A & E Hunt

Just Us 2

A & E Hunt

American/English couple travelling the world!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu May 22nd 2011

We arrived to Puno in cama class with altitude sickness already settling in from our 5,000 ft climb. So much for working our way up slowly. We checked into our hostel perched pleasantly at the top of the town. Great views and probably the most comfy room so far. The only down side was that everything else was downhill. Not so bad on the way to dinner but an absolute killer on the way home. Needless to say, breathlessness aside, we spent a little extra cash for a ride up the hill each evening. The first evening we walked into the town to find a peaceful protest going on. The government had decided to sell the local lands on which native residents had been living for years to an international mining company. This spelled eviction for ... read more
The only good thing about the
Picture Postcard

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores May 15th 2011

Having not been out of my normal routine for some time I was more than excited to be striking out on a 2 week adventure to Peru. Equipped with my very basic high school Spanish (rubbish really!), a few tour books, an adventuresome travel companion and a return ticket from Cusco-we flew to Lima. Peru is a country I knew shockingly little about so off we went to educate ourselves. Upon arriving to Lima we promptly locked all of our worldly belongings into the trunk of a cab and ventured into the city. Passing arid landscape, the beach (which was more like a pile of sandy dirt) we wound our way into Miraflores, the tourist district. Having managed to book a hostel not on the strip we spent our evening walking blocks and blocks to the ... read more
Downtown Lima
In Lima
Balcony in Lima

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago December 15th 2009

A few astute observations can be made from our brief 72 hours in the "Windy City". Chicago has the best food of our weekend breaks thus far, the city is not as windy as it is said and December is a bloody freezing time to take a citybreak! As we would be in separate countries for our anniversary we decided to have a nice weekend away prior to Ev's departure for England. An easy flight from Baltimore and we arrived to Chicago prepared for the freezing weather dressed in our newly acquired long johns! (Having spent the last 1.5 years almost entirely in summer we made an emergency trip our local superstore prior to our departure to prepare for our trip.) Relying on public transport we endured the almost hour long and very frigid ride into ... read more
Ev's Chicago Art
Hanging out over town
Leaving on a jet plane

After a year of world travel we have been coping with rejoining normal life, seeing the same scenery day after day and despairing the fact that in America 2 weeks holiday is a priviledge and not a right. But finally after 3 long months of working without a day off we at last are experiencing our first American paid holiday, Labor Day. Borrowed from our neighbors to the North, Labor Day is a celebration of the worker. So revelling in the fact that we now qualify to celebrate this special day we packed our bags and travelled a few hours south to America's capitol, Washington DC. Hopping on the Metro we made our way into the city past the untouristed bits that seem the exact opposite of the white stone of the Roman-esqe Mall. We disembarked ... read more
Washington Monument
The  Capitol

Europe » United Kingdom » England April 13th 2009

Having accomplished 12,500km overland in Africa, 3,000km on Greyhound buses in OZ, nearly 9,000 kms in our NZ rental car, journeys on 57 buses, 47 ferries, 40 flights, 3 trains, countless taxis and tuk tuks, 1 elephant ride and a great big adventure we are finished our travels. Being back we have found what we miss immediately are those quiet places of the world where we spent so much time. The birdsong in the trees, the sound of the wind, countless days immersed in a good book, hours wandering on a great walk and enjoying the solace of a deserted beach. The confidence that if you don't like any place or situation you can just pack up and move on. New faces around every corner and a countless cultures to experience firsthand. Food too spicy to ... read more
Fijian paradise
Golden Hawaiian Sunset
Cambodian Hawkers

Oceania » Cook Islands » Rarotonga March 30th 2009

When telling people we were next headed to the Cook Islands we were met with comments like "it must be paradise" or "sounds amazing". Little did they know we were headed for a typhoon. We arrived at midnight the day before we left Auckland and were shuttled to our less than lovely hostel for our first weeks' stay on Rarotonga. Needless to say we spent our first week bonding with the other travellers in the hostel (which became a bit like a Big Brother house in short order) due to the torrential rain. We passed each day with a walk to the local shop to see what we could afford (which wasn't much) and spent our evenings preparing culinary creations based on the many ways one can prepare super noodles, schooling each other on the numerous ... read more
So clear
Kia Orana
Desert Isle

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands March 14th 2009

We arrived to Fiji and decided to take a step out of the tourist trap that is Nadi to stay at a local homestay. Apart from being hundreds of dollars cheaper we had a fantastic time. We arrived at Dee's and were a bit afraid that we had just rocked up to some random house with no one expecting us. We were soon greeted by Dee and her extended family who quickly cooked us up some traditional Fijian grub for dinner- swamp leaves and seaweed in coconut milk accompained by some white sweet potatos called kumara. It was a very "interesting" dish. Ev succeeded at eating the dish in its entirety out of respect to our hosts. The truth is we struggled near gagging through each and every mouthful. The start of our Fiji experience. The ... read more
Sunset Beach Manta Ray
The Peak
Like fire

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Mount Maunganui February 27th 2009

When we first arrived in Auckland back in December we caught a glimpse of an advertisement for a Maori festival. So here we are. The Kapa Haka is a celebration of the Maori language, music and dance. It is also a big competition! The 4 day festival was absolutely amazing. The photos and videos can not capture the atmosphere we felt in that stadium. The teams were all dresses in different traditional costumes as they sung choral pieces that ranged from traditional to modern. Each team performed 5 or 6 pieces over 30 minutes. The crowd returned performances by honoring their teams with the Haka before or after each performance. Truly an amazing 4 days. From the festival and a chance meeting with the Prime Minister of NZ we explored Motueka and Kiwi Country. Met up ... read more
Almost ripe kiwis
Kiwis on the vine
Men in costume

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Hahei February 18th 2009

Leaving the far north (via the most photographed toliets in NZ and the longest footbridge in the Southern hemisphere) we wound our way around the rainy coasts just north of Auckland. Struggling to find a car camp for the night we headed out to Shakespear Park in hopes of a free stay. All we found there were lovely views and probably Auckland's biggest houses. We finally were recommended to stay at the ferry port where we met a couple who had been sleeping in the parking lot for 6 weeks. Now that is what i call commitment to saving money! Into Auckland city we struggled with direction thanks to the lack of decent street signs and enjoyed the views from the harbour bridge 3 times before leaving the twisting city behind escaping to the Coromandel. Still ... read more
Through Cathedral Cove
Wild Turkey

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands February 16th 2009

After crossing the Cook Strait, in our very own cabin, we hit the road bound for Taupo. We drove and drove as the sun sunk below the hills covered in energy making windmills and eventually ended up on the banks of Lake Taupo. Our car camp for the evening although in an idyllic spot left us sleeping in a car filled with tiny midgies, mozzies and sandflies (oh joy!). So we proceeded to drive around at speed to rid our car of these horrible house guests. In the end we gave up and I'm sure inhaled a few bugs as we slept. The next day we pressed on to Taupo itself and settled into DeBretts, home of Taupo hot springs. We spent the day lavishing in the hot waters. From Taupo we headed North to Rotorua ... read more
Paddle paddle
One of the 50 million sheep in NZ
Green Energy

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