Karen Meets Korea Europe's Guestbook

5th September 2014

Oscar Ville
im headed to Korea next week & browsing for apartments :) How did you like Oscar Ville? please email me pros or cons
5th September 2014

Moving to Oscarville
Hi, we personally loved Oscarville. It really depends on the owner and the realtor you are working with. We personally had a wonderful experience there. Best of luck. Be blessed, Karen
7th May 2012

Chat and blog
Karen Enjoying reading your fun stories, and seeing the interesting pictures of your adventures! Enjoyed the chat yesterday, too. R&M
1st June 2012

Good Day, so happy you enjoy reading my postings...more fun to come. hugs
20th August 2011

Viele Grüße aus Deutschland
Greetings from Germany sends the first JFC AEB Hildesheim. You have a , made good site. Then you can be proud of. All the best for the future! I would be delighted if you visited our HP once. Oliver Hilski 1st JFC AEB Hildesheim http://www.jfc-aebhildesheim.de
6th June 2011

The Cherry blossoms are amazing.
You'll find many of us out here enjoying your trip. Keep blogging.
6th June 2011

Love the food photos.
We have traveled a good bit but have not made it to Korea yet. We would like to. I'm enjoying your perceptions.
6th June 2011

But isn't it best to always approach life with a non-judgemental and open mind.
Travel does make one take a step back and thing of how we have been living our lives. Grateful for the blessings we have.
6th June 2011

I've stumbled on your blog today.
What a great adventure you are on. I love your painting. Looks like you are living life to its fullest.
10th April 2011

Dragonhill Spa
Wow, Karen! The medicinal bath sounds like something else! I hope it turns out to be really effective - sounds very intense! Bizarre, I just read about Dragonhill Spal in another blog yesterday - they agreed with you that it was great! Hope you are feeling a little better than you did on Wednesday. I hope all is well with everyone and it was just a 'down' day. I know adjusting to a new place for me is always a 'two steps forward, one step back' kind of proposition....I was glad to read that you had dinner out with friends. Sounds like you are making Seoul your own. Chandler arrives next week and I know he's looking forward to seeing all of the neat things you've been describing on your blog - I know I am! See you soon, Carolyne
4th April 2011

Thank you so much for your comments. I am so excited that you and girls are planting flowers. It is such an inspirational part of spring. I miss part as I so enjoyed replanting my flower beds each year at home. Not to mention the yard work and getting outdoors for a good workout. I look forward to seeing your Seoul adventure story board. Generations to come will enjoy looking at it and sharing in your stories of fun! Hugs to all of you. Miss you more than words can even begin to describe. Love you.
4th April 2011

Excited to see you!
Thanks so much for your comments. We are excited to have you all join us here. Yes, please bring your bikes, there are many places to ride here. Not sure what area you are planning to live in. Matt and I found some great places to ride a bike along the river this weekend, the trails were endless. My last class is this week, I will see if we can tape this song with us all singing. You are going to do fantastic here in Seoul. I can introduce you to many wonderful people. I encourage you to join the Seoul International Womens Association (SIWA) and the Armed Forces Spouses Club (AFSC). They both offer a variety of ways to connect to the culture of Seoul. Hugs for now!
2nd April 2011

Karen I love your indoor garden!!! It is soooo beautiful! I wish we could have gone flower/plant shopping together...maybe next time :) I'm excited for this week. The girls have their spring break so I told them we would go flower shopping so we can plant some! Perfirably perinneals so I don't have to buy as many next year but it's always so fun to have them pick out ones by themselves! It's becoming spring here too! I had to pull weeds yesterday... BOOO! But at least I got a little sunburn and some fresh air. True to form it's a wind storm again today so just hangin with the girls inside. I can't wait to see your new Hanji painting! You are naturally talented! I got a bulletin board yesterday so I can make some type of memory board of our Seoul trip! Still trying to decide if I want the girls to help me...it might take more patience than I have :) Love and miss you tons!!! xoxox Me
2nd April 2011

Looks like fun!
Karen, so glad the weather is turning - I'm sure the long cold winter has been a rough adjustment for the Texans! I am definitely not prepared for that part! Please tell your teachers I loved the song, especially the two different parts being sung together - will you be sending us a video of you and your classmates when you learn to sing it? ; ) The cable car ride looks beautiful - one of the things on my to-do list, along with hiking up Namsan (?) with the boys. Chandler says that Matt sent him an email about bringing his bike - hopefully we'll be able to find some good places to ride! I'm very impressed with your adjustment and your Korean skills - I guess I'd also better learn how to carry more groceries at one time! Lots of love and see you soon!
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Susan, Thank you so much for your honest feedback. My mom shared the same thing. Are you able to enjoy the new blogs? I have taken the music out. I am hopeful these are easier to view. Miss you all very much. Hugs, love and blessings, Me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Susan, thank you for traveling with me in my journal postings. This is an amazing time that will be cherished. There is so much more to learn and do. Definitely a time for self-discovery and challenges. The Korean culture is wonderful. Koreans have a spirit of love and compassion that is beyond what I have ever experienced. You do have to have the courage to reach out and embrace them in order to have the benefit of getting to know them. Some foreigners miss that opportunity as they are not open to getting to know the Korean people. This is so sad to me. How are you and your family doing? I think of you often. Hugs, blessings and love, me
From Blog: Jan 2011 Week 1
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Phyllis, I am so glad you are enjoying my weekly postings. Some weeks are harder to keep up than others. It is important for me to help others understand the joy of self-discovery. In life we tend to become caught up in daily routines. This is my season to break the cycle and blossom. I am loving this Seoul adventure. I am hopeful we will see you here soon. Politics can be challenging to planning when it comes to relocations. I am hopeful you will soon have this opportunity to share with me as well. Hugs, blessings to you and your family, me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi sweet friend, Glad you are missing my banana bread as this will give you something to look forward to upon my return. Happy to hear you are enjoying my blog postings. It is so much fun to keep everyone in the loop on my daily journey. It continues to amaze me how much I am learning about myself as I encounter new things each day. Everyone needs some time to regroup. Miss you my friend, hugs and blessings me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Marjorie, thanks for responding to my blog. I am so happy that you are taking part by enjoying my journey. It is amazing and life changing. In life we get so caught up in our daily routines that I believe we miss out on so many wonderful experiences. This is my time of adventure and self-discovery. Wow am I learning alot. I pray that you and your family are doing well. I miss you! I will never forget our last lunch together prior to my leaving. You are a friend that I truly admire for your courage in dealing with tragedy. My prayers are with you always. Hugs and Blessings, me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Marjorie, thanks for responding to my blog. I am so happy that you are taking part by enjoying my journey. It is amazing and life changing. In life we get so caught up in our daily routines that I believe we miss out on so many wonderful experiences. This is my time of adventure and self-discovery. Wow am I learning alot. I pray that you and your family are doing well. I miss you! I will never forget our last lunch together prior to my leaving. You are a friend that I truly admire for your courage in dealing with tragedy. My prayers are with you always. Hugs and Blessings, me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Carolyne, I am so glad that you and Chandler are enjoying my blog adventures. This journey is amazing. It is nice to hear that my blog brought back good memories for the both of you. Life experiences help to shape and mold who we are. I am so loving Seoul. Each day something new and exciting comes to light. The Koreans truly have such a generous loving spirit about them once you attempt to get to know them. I am excited that you will be soon joining us in Seoul. I saw the Yongsan International School bus dropping off students here in front of City Park yesterday. There were all ages getting off. This area and apartment is great as it seems to be centrally located for traveling by subway. I love taking the subway. I do not appreciate walking to the station in the cold, but once you get used to it the walk becomes routine. Please let me know if I can help you in anyway. Hugs and Blessings, me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Melissa, I am so sorry to hear that Jada became ill. I miss you all so much, yesterday was my day of tears. Please give your family and self a big hug for me. I was so blessed by your surprise visit. These times continue to remind us just how special family is. Thank you for making this long journey as I know with the age of the girls this was not an easy task. They amaze me with their light spirits and abounding energy. You and Dustin are great parents and your children are a reflection of this. Kids will be kids with their own agendas in mind as they grow and develop the independence, your guidance from God will continue to inspire them to choose to make the majority of right choices. Thank you again, we love and miss all of you. Me.
17th March 2011

Touching Base
Hi Mitch, Happy to hear that you are enjoying my adventures. This is such a life changing experience. Words cannot even begin to describe this time of transition and change. I love the Koreans and am adapting to their culture. I have so much to learn. My language skills are slowly beginning to kick in. This is a time of self-discovery for me. How are you and your beautiful wife doing? How is your job training program progressing? I miss SAMM staff and the mission very much. Hugs and Blessings sweet friend, me
17th March 2011

Responding to your Blog Comment
Hi Daeyln, I am so glad that you are enjoying and learning from our experiences. We really are enjoying this time. I am amazed at how much one can change having some time away from the normal routine of life. I wonder why we let ourselves get caught up in the busyness?? I hope all of you are doing fantastic. By now I am thinking Dale has returned safely. We do hope you will reconsider coming to visit. There is so much to experience, see and do here. Hugs, love and blessings, me
17th March 2011

Blog Response
Hi Ken, Thank you for sharing with my dear friends. I am glad you are enjoying my journey. The goal is for each person whom is reading to learn something from my experience. Each day I continue to grow. It is inspiring to be on your own in unfamiliar territory discovering your inner-self. Wow, everyone needs this time to regroup. Professionally it enhances my thought processes. Personally it enhances who I am. I have a tendency as you know of getting caught up in the busyness of life. This is refreshing and challenging. Blessings and hugs to you, your family and my dear friends.

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