Spanish, French, Catalan, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, as well as understanding quite a bit of German, Portuguese and Italian, and hope to learn as many new languages as possible along the way.
We plan to document our travels, and maybe even make something worth watching along the way, though we do not want out entire trip to be about making a project.
We look forward to enjoying, experiencing, discovering and of course sharing our travels!

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Gili Meno May 9th 2013

We could not stay at Mahamaya forever, and so we spent our next 5 days on Gili Meno on the "busier" side of the island, at Tropical Hideaways, a sweet little cluster of bungalows with a pretty garden and a pool. The only way to get there in one go without sweltering in the heat was to hire a horse buggy (there are no cars or mopeds on the island, and no roads, only narrow dirt trails. We had been looking forward to riding one, but of course, I had managed to forget how allergic Øyvind is to horses, and he had forgotten to remind me, so by the end of the 5-minute ride he was ready to lie down and close his puffy eyes... This is a perfect chance to put Gili Meno in perspective. ... read more
Pool is closed...
Working class hero
Anyone for a game of pool?

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Gili Meno April 30th 2013

This entry has been a long time coming, but as we are now back in Norway, beginning to write it means we will soon be publishing our last blog for this trip of ours, and that will definitely mark the beginning of a new reality. But for now, let us dream back to Indonesia.Having successfully sold our car for asking price (who gets that lucky????) and feeling slightly flush again, we decided to round off our trip with a stay in Indonesia. We had originally hoped to get to New Zealand, but our available funds would have meant having to travel as roughly and cheaply as we had been doing in Australia, and, to be honest, we were a bit tired. Also, we wanted to be able to DO things in New Zealand, and relax and ... read more
Island life
Sadie in the sun 1
Luxury Dining

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin April 13th 2013

We had set up at Hidden Valley, a caravan park outside of Darwin, with nice grounds and a nice pool, and decided to give it 5 days before lowering the price on the car. Since we were (very) low on money and had no idea of a) when we would sell the car or b) how much we could get for it, our days consisted of devising ways of evading the extremely sticky heat while spending as little money as possible. This included eating through our reserves of canned food, spending time at the library (free though sloooooow wifi, and amazing aircon), visiting the Northern Territory Museum, which was like a glorious refrigerator and is home to the best natural history exhibit outside of New York and a really extensive Aboriginal art & culture exhibit as ... read more
On the safe side
Waterfront wharf
Here's looking at you...

We reluctantly left Lake Argyle and headed back into Kununurra to pick up my phone, but first we visited the Minjira National Park, a.k.a the “mini Bungles”, a consolation prize for the real thing still being inaccessible by road. It was a short hot walk, the rock formations were very cool indeed, and after a quick visit to the police station to collect my phone (which smelled like beer but was otherwise still working), we were soon on our way. We decided to spend the night at the Gregory National park, and were relieved to find the campsites at a reasonable distance from the water (we could hear it but not see it) and there was one other couple there who reassured us we were (reasonably) safe from the crocs. The night was clear and moonless, ... read more
Mud fun
Wangi Falls bird

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Lake Argyle April 8th 2013

We got a late start so we spent the night at Willare Bridge Roadhouse, which, as roadhouses go, was pretty cozy. Their facilities were nice enough, it had a bit of a station feel, it only cost 22 bucks and the next morning we both got free coffee! Not bad at all :) We decided to drive as far as possible in order to save as many nights as possible for potentially open national parks (though we could only find out if they were open when we got to the closest town for updated information), so we went over 500 km to Halls Creek, where it was unexpectedly equal parts cold and depressing. And that night we learned the hard way what a little lack of information can do. We were getting ready to go to ... read more
Beautiful camping dessert!
Donkey check in
Its still a pretty long way

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome April 2nd 2013

We decided we could spend the rest of the weekend bush camping on the Broome Peninsula, so that we could get some information on Saturday (when some things were open) and be ready to hopefully get everything we needed done by Tuesday so we could get into the Kimberley and onto the Gibb River Road, the rough 4x4 road traversing the red earth of the Kimberleys for over 400 km, with endless gorges, homesteads and station stays dotting the route, along with cliffs, natural pools and endless boab trees. It was one of the reasons we got the Land Cruiser in the first place, and our consolation prize for not being able to go proper outbacking. As we drove through Broome and up the coast on the unsealed road and got off into the sand tracks ... read more
Magic hour
The biggest pool ever
Looking for a place to stay

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Nullagine March 30th 2013

Since we got a late start leaving Karajini, we decided to spend the night at a nice-sounding free campsite only 50 km down the road. The Albert Tognolini rest area has a nice little 4x4 track going up the side of a mountain, and we just kept driving further and further up along the ridge, over steep rocky climbs. At every turn we thought the track must end, but then it just kept going. Pretty certain we would be alone for the night (or at the very least that we would hear anyone coming our way long before they reached us since the track was so rough), we set up camp overlooking the valley and proceeded to hang out in the nude, just because we could (ok, it was boiling hot as well). We also did ... read more
Love tree
Road kill 1
Up the mountain

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Newman March 28th 2013

1 – Make a delicious meal (for illustrative purposes we have made an extra greasy eggs and bacon breakfast as an example – this may or may not be related to the fact that this is Øyvind's breakfast every day) 2 – Enjoy your (greasy/sticky/saucy/messy) meal – do not refrain from licking plates/bowls/cuttlery – this shows the cook you enjoyed it AND saves on washing! 3 – Use a paper towel to dry off grease/condensed milk/sauce/leftover bits from everything you wish to wash (try to turn and use every corner of the paper towel, if you do so you will very rarely need more than two sheets (yes, even with that greasy mess!) 4 – “Wash” everything with wet wipes (we use the supercheap ones from Coles, which are a bit rough and as such make ... read more
The problem
Fryingpan with fat
Nice, cheap kitchen roll

Upon leaving Coral Bay, we heard (contrary to what we had been told that same morning) that the army was indeed doing defense testing on their reserve, which meant that the coastal 4x4 road up from Coral Bay to Exmouth was closed, and that in order to be on the nicest, most secluded beaches, we still had to drive all around the cape like everyone else. Itching to get inland, and having gotten what we considered more than our fair share of underwater sightings and coastal bliss, we decided to take the 4x4 track as far as we could, and then say goodbye to the coast until Broome (where there are crocodiles, so this was also goodbye to swimming) and head towards Karajini. It was only around 70 km, but it took us almost 3 hours. ... read more
Hot guy
Sundown at the creek
Lush gorges

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Coral Bay March 21st 2013

Coral Bay is more like an overgrown petrol station than a town. It really isn't much more than a gorgeous beach surrounded by a few places to stay and enough tour operators to supply a small country of visitors. Regardless, we ended up spending four nights there. Yeah, the water really is that mesmerizing. We found Ningaloo Experience on the first day, and as they seemed to run the smallest tours, had the best prices, and the woman working there, Fran, was not only local but really knew what she was talking about, we decided to abandon our frugal ways and invest in the hopes of getting to swim with some wonderful underwater creatures. We had to wait a day to hope some more people would sign up, and we spent the first half of it ... read more
Jump in
Camping sites can be beautiful to

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