Laurel Sellers

LoLo n Morocco

Laurel Sellers

I am joining the Peace Corps in Morocco. I am so excited to share with all of you my immersion into another culture.


Countdown to the beginning


Countdown to the end

Africa » Morocco January 30th 2011

Disclaimer: The following content is my view and does not reflect that of the US Peace Corps. Many of you will be glad to hear that the almond tree planting is finally completed! I put this together to illustrate what 2 years of living in Morocco teaches you and how that is used to implement a project without a hitch. I want to semi-publicly congratulate my friend and former co-worker Cindy Adams for illustrating how important interpreters are in many facets of protecting our parks. url= Also, only 90 some days left! ... read more
day 1 6:00am
day 1 9:30am
day 1 10:30am

Africa January 16th 2011

Disclaimer: The following content and photographs are my own and do not reflect that of the US Peace Corps. Sana Saida Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe I have made it to this point. When I think about the characteristics I hope the volunteer replacing me will have it makes me think of how much I have learned and how strong I have become. Workwise (which pretty much is my whole life) nothing ever gets easier, but I feel prepared for whatever the future could through at me. If I continue my work with the government, bureaucracy? No problem! If I work in the private sector, convincing the reluctant? I have a honorary PhD. Since Oktoberfest I have been overwhelmed at times with work...or just trying to make any step forward. For 3 months my ... read more
Warm Apple Pie!
PCVs and Gully the Dog
Jello Shots!

Africa » Morocco October 4th 2010

Disclaimer: The views and opinions hereforth are my own and don't reflect that of the US Peace Corps. Oktoberfest was effing amazing. It was the most fun I've ever had in my life, the coolest country I've ever been to, I can close my eyes right now and be enveloped by the whole spirit experience of it all. I highly recommend it and will probably go next year if anyone is interested. It started off a little hectic. I was planning this trip with my bestie Drew, but as would be the case one fateful day he fell off his mountain bike undoubtably doing some kick ass moves and broke his hand...badly. He had to back out and I was faced with the possibilty of spending my bday on my own during Oktoberfest. After calming down ... read more

Africa » Morocco August 2nd 2010

Disclaimer: These are my views and don't reflect those of the US Peace Corps. This month by far the biggest news in my world is that Zach and his parents came to visit!! It was a rare glimpse for me at another side of Morocco, the tourist side. We stayed at some gorgeous hotels, that had air conditioning AND running hot water at all times AND regular toilets AND everything! I have been looking forward to their visit my entire service, in fact last summer it was one of the reasons I held out when times were tough. Being able to show off my skillzzz was fun for me. Like the day we took an 8 hour train from Fes to Marrakesh we bought first class tickets, something I have never experienced. I was excited to ... read more

Africa » Morocco June 7th 2010

Disclaimer: These are my views and do not reflect that of the US Peace Corps. Honestly, where did May go? I guess that is a good sign, I am officially a 2nd year volunteer, I have less than a year, in PC ball I am a Junior which gives me the right to small boy the shit out of everyone newer than me, and I am just looking forward to enjoying my last summer. PROJECT 1 COMPLETED!! I just got done with a 4 day EE workshop for rural teachers. It went better than we could have possibly hoped for. Pictured here is your hard earned tax dollars at work. We held it inside the park where it is beautiful, inspiring and most of all cool! Morocco apparently has two seasons winter and summer. The teachers ... read more

Africa » Morocco April 10th 2010

Disclaimer: The following content is solely my perspective and does not represent those of Peace Corps or the USA. I can't believe March is over and April is almost over as well. My prayers have been answered and time is not quite the obstacle it once was. For the first half of the month nearly all of my efforts were aimed towards pushing my vetiver project forward. I read up on how to make the measurements necessary to find out how I am going to plan out the sites and how many plants I am going to need. It was so much fun doing this in fact this is why I joined the corps-to get the kind of training and experience I would never get in the USA because I hadn't enrolled in the right college ... read more

Africa » Morocco March 1st 2010

Disclaimer: The following content and pictures in no way reflects the views of the United States of America or the Peace Corps. Hello and might I say a very belated happy new years and valentines day to you all. Things have been pretty crazy around here...more so than usual both in weather and in dealings of the intercultural kind. When I got back from America the weather was nothing, but rain in my site which pretty well holes everybody up inside. There aren't any real roads into my site so even just going to fetch some water in a mucky mess and crossing new little streams. Water water everywhere and nary a drop to drink. The spring well gets a little cloudy so I have been filtering and boiling my water. It gets worse. Just last ... read more

Africa November 19th 2009

Disclaimer 1: The following content is solely my opinion and does not represent the Peace Corps or the United Stated of America. Disclaimer 2: Family and other loved ones, rest assured I am still in one piece and none the worse for wear (see below). It feels like it has been forever since I have sat down to write a new blog. This is partly to blame on my computer which pretty much stopped working for all of October and up until this week. It was my last semblance of home, no pictures, no music, no movies, no crutch. It turned out to be pretty liberating and fortunately the weather has been gorgeous during the day although the lack of rain is somewhat worrying. I mostly just missed the music and found myself incessantly humming “My ... read more

Africa October 1st 2009

Disclaimer: The following content is my own opinion and does not reflect that of the Peace Corps or the United States of America. It seems like it has been such a long time since the last blog and that so much has happened though I do not have much to show for it pictorially. As soon as September hit it started to feel like fall here. There are a few rainy days when it is pretty bitter cold, but for the most part the days are sunny and warm and the nights are really cold. So far I have been fine just layering up and I have some really warm blankets, but with no heater it cools down real quick. This is why I spend most of the day running around doing chores and hanging out ... read more

Africa August 27th 2009

Disclaimer: As usual pay no mind to what I say as it does not reflect the view of the Peace Corps, the United States of America, or any such nonsense… Waking up on a rooftop in Fes at 6am is an experience. I swear the sun is bigger here. Not hotter just huge. At first I was really confused as to where I was. The sun just above the horizon of the Old Medina kind of left me dumb struck. After a good 5 minutes of gawking I look around and see the rooftop littered with peaceful looking volunteers just like me and I remember…I am in Morocco. After a night of fun in Fes I started this month off with 2 weeks of training. I have been looking forward to this training specifically since I ... read more

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