Jamie Brown


Jamie Brown

I am a middle aged, wannabe traveller.

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza September 7th 2013

Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life. “ ( Jack Kerouac. On The Road.) One of the great pleasures of the world is the road trip. Songs have been sung and books have been written about the primeval pleasure which is The Road Trip! Stress is the main result of this pleasure. If you want to test your relationship? Get in a car and traverse many a kilometer and see if you are still conversing at the other end. Picking up our car at Buenos Aires airport we head west, the car is small and the journey is long but this adds to the adventure like one of the early sailors in their small crafts. Driving through the flat Gaucho country ... read more
wild road

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires September 3rd 2013

Across The Continent The plane banks left as it climbs out of la Paz Airport. Out my window, the red roof houses disappear in the valley as the sun peeps over the White Mountains. An hour later we land in Santa Cruz. Flat, cleared, Amazon savannah. Booming beef country and quite the opposite to La Paz. A short stop over than on to the Atlantic coast. Buenos Aries will amaze and surprise you. More grand architecture than Paris, greater piazza’s and sculptures than Rome and more passionate football fans than London. The people are very European, yet still possess that wild South American passion of life. They are aloof yet still extroverted; expressed in their dance, their actions and their love of each other. We tour the city, visit Evita’s Tomb ( inside the most amazing ... read more
river plato

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz September 1st 2013

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel sake. The great affair is to move. (Robert Louis Stevenson.) Wandering down the cobblestone streets in front of our hostel, I turn right into Saragenara street, drop a few coins in the beggar women’s tin, brush off the guy selling happy mushrooms, pass the restaurant where we ate llama and pollo last night, the many shop fronts with their color full beanies, jumpers, scarves, skirts and other lama wool garments, the leather bags, t shirts with Che’s picture on front, the silverware and of course the music shops full of guitars, shakers, bongos and ukuleles. From his doorway the travel guy enquires about our plans. Have we been to Sucre? Have we seen the salt flats of Uyuni? Do we want to fly ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 27th 2013

La Paz After a most interesting bus trip from Puno we arrive in La Paz. The highlights being the countryside plus the ferry crossing. We are herded out of the bus and watch while our bus is loaded on to a boat, why we can’t stay aboard we wonder? We then have to pay to board another boat. As we are crossing the bay we watch in horror as our bus rocks from side to side in the swell, so glad not to be on board, reuniting with it on the other side. As the Altipano ends, La Paz appears in front of us. Nestled deep in a canyon with the snowcapped mountains as a back drop, the red roofed houses clinging to the edges overlooking the town Centre. It is an incredible sight. Imagine New ... read more
Four of Us From Lookout
It's Only A Bird Sue!
Venice or La Paz

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca August 24th 2013

“Travel is flight and pursuit in equal parts” Another early morning start, breakfast at 6am, than off for the day boating around Lake Titicaca. What a wonderfully relaxing holiday we are having! The hours turn into days and the days turn into weeks. I don’t know what day or date it is, my only connection with time is the watch on Sue’s wrist. I think we are still in Peru but I don’t really care. Am writing this on a bus heading for Bolivia and am having the time of my life. The boat leaves from Puno harbor where the water is very shallow and this is where the famous reed islands are. The locals build floating islands to live on and everything else necessary for existence; houses, boats, beds etc. What a life! We stop ... read more
reed boat
taquile island

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 24th 2013

The Power Of The Mind With Limited Oxygen – A Personal Reflection. Author Sue We accomplished the Inca Trail Trek!!! – Keith, Kathy, Jamie and Sue Starting out on a dream of a lifetime, the unknown the mystery of the journey saw us leave our safe haven in Cusco. That is, a warm comfortable bed; flushing toilet; hot showers and connection to the world and its daily events. Backpacks on backs with minimal clothing and extra water we descend to the Sacred Valley to meet our porters and organize bedding. The rush of excitement carries us past villages, children playing and blowing whistles thanks to Jamie ... read more
Inca Trail View
A Breather

South America » Peru » Puno » Puno August 23rd 2013

Dragging ourselves out of bed we head for the train station. Instead of staying in Cusco to recover from the fatigue of our trek we have decided to go up market and ride one of the great train journeys of the world - Cusco to Puno. The cost is $150 per person, but what the hell, we need some pampering after the Inca trail. I have booked the tickets online and have printed them out so no mistake can be made but on presentation to the conductor he informs us that the tickets are for reverse travel - from Puno to Cusco and to make matters worse this leg of the journey is another $100. He whisks us off to the ticket office to see what can be done. The ticket officer informs us that seats ... read more
another hill

South America » Peru » Cusco » Ollantaytambo August 23rd 2013

Another early morning flight flying back to Lima and then on to Cusco. The day before there was a terrorist attack at Lima airport and security is high and lots of planes backed up. We fly over the grand mountains of The Andes, some snowcapped and others barren. Cusco is completely surrounded by mountains and our descent into Cusco airport a real adventure. I’ve learnt from the locals that a quick sign of the cross at landing is a good help. From Cusco we catch a taxi to Ollantaytambo where we are spending two nights. We travel over the mountains to Chinchero, reaching 3800 meters, than descending into Sacred Valley at Urumbamba which is situated on the river of the same name, which flows the length of this valley. Our altitude has now dropped to 2800 ... read more
road less travelled

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail August 22nd 2013

CONGRATULATION’S TODAY IS YOUR DAY. YOU’RE OFF TO GREAT PLACES! YOU’RE OFF AND AWAY. (Dr Seuss) Up bright and early for our great adventure. We leave from Cusco and travel 2 hours by van back down Sacred Valley, following the Urubamba River, past Ollantaytambo to km number 82 where our trek begins. Here we have to pass the check point, which is very strict, passports must be shown and documentation stamped. Our group consists of 11 staff, our guide Edwin, who is a lovely guy with a giggle only found in primary girl’s school. The cook Freddy who cooks us 3 course meals that would not be out of place in a French Restaurant, achieved in a tent attired in his white chef outfit. The 9 porters better known as Chasques, who were the great runners ... read more
Super Trekkers
More Steps

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos August 14th 2013

We fly 4 hours north to Lima, the capital of Peru, than 2 hours more to Iquitos. The weather has changed dramatically. It is 30 degrees with 90 % humidity. Abreast the Amazon River, lying just below the Equator, Iquitos is surrounded by The Amazonian Rainforest. Only 120 meters above sea level. The largest city in the world only accessible by boat or plane; it has a population of 450,000 hot blooded locals. With a mix of Columbian, Brazilian and of course Peruvian backgrounds. Tuk Tuks dominate the streets, with fewer cars and the odd bus which have to be seen to be believed. The traffic is best described as Asian; speed, skill and prayer necessary to negotiate the streets. The smiling, laughing people spill from every house, shop and bar, adding colourful life to this ... read more
our group
The Amazon

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