Pier's adventure


Pier's adventure

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia November 12th 2012

Upon returning to Santiago from Easter Island, we were confronted with one very large cosy bed in our hotel room (there's not many boundaries left between us any more) and very soon were on the pavement heading towards dinner options wanting some thing quick and easy as it was11pm and our day had started at 6.40am. After walking many blocks I look up and there it is - Tiramisu, rated as Santiago's best must eat at pizza kitchen and on Rochelle's list of must dos. We dined on tasty pizza amongst smartly dressed Santiaguans, looking truly like travelers with unbrushed hair, skanky clothes and lots of Easter Island dust. The music - classic 1980s selections yet again. The following day we tackled the hill, San Cristobal to take in the sweeping views of the city, whilst ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa November 7th 2012

Rapa Nui or Easter Island as it is better known is the world's most remote inhabited island, shrouded in mystery due to the legendary Moai statues and possibly the place the Easter Bunny calls home. So for these reasons, we decided that leaving Santiago and flying five and a half hours in the direction of home seems worth the effort despite the return flight to Chile and then the flight home. The airlines really need to think about this one.... The flight gave us the opportunity to catch up on our blogging, get our trillions of photos into some kind of order, watch the remaining movie on the Lan inflight entertainment and sample some more excellent Chilean wine. Touch down came fast as the airstrip is literally on the edge of the island and we were ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso November 6th 2012

Diego, our host at Casa del Todoa who sports a truly Elvis inspired hairdo, put on a spectacular breakfast and we felt replenished after being so exhausted, so we planned a last minute day trip to the coastal towns of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar, with a wine tasting in the Casablanca Valley thrown in for good measure. It turns out that breakfast did not keep the exhaustion at bay for long, as soon as we are in our car and the guide begun behind to speak I am fighting sleep. Now if we had been on a large tour bus it may not have mattered, however our very attentive guide had just Rochelle and I to focus on. Turns out that I have mastered the art of sleeping and listening, as long as you have ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia November 5th 2012

Hola Chile! I may have stuffed up the time zones when I set the alarm which caused a flurry and I crashed again but Rochelle not realizing my error got up, got ready and then had hours to spare...... sorry Shell. After a short flight crossing the Andes again -note we both crashed out before take off and spent most of the flight comatose, it seems those late nights are catching up with us - we touched down in Santiago. We spent the afternoon pounding the pavement and took in a great many sights, the first being Bella Vista where the uni is located and the streets are lined with students drinking and eating cheaply to the background of music and grafiti art. We met a gorgeous girl from Easter Island at our lunch spot who ... read more

Bright and early we head back to the ferry terminal to start the journey to Montevideo in Uruguay. We settled ourselves in with lots of people looking at the Australian chickas, my favorite being a jolly man who offers lots of advice, told me of his love of Perth and that without any Spanish or Uruguayan Spanish we were stuffed! A theme started to emerge when the large burly taxi driver said, " you speak Uruguayan?" no " you speak espanola ?" no " you in trouble".....it was fine however as I am an excellent mime. The fresh seaside air was gorgeous, with people running, exercising and sunning themselves along the promenade that runs the length of the town. Our hotel is only a block back from the beach, and once the bathroom was recleaned and ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires November 4th 2012

Last day in BA It was a bumpy start to the day thanks to the night before and we settled into an easy pattern for our last day of leisurely eating and wandering. As it was a Saturday the city was packed, corner cafes were full and Palermo Soho was buzzing. A last round of shopping and lunch in a corner cafe that was excellent for people watching got us through to the opening time of the Museo Evita. Evita is known as the "Spiritual leader of Argentina" and most of our reference points about her come from the movie so we were determined to see the museum on our last day. Expecting a very touristy and cheesy place we were truly surprised at the level of detail and thought that had gone into this. The ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires November 4th 2012

After deciding to stay an extra day in BA as there were still things to do and see and leather to buy we thought it was time to get serious about checking off the items on our "must do" list. Blue skies above us, and with a definite spring in our steps we headed out to explore the cobbled streets of San Telmo, an eclectic and gritty neighborhood just up from La Boca. Here's the round up of how it went, all accompanied by lots of laughter and chats with locals: Walked the plaza in San Telmo - nice with great bohemian vibe Walked the streets filled with antique shops and don't buy anything expensive or dusty- sorry G there were gorgeous cuff links from the 18th century but they were too good to end up ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires November 2nd 2012

We have well and truly embraced the BA lifestyle, cruisy mornings and late, late nights with much activity packed in between. The days are so full when I think back I wonder what we did when but let let's have a go... Tuesday the sun shone and the weather was perfect for walking the streets. We breakfasted whilst watching dog walkers with up to eight dogs on leads at a time go about their business, all leads straight, dogs all behaving and the walker with an attitude of this pack is easy to mange. Have to say the coffee is excellent, best I have had any where. First stop of the day was Reccoletta cemetery, the resting place of the city's famous and not so famous, with 4,800 vaults it's a city in itself, with streets ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires October 29th 2012

Holla!!!! After a long long journey (Sydney, Auckland, Santiago, Buenos Aires) we touched down and are welcomed by a gorgeous 27 degree day. The familiar feel of travel kicked in despite the lack of sleep and we are back in the groove. The most exciting part of the flight was the view of the Andes. Buenos Aires is large, grubby and fabulous all at once, french style terraces sit side by side with oddly shaped shops, offices, boutiques and run down graffitied homes. Our home for the next six days is the Bobo hotel in Palermo where a booking stuff up sees us with a room each because no we are not a couple and we would each like our own bed please! Delirious but determined not to sleep we headout onto the streets where it ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Marrakech October 10th 2010

This is the last of our fifteen amazing days travelling Morocco, laughing, eating, shopping and getting to know another amazing culture. It’s a little sad it's coming to an end but as always we are determined to make the most of our trip right to the end. So lets cut to the chase… we shopped all day and rounded it off with a fabulous dinner complete with cocktails to celebrate a great friendship and a great time… ohhhhh! So here's a round up of tips and antidotes from us in case our blogs have inspired some Moroccan wander lust in you….. • Big mouse, big mouse, big mouse ----bang - no mouse. • We love the British - especially as they sit across from us in the local fish stall and say "I am not really ... read more
Genie in a bottle
Sweet shop...picture alos found in Lonely planet
My future is revealed..in arabic

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