Ian and Laura

Ian and Lauras world trip

Ian and Laura


Myself and Laura are both from Dublin, we are taking 8 months out of our normal (boring) lives to go on a once in a life time trip around the world! Hope you enjoy reading about our adventures!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

World Trip 2012

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro March 10th 2013

Hi Guys, So we got a bus this morning from Buzios to Rio. We had read that the bus station in Rio was not in the nicest of areas but when we went to get a taxi they were just to expensive so we decided to get the bus as so many people had told us it was fine. We were only out of the station a minute and we were getting hassled by some dodgy looking guys, Laura immediately started freaking out and with everyone in the station telling us to get different buses we decided to go back and get a taxi. Luckily though we managed to get a taxi for nearly half the price so all's well that ends well! We had heard so much about the Mango tree hostel so we booked ... read more
Us just before the bee sting!
The Sting!
Waterfall in Tijuca Forest

South America » Brazil » São Paulo March 5th 2013

Hi everyone hope your all good, So we arrived in Sao Paulo after an interesting over night bus trip. We decided to pay the extra to take the nicer more expensive bus to Sao Paulo as we heard it was more comfortable. When we got on we were glad we did as we had lots of space. But at 3am our bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully another passing bus took us on board and brought us to Sao Paulo but the bus was tiny and so cramped with no leg room but we were all so exhausted we slept anyway. When we arrived at the bus station we were refunded the extra money we had paid for the nicer bus so turned out OK in the end lol. We took the metro ... read more
Sao Paulo
At the football museum
Common area in We hostel

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú February 24th 2013

Puerto Iguazu - Argentinian side After a very long over night bus journey that consisted of bad food and movies in Spanish we arrived in Puerto Iguazu, we checked into our hostel The Garden Stone and we finally had a private room a nice break from the dorms and the noisy snorers lol we headed to the supermarket to get supplies and chef Byrne russeled up a yummy spag bol before we hit the hay. The following morning we were up very early to catch a bus to the Argentinian side of the falls. We got to the park at 8.30am and once inside we had to take 2 trains to get to the top viewpoint. It was insane to be standing right on top of the falls. We both got very wet from all the ... read more
Iguazu Argentinian side

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires February 19th 2013

Hi Everyone, So we took another over night bus to BA with Andesmar. We're getting used to the level of service we receive and the routine of these trips. First we play bus bingo, then watch a movie along with wine or coca cola and get our first feed, then our second feed with top ups on our drinks, then another movie followed by sleepy time (which is easy as the seats are very comfy) Then we are woken for brekkie with tea & coffee followed by another movie and then we usually arrive at our destination !! So not too bad of a journey haha We checked into our hostel America Del Sur we stayed at their other hostel in El Calafate and loved it and this one did not disappoint. As we arrived pretty ... read more
San Telmo
Small house in San Telmo
San Telmo

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza February 14th 2013

We arrived in the early morning in Mendoza following a lovely bus journey with Andersmarr which was even nicer than the last company, newer buses more movies and again the food was ok, we even managed to get a glass of wine! We were both very surprised at how big Mendoza was. We were expecting a small town but this place was like a small city. We booked into the Lagares hostel which was a short walk out of town. But it was very nice and Havier who runs the place couldn't be anymore helpful. We had a little wait before our room was ready so Ian sat down to watch united play everton. We got talking to a few people in the hostel who told us to rent bikes and cycle around the vineyards ourselves ... read more
Us in the Vineyard

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate February 8th 2013

Hi Guys, So we have arrived in Argentina in the beautiful town of El Calafate! We took a 6 hour bus from puerto natalies which was fine and got checked in to our hostel America del sur which was a tad hard to find but otherwise very nice. We got talking to an Irish guy Alex who is working there he is from Galway and he was very helpful with telling us what there is to do in the area. We headed down into the town for some lunch, we struggled to get money all day the atm's all seemed not to be working so we had to put everything on the card. We had lunch in this lovely cafe and Laura just loved how they brought out some smarties when you got your tea or ... read more
Beautiful Patagonian lamb
Nothing new here!
Moreno Glacier

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas February 1st 2013

We are finally beginning to come to life again after a week of suffering from the affects of Jet Lag!! We had many sleepless nights and exhausting days but our body clocks are finally adjusting and were raring to get exploring again :) After our 2nd little trip to Santiago we were on the move again. We hauled our bags on the metro and headed to the bus station and took a bus to the airport. We were both pretty excited as our next stop was Patagonia!! We had booked our flight with Sky Airlines and we had to make a stop in Puerto Montt before finally arriving in Punta Arenas. The flight was not the nicest we have had to endure.....it seemed the pilot thought his controls kept sticking and so he continuously felt the ... read more
Puerto Natalies
In Torres Del Paine National Park
Torres Del Paine

South America » Chile » Santiago Region January 27th 2013

We arrived into Santiago after a long flight from Auckland with Lan airlines. We had a 6 hour delay in Auckland due to the grounding of the Boeing 787's. We were pleasently surprised with Lan the airline the staff and food were excellent. They even gave us proper cutlery and glasses which is not the norm haha. When we got to Santiago it was 4pm, this was 6 hours before we left from Auckland. So we went back in time apparently! We got a taxi from the airport to the happy house hostel which is in the barrio Brazil area. Our room was huge but one downside was that it faced onto a noisy road. We were starving when we got there so we immediately decided to head out and get something to eat. After passing ... read more
Earthquake damage Santiago
Kennels in the park
Kids cooling of in the fountain

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island January 21st 2013

Hi Guys, We decided against trying to drive all the way up to the bay of islands in the little few days we have left. It would just have been to much driving and we wouldn't have enjoyed it. We have been talking to some locals and they have suggested we head up to the corromandel peninsula instead and then we can cut across to Auckland. We stopped of in a town called Tauranga and decided to book a glow worm trip for that evening. We spent the day in the town and enjoyed being beside a beautiful beach. We decided to stay out in a DOC camp ground called McLaren falls park were the glow worm tour was happening that evening. The camp ground was really nice and there wasn't many people there. We met ... read more
Cathedral Cove Beach
Cathedral Cove
Laura in Cathedral Cove

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island January 15th 2013

We arrived in Taupo in the early afternoon and we immediately thought the town was lovely. We first had a look around a few different tour companies to book some white water rafting. We decided to book with one company that offered a short floatplane flight first across the lake because Ian has always wanted to fly in a floatplane so we booked it for the following day and headed off to see the Huka waterfall and the craters of the moon thermal park. The geysers were mad, the whole area was steaming as we were walking around. There was mud bubbling everywhere and the strong smell of sulphur or rotten eggs! It really did look like something out of this world. On the lake in town they have this hole in one challenge and Ian ... read more
Poor kid who got hit
Huka falls
At craters of the moon

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