Nigel Robertson


Nigel Robertson

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 7th 2019

Sorry no blog yesterday. We had a relaxing wind down day and went for a swim at the AdO in the afternoon. There were once again lots of dives/jumps/flips off the boards and we tried some laps again. Last sad. Back home for some packing and tidying. Today we were picked up at 8am by Tor (the father who lies next door) and driven to Bergen airport. All has gone smoothly so far. Actually, in spite of having 2 stopovers, the travel is actually going really fast compared to our journey here where we only had one stopover but it was 6 hours.....Today we had a short flight to Amsterdam and a one hour stopover. Then a short flight to Paris and a one hour stopover. That is where we are now. Waiting to board ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 5th 2019

A beautiful day today and a little cooler in the morning although it got warmer and warmer throughout the day. Headed out earlier than usual and drove to Halhjem where we drove the car onto the ferry which is the continuation of the E39 highway (the major north-south highway on the west coast). The ferry ride took us a route we had not seen before which was of course beautiful. It was about 45 minutes long and we docked at Sandvikvag. From here we drove along the coastal highway south to a town called Leirvik and parked and walked around. We found a fish shop which was selling a large variety of fresh fish and as well had a little lunch business going of fish soup, fish cakes, and fish burgers and it filled right up ... read more
Through the archipelago
Passenger seating on board

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 4th 2019

This morning started off cloudy again and was sunny and cloudy all day with a high of around 24. Perfect weather for some hiking. Seems like all of Norway gets out on a Sunday for a hike, bike or to walk the dog. We were headed for Fana but stopped en route as we saw an indicator for a tourist attraction and it was called Fanafjell. So, we thought we would check it out. It ended up being a lovely hike past lots of sheep wandering around and up a small mountain (actually one which Nigel had found online but thought the heights would be too much for me.....) with one of the best lookouts we have seen so far. The way up was a rocky/mossy rough trail but beyond the lookout, it became muddier and ... read more
Russell on a cairn
Rachel on the edge...
Me on a mountain!!

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 3rd 2019

Today started off a little cooler and overcast so Nigel took me on a new bike route he found which was very nice and the whole thing was on a separate bike/pedestrian path which I liked. Around lunch time we walked into downtown Os which was only about a 20 minute walk. We ate a really delicious lunch at Havnechefen restaurant on their patio. I had a salad with scampi which was really good, Nigel had a pancake with beef (sounds weird but was delicious) and the kids both had the Bergen fish soup (each time they have had it, it has been a little different - this time had mussels and shrimp in it as well as a large fillet of fish on top). Anyways, the meals were all really good. Then we strolled around ... read more
Mmmmm Fish soup
Os vs Fana
Big fans

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 2nd 2019

Today started with a hilly run while Nigel biked. On his ride he discovered a quaint little bakery so after showering, we went to check it out and found some nice Norwegian pastries! Headed out later than normal and drove straight to the hike in Milde. We had trouble finding where to park so ended up parking at a nearby Botanical Garden. We walked through the lovely botanical gardens which is now owned and run by Bergen University. There were a number of special gardens within the park including a bee garden, a Japanese garden, a kitchen garden and a rhododendron garden, a cedar labyrinth and more. This garden is used to grow species from this area as well as all over the world. Some species are now rare and they are trying to keep them ... read more
Nice beach
On the fjord
Scenic spot

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 1st 2019

Started off with nice weather and a fun bike ride. Then we all headed out for a couple of scenic nearby hikes. The first one was called Ervikane and it was mostly along the shore of the coast. Then we hiked up a nearby very big hill along the Liafjellet trail. This one went up and up and looked out over the fjord. Both were really nice. Then back home for some lunch. After that we walked to the fields down the road from us and played some frisbee golf and soccer and football. A fun afternoon. Kind of a quiet day but relaxing. Kjottkakers for dinner (that is obviously Norwegian meatballs).... read more
Bridge across to an island
View from second hike

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Hardanger July 31st 2019

Well, it rained quite heavily last night and continued through until morning. It was a light drizzle during my run but a comfortable temperature of around 20 degrees. The rain actually stopped around 10am so it was dry but overcast when we departed. We headed out around 11am along one of the narrower roads once again but we are getting used to them now. The first photo op was called Fossen Brutte and it was a spectacular waterfall. Actually, our timing was great as due to the rain overnight there were actually about 50 small waterfalls along the drive coming down from the mountains. And the big waterfalls we saw were flowing VERY heavily today! On to Steinsdalfossen which is another gorgeous waterfall where you can actually climb up to near the top of the falls ... read more
Family in front of the falls
Under the falls

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen July 30th 2019

This morning was another beautiful day. We headed out on the now familiar drive from Os to Bergen which is a lovely drive. After parking the car above the central bus station, we walked towards Mount Floyen and found the trail to hike up. There is also a funicular up this mountain but we chose to hike it. There were some very steep sections and plenty of stairs too. But I felt very safe the whole way. The hike was about 1 1/2 hours to the top at a leisurely pace with water breaks. At the top, we found Lake Revurtjemet and borrowed canoes and canoed around for about 1/2 hour which was really fun. Then we walked over to where the funicular comes up to take some pictures of the view which was unbelievable looking ... read more
Up some more
Near the top of Floyen
Paddling around

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Eidfjord July 29th 2019

Nigel has suggested that I remind everyone to scroll down in order to see all of the photos. In case you have not done this already, when you open today's blog, when you are done reading it and scrolling down to see all the pictures, you can select "previous entry" to look at yesterday's entry and scroll down to see all the photos and continue going backwards through the entries to see all the photos. Also, feel free to leave a comment by clicking on "add a comment" at the very very bottom. Today we headed out East of Os on what turned out to be another of those single lane roads for about the first hour. We travelled along the edge of the fjord and up to the top of it to Tysse where we ... read more
Nice lunch
More fjord

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen July 28th 2019

Another hot one! But might be the last hot one so we decided to make it a beach day. We found a very nice looking beach on the west side of Bergen right on the coast, called Kyrkjetangen. Found it ok but drove along the dirt road where it had P signs for parking and the cars were parked all along one side of this road and there was only room left for one car to drive down the road. So, after getting quite a ways down this road with no spots available, we came across a driver coming towards us who said there was no space left anyways and we would have to back all the way back out (as well as the cars that had come in behind us). Luckily we found a spot ... read more
Russell on 7.5m Nigel on 5m
3m diving board
Play structure

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