Bob & Stephanie Siemer


Bob & Stephanie Siemer

North America » United States » California October 3rd 2018

We camped @ Cape Disappointment and walked Ruby’s Beach. Covered with driftwood. At Fort Bragg this was the view of the lagoon, out our side door and a headland we hiked. Anything to tire the spouse and tHe dod. Finally made it the Avenue of the Giants. Redwoods cannot be adequately described. The peaceful groves are awe inspiring. Trunks 19’ in diameter. We are currently in Pacifica, visiting relative and ever the tourists, we are off to Coit tower and the DeYoung art museum. ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Winchester Bay September 25th 2018

Winchester Bay, OR. Tried to drive from Cape Disappointment, WA via Tillamook Cheese Factory to Cape Blanco. 6pm and the sun getting low, it was time to settle in. The picture of a stream is from Stamp River Provincal Park, Vancouver Island, BC. There were falls and we could watch the salmon resting in pools below the falls before attempting (and jumping) to the fish ladder. Amazing commitment in the face of so much rushing water. The beach rock is not Morro Rock but a rock off Ruby's Beach, Kalaloch, WA. The collection of drift wood is enormous but of course, you cannot collect any of it. The little grotto is part of a Large Leaf Maple trail in the Lake Quinault part of the Olympic NF. The colors are indescribable yellows and deep green mosses. ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia September 17th 2018

So this isn't the glacier, it's the river caused by the glacier. The Fantasy tour is over and we're off on our own. At the Hat Creek Ranch, I found this late 1800 bed warmer - called a pig. Quaint. So down to Squamish. Down being the definitive term. I didn't know that grades of 15% were permitted but we found them, along with more construction. Being tourists, we toured the Brittania Copper Mine. Copper is so concentrate that blue crystals of copper sulfate could be seen on the walls of the mine. We had a gourmet dinner in Whistler, BC. Not being ski season, we avoided the one month wait for a reservation. So we bypassed Vancouver and ferried (literally) to the Sunshine Coast. We missed the sunshine (i.e. still more rain) but found the ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Valdez August 25th 2018

Ever wonder what a weir is? It's a man made waterfall. This one is the Bear Creek Weir in Palmer, AK. It's used by the fish hatchery to count the number and type of salmon going upstream. If you look closely you can see the salmon swimming below the weir. The mountainous pictures are of Valdez - right where the oil comes from. It's a little town of 3,000 set beside these huge mountains and glaciers. The colorful fleet of power boats are primarily personal use. Hearty folk, they are, who calling it fun, boot and suit up to spend a day fishing in 2' seas and worse, freezing water and 59 degree, drizzling weather. A few of our group have tried their hand and are taking home over sixty pounds of salmon. For the healthcare ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Homer August 19th 2018

Seward, AK. It's still raining. From Homer took a boat ride to Solvania, think Catalina (as someplace to go) and very rustic (swimming loses it appeal at 59 degrees). Off to Seward, the town was wiped out in a 1964 tusanmi caused by a 9.2 earthquake, so they moved the business district to higher ground and used the waterfront for an RV park (how's that for prioritization?) The Alaska Sealife Center is Alaska's premier aquarium. Long Beach's aquarium is well known here and they have exchanged seals (to broaden the gene pool). We took a puffin experience - yes it is a live and well behaved puffin in the picture (as long as the presenter kept feeding it fish). The presenters pressed on how changes in climate have been effecting the relocation of birds, fishes and ... read more

From the same couple who did Norway in January, now rafting on the Tanana river, Denali, Alaska. Water temp, just above freezing. Grey water due to glacial silt. Steph is row 2 Bob is far side. About 3’ curls, everyone gets wet. Scenery to die for.... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks August 6th 2018

You've probably never wondered what sled dogs do during the summer but here it is. This kennel has 141 dogs and runs sled dog tours during the winter. During the summer, they give talks on sledding. Racing is all about how well the musher knows his dogs - he controls how fast they run, how long and when they rest. There have been instances where the dogs just quit running. Falling asleep at a rest stop is a major risk - no one will wake you while the competition moves on. The town is Dawson City. I like to think we drove 1300 miles for this? Very rustic. We honored the town by having a tire problem on the tow car and had to spend an extra day. The derelict stern wheeler is the result of ... read more

North America » Canada » Yukon » Whitehorse July 28th 2018

These narrows on the Yukon River look tame after the installation of two dams. But in the 1890s they were impassible and stymied gold seekers trying to reach Whitehorse to journey on Dawson City. It’s in the 80s and the group is stressing the parks power grid. Some parks have their own generators-there’s no public power available. The views while driving are expansive.... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff National Park July 17th 2018

Just a simple hike, Bow Falls Hoodoos. Found this young elk whetting his thirst. All about two miles from town.... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary July 15th 2018

At least I understood the chuck wagon racing. Very few guys in Hawaiian shirts.... read more

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