Paul and Emma White


Paul and Emma White

Two antipodeans living in London from where we hope to travel to all kinds of exciting places and plan to see many, many more before heading back to Oz in August to have a baby in October!

We have created this for family and friends to be able to see more of our photos easily in one spot.

So sit back and enjoy! 😊


Flying home to Australia!


Baby due!




since our adventure in the UK began!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City June 25th 2011

After 8 months, 3 separate attempts, countless tube and bus journeys and four giant playing pieces (well 3 giant and one not so giant), we have finally completed our Monopoly Tour of London. The tour consisted of four Australian friends touring around London, carrying a silver playing piece each, taking photos at each famous street sign and station. We managed to get most actual street signs, except for Bond Street as it doesn't exist any longer and Mayfair as it is an area as opposed to an actual street. We did make do with some improvised photos as are the photos representing jail. The photos following, tell only part of the story, what they don't tell is the fun that we had each time we met up, the amount of coffee drunk in between not so ... read more
Old Kent Road
Whitechapel Road

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Devon » Tiverton February 12th 2011

Also Known As: The Weekend of SARA Our bags were packed, our feet were suitably shoed and our heads were filled with excitement at the thought of another weekend of adventure! Our beautiful friend Sara turned another year older a few short days ago and for this monumentous occassion we decided to pack up Michelle's car and take a wee road trip to a secret location. But more on the location later... First I must tell of the amazing champagne, but not champagne, breakfast that was provided by Michelle. Early Saturday morning Michelle awoke to prepare for us a wonderful cooked breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes accompanied by some strong coffee to wake us all up. There was also the promise of champagne, and to her credit she did produce a bottle of it ... read more
Today's geography lesson is brought to you by Doritos.
Our lunch
Sara's birthday scone

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Richmond February 5th 2011

Be vewy, vewy, quiet...we're hunting deer... On the day of our not so frequent but meant to be monthly date, we decided to head to Richmond Park to not only get some fresh air but to also try out Paul's shiny new camera tripod. The photos that follow are the product of our efforts...... read more

Hampton Court Palace: how to make friends with royalty With the sun shining and the temperature at a balmy 2 degrees, four Aussies and one Saffa set off to see the home of the once great King Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace. The palace was in the midst of Christmas celebrations, so we observed many a nobleman and fair lady as they set about their lives in the midst of the arrival of King Henry VIII and Queen Katherine Howard. Many an intrigue was told and some awkward moments observed as the first meeting of Queen Katherine and Anne of Cleves was henceforth witnessed. Little did we know that there was a lady amongst our presence and in due time Lady Julia was revealed and revered by the men of the court, whose compliments included both ... read more
Front gate to the Palace
Julia surrounded by a gold-leafed archway
Harry waiting with a guard for the entrance of the King and Queen

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Putney December 25th 2010

Hello one and all! We just wanted to take a moment to wish all our friends and family a very merry Christmas! We wish that we could be there to celebrate with all our friends and family in Australia, but we tried to make the best of our possibly one and only English Christmas. We pretty much spent the day inside our lovely warm flat, with only a brief trip outside to head to a local church for their Christmas service. We woke up earlyish and opened our exciting presents (Paul's present highlight was a camera tripod while mine was a violin), after which our lovely friends Sara and Michelle joined us just before church, and Simon was able to join us for a few hours over lunch. We ate and ate and ate (menu included ... read more
Opening our presents on Christmas morning

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Putney November 7th 2010

Our First Foray into Blogging Hello to everyone who is interested in the many thoughts and travels to come! Many people have been suggesting to us that we should start some sort of travel diary or blog since the very beginning, and although we are almost 2 years into our big adventure we figured better late than never. This blog will be used to upload many more photos than Facebook could allow and also to fill you all in on what we get up to as we travel our way slowly around Europe and beyond. We plan to come home some day, so this blog will be your connection to us until we touch down in Aus once more. Feel free to give anyone you think will be interested the blog url, so they too can ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Putney November 7th 2010

Welcome one, Welcome all! We thought we would update you all on what our housing situation is like now. Although we have lived here for almost 9 months now, we haven't sent through any photos. This is partly because we are slack and partly because we had no furniture to begin with, as we are now renting an unfurnished flat. Our first few weeks were spent sleeping on blow-up mattresses, but slowly we have built up enough furniture (thanks Freecycle!) that we now live in the lap of luxury. So sit, back and enjoy the virtual visit to our new abode! ... read more
Our building
Very exciting frontdoor

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Ross and Cromarty » Ullapool August 4th 2009

Ullapool to Perth it has been a while since I last wrote anything...busy at work with a new job, etc etc, blah blah blah - you don't care, you just want to find out the excitement of our adventures! While 'adventure' may not exactly be how you describe our trips, it was still fun to look at so, so many waterfalls, mountains, sheep, ferns, castles and rocks. One trouble we found while dondering around Scotland, was the lack of post boxes. We came across this lack of said items on our way from Ullapool to Perth - Mum had a letter/postcard to send home to Dad and no where to post it from. Luckily, we found while driving along - the bright red does help to spot them - and it also gave us an ... read more
Not much between us and death
Our picnic at the beach

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye August 3rd 2009

Isle of Skye to Ullapool Upon waking up on the Isle of Skye the next morning, the lovely lady at Oisgill House, our charming little B&B, made us breakfast and told us about a lighthouse not far from there that is a popular sightseeing point. Intrigued we asked her where it was and how to get there - we opted to drive, even though she said it was walkable. So after our breakfast we packed our stuff, rugged up nice and toasty warm (well, we were warm until we got outside!) and trudged to the car to pack up for another day. The drive from the B&B to the lighthouse wasn't far, but we were glad we didn't walk cause it was quite windy by the time we got there. It was incredible. Neist Lighthouse is ... read more
Lighthouse over the sea
THE tree

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Fort William August 2nd 2009

Fort William to Isle of Skye We woke up the next day in our lovely B&B in Fort William and saw the lovely view that it had to offer. All the effort getting there was worth while. We trudged downstairs where the owner gave us breakfast and we discussed our plans for the day - not with the owner, she went off to her part of the house with her husband, after sticking around for a quick chat. As far as we remember the trip from Fort William to Isle of Skye involved a lot of stopping for coffee, tea and hot chocolate with ham, tomato and cheese sandwiches (all out of the back of the car of course) and taking photos of the beautiful Scottish scenery. Not far from Fort William we stopped at a ... read more
Dunvegan Castle from the Loch
Oisgill House, our B&B

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