Muno's Guestbook

23rd August 2007

I want to go to Loch Linnie!!
Looks like you guys had a great time. Sally, your dress is beautiful! "Watch out for the next installment" ... are you addicted to travelblog!?? ; ) Lynny .... not the Loch xxx
From Blog: A Wee Break
22nd August 2007

When do you guys ever do any work??? Can't wait to get home. Will have to meet up for a few drinks. Nice photos - loos like it was an awesome wedding. All the best, Greavesy.
From Blog: A Wee Break
9th July 2007

thank you! :)
Awesome journal guys, thanks for the updates - they really were fantastic to read. Nick, i look forward to meeting up for a cheeky beer if we can fit one in before i head off to Cotsa Rica (mid august)?! Sally, hope to meet you sometime(!!) - maybe for said beer?! it's been fab reading all about your adventures. good luck with coping with reality again - always the worst part of travelling.....! :( take care. Charlie xx
9th July 2007

Good to see you
Great to see you back in the real world! I have really enjoyed your blog and I was showing the cleaner your final pictures only for her to look at the one where the man was washing in the riverand say Nick seems to have let him self go abit! Must go and paint my toe nails - well I am still chuffed I can see them again! See you soon XXXX
9th July 2007

From -Afghan
Sally, Nick, Glad all continues to go to plan, looks like you have both had a superb time. Enjoy it while you can, life is short. Look forward to seeing you for beer in Egham sometime soon Best Skid
8th July 2007

welcome back!
good to have you back, what a great diary, brings back lots of memories of our time in india.... xxx
16th June 2007

wow! what an experience
a very interesting blog, although it sounded like hard work. I am suren you will have an easier time now. I loved the photos,we have some good ones of our french trip and video of the party and of young Sandra dancing- she's a real bobbysoxer! Hope you can relax now and enjoy the final bit of your tour.
16th June 2007

I thought they did double glazing, but it didn't know head office was in Nepal. Actually if you are heading this way I know a nice spot in Sangin you could stay at. Best not drive there though! I have plenty of compo and you look like you need building up mate. Thanks for the birthday wishes, much appreciated. keep safe and watch out for Terry in the hills Skid
15th June 2007

Jelly Belly
Great journal liked the story about the skull, looking forward to catching up in person when you get back need to crack the Champers again to celebrate Daniels arrival. Love you lots L x
30th May 2007

Pulling the wool over our eyes
I think that this is all an elaborate hoax - in one of the pictures you can clearly see the Birmngham City council offices in the background
27th May 2007

Hi Guys, another fantastic blog. You could write for a travel journal your stories are so good. I was thinking of writing my own blog as I've just returned from Fuerteventura...classy. Don't think I could make it sound as exciting as your trip. Although it wasn't as exotic as your trip it was a really lovely holiday as it was great family time and very relaxing.. Colin starts his new job in two weeks so it's the last holiday for a long while. Things are good with us. Apart from the holiday we're having our loft converted (at last) which is very exciting but also stressful. Not great looking around tile shops with little Jessica in tow. We're having an open plan bedroom and bathroom. You'll have to come and see it when you're back. When are you back by the way? You may have told me but my memory isn't as good as it used to be. I look forward to your next update. I admire you so much for what you’re doing. I would love to do it myself but will have to rely on your updates for now. Take care and carry on traveling. Vix x
23rd May 2007

Hi Guys ... India, and in particular this blog, has looked amazing! Thoroughly envious. Keep up the good work and glad that you are both well and still having an awesome time. We are in full planning mode and leave Sydney soon which is exciting. Oh and that is, without doubt, the best Moustache I have ever seen. Nick, please please grow one of them. Lynny says HI. Take care. xx
22nd May 2007

Glad to see you are still well and enjoying life to the full. I am now on Jihad with the rest of the boys. All good here, hot and shitty, with an outlook of hot and shittier. Stay safe Skid
21st May 2007

Daniel is still screaming! full of wind! Nick I like your new tash, it was you wasn't it! Love the journal and photo's say hello to the cows from me. L x
20th May 2007

What a blog!!!!!
This is a super blog and lovely pics as usual. You are having a great time, what date do you return? It's not on my calendar. You seem to be in constant hot temperatures, here it is getting better and the sun is shining today. Yesterday we had our friends Roy and Jean over and we took them to Stockwood park in Luton and had a good time. I am busy here as usual, Rob and family move soon and I'm trying to get things together for them. Will e-mail you now. Love mum
19th May 2007

Guys, you want OUR news??!! Come off it!!! it's only just stopped raining here - we saw the sun yesterday but today it's hiding behind some grim-looking clouds again. THAT"S the news! sounds just amazing out there - love your updates and the random adventures you're having. keep us posted - i don't think i'm the only one that's loving being transported to a more interesting place than rainy Britain while i'm reading your blog!!? take care. charlie xxxxx
19th May 2007

Thought this was going to be an update on how you had ended up with severe sunburn ;-) Glad to hear you are still having fun travelling for less than a packet of crisps, eating at the same places the wildlife do and sleeping under the stars. Seriously I give you guys credit am not sure I could do what you are doing but am loving the truthful's like been there with you! Sal we never met up with your friends at Coachella which was a shame. We did meets a few other Aussies as we were in line for 5.5hrs to get in...tell you that story when you get home. Festival was fab and hope to go back for '08 Keep on truckin' - Bettsx
9th May 2007

Hi Guys, you have some great stories are you shore you don't make them up, bed bugs, pepsi, falling down stairs, nuts. It sounds like the amazing varied life I am leading deep int he heart of poo, nappies, milk,gip and squarking baby ahhhh the life. Daniel is doing really well keeping myself on the straight and narrow with a hectic social life of tea, cakes and shopping! Booking a months holiday in France for Sept and off to Cornwall in June. Lotte a lot of fun as usual - Keep well or at least not too pooy !! L x
4th May 2007

Im a little teapot!
Sorry, only thing I could think of tea related!! ; ) Just found this on the BBC website. Might make for an interesting photo or 2 .... How funny is that!? : ) Lynny xx
1st May 2007

Hi There!!
Hey, you didn't mention the wonderful team of Peak Leaders trainees that you were with!! Hope you guys are having an awesome time on your travels......didn't know you had a blog til now, looking forward to reading about your escapades in India next :) I wish I had booked another destination after Zermatt - it's boring being back! Take Care, Yue-Zhen
24th April 2007

what a trip!! love all the photos
We missed you both at the family party over Easter, but will have another one on your return - you haven;t seen the new swing yet!! and now we have a hammock too -purchased in Thailand for £2.50 and it cost £60 to have a post put up!! but Georgie and Alice love it - well I do too!! Saw Viv and Mike last week, Cora and Fay too, so of course a very busy evening. Emma is fine now after her op thank goodness - Paul's flat at last is taking shape, Dave and I went on Sunday to help a bit, gardening and painting the steps and back bit. Keep enjoying yourselves!! when are you home again? love jill xx
24th April 2007

Hello, Excellent journal once again you sound like you are having a really dull time and wishing you were back home no doubt! We are all fine and having lots of fun on little sleep! Daniel is putting on the weight, 9llb now, so he should be a biffer by the time you return, Lotte is being the caring big sister helping out and giving lots of kisses and cuddles. Really enjoying it second time around, although he is a bit of a screamer and I am not talking about James! Most of it, like all boys is wind related. It is lovely to read about your adventures whilst I sit on the sofa once again. Lots of love to you both L xx
24th April 2007

The Newlyweds from Australia!
Hey guys....your blog is great (thanks for the mention!) Check your email....all about our honeymoon!!!! Keep having a great time in India.... and keep up the blogs! See ya. Nick and Laura.
23rd April 2007

hello Sal and Nick, Just got your travel blog from India it looks great. Houseboat looks good fun - bit different to ones back here. Am gutted as have been in Goa for last two weeks and didnt realise you were in India - maybe we could have met up for a curry! That would have been fantastic. But alas am back now in Blighty and will have to wait to see you when you return on english turf. Hope you are both well and having a fantastic time you film stars! Lots oflove Suexx
22nd April 2007

Tea please Louise
What a lovely blog! You ar ehaving a fun time. I like to think of you drinking beer out of teapots and pretending to be good - HA HA!!!! We are off this afternoon, I've already been to church this morning and done a 100 other things. We went down to Hythe yesterday and had a good time at a Childrens Farm - it was super. The children have grown enormously. The weather here is super, not the time for travelling abroad I think. There goes - we will be in China now and you will have to put up with texts. Hope you continue to have a good trip. Sue had a good week at her new job, with 50 in her class. She has been offered a 2 day a week job at the school for September - just her scene! Baby Dan is doing fine. I stayed there this week, we went to Tesco's on Thursday, on the bus!!! Big time outing for Lynn and baby- we had a coffee at Starbucks. Love MUM

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