Hannah & Lewis


Hannah & Lewis

Hi Everyone

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Lots of Love, Han and Lewi xxxxxxxxx

Visited Countries Map

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Our Route

Started 01/10/2009 From the UK. Currently in Sydney... the journey continues!

Asia » Taiwan September 24th 2014

What follows is a collection of thoughts, experiences and short stories from our time working as tour leaders in Taiwan. Part One Back in the UK, not quite a month had passed before the opportunity to work in Taiwan arose. A combination of some family connections, our travel blogging and some sheer endeavour led us to a meeting on a Cornish computer screen. We had come full circle and were now beaming out to Taiwan via the medium we had become accustomed to, Skype. The opportunity to “keep the dream alive” and travel for our living was too good to turn down and with terms agreed and bags barely unpacked we hopped on a plane to Kaohsiung which was to be our home for the next two years. Interestingly, ironically maybe poetically we had not been ... read more

North America » United States » New York July 22nd 2013

With time and money running low it was time to search for that elusive cheap flight home. Putting our research brains into top gear we trawled the web, checking multiple routes and countless airlines. After 22months of travel and 23 countries, long distance convoluted journeys were a routine occurrence for us and we found ourselves wondering if there might be time to fit in one more country on the way home…. Which is how we found ourselves boarding a flight from Bogota to Fort Lauderdale, where we would connect for… New York! So “the land of the free and the home of the brave” would be the last stop on our world tour, it was hard to believe that after almost 2 years this way of life which we had become so accustomed to would be ... read more

South America » Colombia » Choco » Nuquí July 20th 2013

It has been many months since we left the shores of the most beautiful Carib-Colombian village Capurgana, our bottoms bouncing from our hard plastic seats as the speedboat surged out across the Gulf of Uraba back to Turbo. With every thwack of the hull on water, shock jarred up our spines. We’d taken this journey two weeks previously but that time the boat captain had put enough diesel in the tanks…this time, after nearly two hours of bouncing, we were marooned just 10 minutes from the coastline as we waited for another boat to deliver us our fuel. Fortunately reinforcements came just as the disgruntled murmurings of the tightly packed passengers rose to fever pitch. We were then thrust back suddenly into the chaos of mainland Colombian city life, but none of this could deprive our ... read more

It has been almost two years since we last posted our blogs. The pace of life whilst traveling lends itself to writing and having returned to England and got new jobs our creative sparks stopped. So it is from a beach in Sri Lanka (travelling again) that Hannah and I can finish the tales of our travels...sorry it has taken so long! Sweat spilled down our backs as easily as the muddy tracks that crumbled the path before us. Ambling slowly along, laden like listless mules, our oh too humane bodies struggled against the weight of our oversized backpacks and 15 litres of drinking water that we carried. We were deep into the jungle of Tayrona National Park that sits at the tip of Colombia on the Caribbean coast, and we had only just begun! A ... read more

South America » Colombia » San Gil August 31st 2011

We were jostling with the crowds, standing on the tips of our toes, our necks craned, Lewi holding a flimsy cardboard sign above his head reading ‘Joshy Balboa’. It was 10pm on a grey Bogota evening and the atmosphere outside the arrivals gate was louder feistier and crazier than a gaggle of teenagers waiting for a TakeThat concert. An hour passed, and as the hyper arrivals hoards around us began to thin there was still no sign of Josh. But then all of a sudden there was another surge of passengers to the doors….including one very familiar face beaming back at us! We joined in the melee of shouting, hugging, laughing and crying, blending in perfectly with the joyous families surrounding us. Bogota itself didn’t have much to enchant the traveller with, it was simply a ... read more
The sleeping brothers
Beautiful streets of San Gil
The amazing sights of Parque Gallineral

South America » Peru » Amazonas July 22nd 2011

It was 10am when we boarded S.V Leonides , joining a sea of swaying hammocks strung side by side like a scene from ‘Papillon’, our presence further clogging the heart of a boat that rusted by the second. Below us a manic scene unfolded. Angry bulls, their horns tied with rope, were run on board into a pen brimming with cows anxious to make space. Chickens remained calm in their boxes, resigned to their own fate, whilst a line of men moved back and forth like ants, loading everything from sacks of rice to whole trees on deck. The undeniable energy of the moment made the prospect of sleeping above all of this for twenty four hours seem tolerable but this was mad, even Noah would have gasped at the sight, and just to top it ... read more
steaming down the amazon
Floating through the light
Sloth, the lazy bear

South America » Peru » Ica » Paracas July 21st 2011

So far our time in Peru had been spent exclusively above the altitude of 2000m, and while we had loved the mountain adventuring our bodies were beginning to crave some warmth. Fortunately this intriguing country is not all mountainous. Far from it in fact. It has sparse deserts that stretch all the way to Chile, lush Amazonian jungle which covers the north east, and of course its elongated pacific coast. We were heading to the Amazon next, but having not seen the sea in two months, since leaving Rio, we decided to make a brief stop in Paracas. This small community is famous for two things, the multitude of birdlife which thrives on the nearby Ballestas Islands, and its consistent stable wind and safe bay which make it a perfect destination for wind sports. You can ... read more
The Butterfly kite
The perfect time of day to go kiting
The rust buggy and peru kite caravan

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu May 30th 2011

The ancient ruins of Machu Picchu are what South American dreams are made of. A formidable fortress shrouded in mist, perched atop a stunning jungle-clad mountain, with the mysteries of one of the oldest civilisations hanging in the air. The 'lost' Inca city has put Peru firmly on the travelling map and, since its inclusion into the New Seven Wonders of the World, a wave of tourists have found the 'city in the clouds' high on their South American wishlist. Situated 2,430 metres above sea level and 80 kilometres northwest of Cusco, the Incas intended for their city to be hard to reach. Five hundred or so years later and it is not the getting there that is difficult it's choosing how. A plethora of travel agencies in Cusco will happily encourage you to walk, cycle ... read more
Beautiful walk
The arrival of the sun, a moving moment
Llama poses for the photo

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco May 23rd 2011

On the count of three I had been told to run, and so I did. But it was hard to run with the huge weight that languidly rose into the air behind me, the folds of the fabric slowly filling with air. Gradually I made progress towards the cliff edge ahead of me, and before I knew it my feet were no longer pushing the ground away, they were dangling in mid air, and the view opened up around me. I was paragliding, and the stunning mountains and patchwork fields of The Sacred Valley were the backdrop. Lewi stood atop the hill where I had stood just seconds before, waving and watching as together with the pilot I climbed higher and higher. It was a beautiful calm feeling as we soared gracefully through the air, wind ... read more
San Blas streets
The Sacred Valley
Enormous stones

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 16th 2011

The city of Arequipa has got to be one of the most attractive cities in South America. It is encircled by a phenomenal cluster of snowcapped volcanoes, who have further contributed to the beauty of the city with their lava. Sillar is a photogenically sparkling white volcanic stone and a huge proportion of Arequipa's buildings are constructed with it. Walking into the Plaza de Armas and seeing the perfect conical shape of El Misti protruding behind the glittering Cathedral is a sight not easily forgotten. This gorgeous vista was just what we needed after having had a spot of bad luck at Puno bus terminal, which was followed by an endless undulating bus journey across the mountains. The bad luck I refer to was the snatching of Lewi's 20kg rucksack from the mototaxi we took for ... read more
Pisco sour Happy Hour
The beginning of the Colca Canyon
The gorgeous Oasis

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