Muno's Guestbook

21st April 2007

Tea Time
Blimey Nick all that tea and you never made a brew all the time you were in the mob.
17th April 2007

hey guys, wow you do lead the glamorous life! We came back last night from 10 days in sri lanka can't believe I didn't realise you were so near! Love the pictures guys what a laugh love the house boat... Sri Lanka was fab so bloomin hot though. Nic love the vest the green really suits you.. need to trim that chest hair unless you are planning to be in a bollywood film. Loved the fact you were an extra I bet it was a giggle sal I can see you now nuzzeling to be at the front! missing you as always x
17th April 2007

I thought it was a joke ... but no, you are now both Bollywood stars! That is fantastic!! You both look great and that house boat looks so cool. As for going back to the real world .... its not that great there. I say we meet up next year and you can accompany us home. Have a think about it ... ; ) Lynny xx
12th April 2007

Lucky you are!!!!
Hi guys! Quel ravissement d'avoir de vos nouvelles via ce merveilleux blog. Grace à vous deux on a un peu l'impression de voyager nous aussi! Continuez à nous faire partager vos magnifiques periples à travers le monde et à nous faire rêver. Merci pour toutes ces belles photos qui semblent sorties tout droit d'un catalogue vantant les mérites du Paradis.I thought it might be fun to have comments in french so good luck for the translation. Take care
12th April 2007

to the Bollywood stars
It looks lovely there. We are doing fine with the weather though! It has been great in Blackpool and there is loads of sand to dig - miles infact! The party went off well and we all had champagne. I really love that stuff. We got back today. I will write an e-mail to you as well. Love Mum
10th April 2007

....and the Academy Award goes to...?
Hey Guys, Great pics great stories..keep them coming!! It's nearly the end of our trip boo hoo! Though just about sorted the visas for the Trans Mongolian...what a blooming nightmare.. sure it'll be fun though! Looking foward to more of your Indian adventures! Take care Shari and Andy x
9th April 2007

The Empire
Nick glad to see you have gone back to policing the empire. Nice muscle vest, shame about the muscles. By the way are you losing more hair of are you wearing a helmet in those photos? Hope you are missing my ritual abuse. stay safe both of you Skid
9th April 2007

Wow you guys, can't believe you're off again - have you not made us jealous enough?!! Awesome to hear your adventures though, keep the updates coming. We have sunshine here in England at the moment by the way - you didn't need to go all that way for it.....! Hey, nice wife-beater vests you've got there Nick - in every picture, no less! :) looking forward to the next installment. charlie xx
9th April 2007

Hi Nick and Sally, very cool picks and glad you're mingling with the natives... where's the picture of you in the chicken outfit, sally? Don't suppose you brought it with you?? Currently in negotiations to get a nice apt near chamonix, so might well have another holiday home for you to go to by the time you're back! Keep in touch, and don't mention the cricket!! Paul
2nd April 2007

we'll try
thanks for the comments - hope you have read our other blogs. Also thanks for the spelling correction I'll change it. As for you - your use of "two" is in the wrong context!!!
30th March 2007

Keep on Having fun
Hi, Guys just ran into your blog searching for info on Kapax, and well just got carried away reading it! do agree with you in that Colombia is a beautiful Country (must point out the way you spell it, Columbia is a state in the US) Anyway really enjoyed my trips out there two and now looking to go for another one this time to the amazon to do a piece on Kapax. keep on enjoying your trip.
14th March 2007

More Cheese Gromit?
Hey Guys, What a life eh! Great pics, looking good on the slopes there! Enjoy your last week Sally, how good did that cheese smell? mmmm! We'd love to go skiing but we would probably have to stick with the cheese making, as there's much less chance of us breaking every bone in our bodies, cheese tastes better than snow too! Take Care the two of you. Keep in touch
13th March 2007

On the piste again!
Nick and sally, glad to see you enjoying life so much. Not surprised to see Nick on the Piste (may have spelt that wrong). Please let him know he looks very gay in the photos. stay safe both of you. by the way 50% of the Bn now on the way to Afghan. Skid
12th March 2007

To the skiiers
Great pictures, they are fab!!!!! Especially the one with the big cheese, mmmmm --- did you get any samples? We like the action packed ones on the slope too. especially the one with Nick and Sally with the sun on the mountains behind them. Thanks for posting them
9th February 2007

Hello from Wellington
Hi Nick and Sally, it's great reading, and even though I don't get around to writing I'm eagerly following your experiences. I seem to spend a lot of time these days changing nappies!! Sam now 18 months old and he's great. We love being parents - I recommend it!! Take care, lots of love, Adrienne, Mike and Sam
24th December 2006

Merry Christmas Guys Glad to hear Brighton is still top of mind whilst travelling exotic locations! Sal - how come Nick didn't take a tip from the locals and wear his budgie smugglers when he did his dive????? Keep enjoying your travels (I'm very, very jealous - makes me want to go straight to Heathrow every time I read your blogs). Keep sending them. LOL and I hope Santa finds you both on your travels, Gayle xxxx
22nd December 2006

Nick, Not at all surprised to see you employed as a Mexican taxi driver, I always knew you were going places (overseas). Glad you aren't going to the States, I visited Tijuana (briefly, its crap) from san diego and the yanks wouldn't let me back in! So much for NATO. Keep up the diving practice, looks as though you need it and for gawd sake change them shorts!
18th December 2006

fancy walking on hot coals
I've loved your blogs. We really look forward to them. You've had a tremendous time haven't you? Hope St Albans and Tring wont be a turndown after all the excitement. We're really looking forward to seeing you.Today we're off to have lunch with mary at Windsor. I am still surrounded by curtains and sewing. Ta Ta - roll on Saturday. Love Mum
18th December 2006

You go girl!
Well done Sally and Nick on your amazing adventure, I love hearing all your stories. Sal - you're looking gorgeous Gayle xxxx
18th December 2006

Your first earthquake!!
You lucky sods! We wanted to be in a (little) earthquake .... I am sooo jealous!! Hope you had a lovely birthday Sally. We are in Sydney now, both working which sucks. Also ... Dodgeyville .... you made that up right?!? Take care guys, think of us when we are on the beach at xmas wont you ; ) Lynny xx
17th December 2006

Ill shaven...noted
Nick, I was shocked to see you ill shaven in front of the natives. Glad to see you had a man shave you in the end. Don't forget to wear your putees tight. All well here, Lsgt Ross got the MC from Iraq. Check out the MOD web site.
16th December 2006

super, smashing, great
Thanks Nick and Sal for such a fantastic blog and photos - i've loved hearing from you guys although of course i'm terribly jealous of you both. have a safe journey home and a very Merry Christmas, new Year etc. Nick we must get the ops gang together again when you get back - we're arranging Sam P's leaving do part II for all those that couldn't make the first one.....! take care both. Charlie xx
16th December 2006

Merry Christmas etc
Great to keep up with your adventures. Most envious. Have a good one.
16th December 2006

Hi there
Brilliant blog, as usual. It is really good reading all about your adventures. The photos are fantastic. One day i'll go and maybe you can be my guide!
14th December 2006

Loving the birdies and very jealous of your tan Sal!! How very very dare they rob your stuff and the scooter break down - good job you are strong and stuff Nicky!! Have a wonderful last couple of weeks and see you over Christmas, love Kate xxx

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