Laura Cooper


Laura Cooper

Asia » Indonesia June 16th 2016

Bali take one - We landed in Bali after dark to be bombarded by taxi drivers like I've never seen! I couldn't tell you what the interior of that airport looked like because all I could see was taxi driver faces. We eventually decided to let some lucky fellow drive us to our hotel in Legian. This should have been a roughly 15 - 20 minute drive, but anyone that has been to Bali knows that the traffic in the evening is horrific, so took us closer to an hour. We were pleasantly surprised by the hotel, with friendly faces greeting us and room with a tv, kettle, fridge and a bathroom with an actual separate shower! All of this a complete novelty to us by now.. As we were only there for a couple of ... read more
Gili T - turtle hatchlings
Gili Air Sunset
Gili Islands snorkelling

Asia » Malaysia May 29th 2016

Langkawi - When booking the journey to Langkawi, it seemed relatively simple. Most places said 'bus & ferry'. Easy enough we thought. 3 buses and a ride on the back of a truck crammed full of people and their belongings, we weren't feeling hopeful. Anyway after an exhausting trip we were finally there. We checked into our 'hotel' which also didn't give the greatest first impression. Pretty sure the room hadn't even been looked at in weeks. Nevertheless we settled in fine. Although Langkawi is an island, we'd spent the last month in Thailand relaxing so we were ready to start exploring again. Our first day we decided to go up to Panorama which is a sort of leisure park which main attraction is a cable car and bridge that gives panoramic views of Langkawi. We ... read more
Langkawi - panoramic of panorama
Langkawi - me at the top of panorama!
Langkawi - beautiful view of the island

Asia » Thailand May 3rd 2016

Koh Samui - Waiting at little siem reap airport I mocked the planes going past that were powered by propellers. It then dawned on me that we too would probably be on one of these planes, and I was right. My grandad would have had a heart attack just looking at this thing! Thank god it was only an hour but was probably the worst plane journey I've ever had. A short stop over in Bangkok and we were on the next one to Koh Samui, a normal jet this time. As we arrived quite late it was straight to bed before exploring the area the following day. We stayed in Lamai, which is the second most popular area on the island but is said to have a nicer beach. We opted for a beachside bungalow ... read more
Koh Samui - Hin Tai Rock
Koh Samui - Hin Ya Rock
Koh Samui

Asia » Cambodia April 4th 2016

Phnom Penh - The quickest flight I have ever been on and think I will ever be on. We'd barely taken off when the announcement came on that we were beginning our descent into Phnom Penh, the seat belt sign didn't even go off! A mere 30 minute journey and we were in Cambodia. To our dismay (deans more than mine) we had to pay for our visa into the country, 30 dollars each which I had missed in my research.. Not a good start! We then had to pay an extra 2 dollars each as we didn't have a photo. As we waited for deans bag to turn up we eventually realised it had fallen off the conveyer belt. I enjoyed watching as dean struggled his way around the back of the belt to retrieve ... read more
Phnom Penh - deans raw prawns!
Phnom Penh - Royal palace
Phnom Penh - prime minister monument

Asia » Vietnam March 29th 2016

Hanoi - Another interesting start - getting a budget airline flight full of Vietnamese people who all seemed to know each other.. Luckily it was a very short flight and we were in Hanoi in no time. We fortunately had a driver from our hotel there to pick us up so no faffing about with taxis/buses. I could have suffered about 10 heart attacks on the journey as it was like being in an episode of wacky racers. Anyone that has been to Vietnam knows what the streets are like. Roughly 1 - 2 mopeds to each person - that's a lot of mopeds. The driving is generally safe as everyone moves quite slowly to manoeuvre, however our driver was clearly in a bit of a rush.. We checked into the hotel and were greeted by ... read more
Hanoi - hoan Kiem lake
Hanoi - Hoa Lo prison
Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh mausoleum

Asia » Thailand March 15th 2016

Dubai - Arriving in the evening to Dubai we were blissfully unaware of how horrendous the weather would be over the 2 days we were there. An overcast day to begin which was spent showing Dean how to use the water taxi down the marina and a mooch around the marina mall. It was all business as we both had work meetings followed by an evening at Dads favourite Spanish meal deal place El Sur - 6 tapas each and all you can drink sangria, wine and beer. Not a great idea for me getting up for a 9am meeting.. Rain I can only describe as torrential followed the next day, running to and from taxis and witnessing multiple breakdowns on the flooded roads meaning Dad was home early from work and a cancelled meeting for ... read more
Bangkok - Deans lovely attire for the Grand Palace
Bangkok - Grand Palace
Bangkok - Grand Palace

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