I am just simple person who dream's alot. Traveling is just one of those. Before it was just a dream and I didn't know that I will be able to visit the places i just dreamed of before.

"Dreams do come true", it is up to you if you will pursue it or keep it as a dream.

Though i am not a professional photographer I take pictures alot using my phone. It's like I don't want to miss anything. If there is a chance for me to travel or visit a new place i do it. We only live once.

I am not a professional blogger. I just want to make documentation of my previous trips, to reminisce, for me to realize how lucky I am and to share it with others, lastly I need to make myself busy. :D

Please excuse my grammars and low quality photos. 😊 hope you like it.
Thank you for your time.

Asia September 23rd 2016

"Blessed are the curious for they shall have ADVENTURES" - Lovelle Drachman “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta My Thailand adventure trip was actually happened quick from out of nowhere. Initially I planned it to be on December. I will do a layover in Thailand for about 2-3 days before going to Philippines for my vacation. But nothing is really definite yet at that time, I am a member of this traveler's website wherein you can see other member's travel plan. To sum it up, someone posted a travel plan to Thailand, reading the members conversation and planned activities I find it interesting. The fact that the dates there were matched with the long holiday here in Saudi as it is Eid Al Adha Celebration. So I ... read more
The Temple of Reclining Buddha in Bangkok
The Grand Palace in Bangkok
At Elephant Village and Samphran Elephant Ground & Zoo

Asia » Singapore June 7th 2016

Experience, travel – these are as education in themselves” – Euripides So from my first journey to Dubai traveling to Singapore comes up. Our friend was based in Singapore that time and it was a perfect timing for us to visit her. Why? We have place to stay meaning we will save money for the accommodation. :) A lot for sure as it is Christmas season. Me and T. Rina comes up with a plan to meet our former colleagues and friends in SG. A couple of months before the trip we invited our friends about it and only 4 of us ended up to meet there. Rina and her son traveled directly from Abu Dhabi UAE, Sarah from the Philippines and me from Saudi Arabia. It was my regular vacation that time. To save, I ... read more
Say Cheese! @ Universal Studio Globe
Hello SG! @ Changi Airport
Who's awesome?!

"Travel while you are young and able. Don't worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be." - Anonymous To travel is my long time dream back in the Philippines. Actually not only me, we are group of friends who dreamed and wished to be in different places around the world. Over a cup of 3 in 1 coffee or a bottle of Emperador Light with some Dingdong and Nagaraya on the table, we talked and wished alot. :) On my younger years (20's) I always dreamed of visiting Asian countries (Hongkong, Singapore etc. But during that time I can't do that, I don't have the means to travel. I am a jealous type of person (in a positive way) :D, I envy some of my students ... read more
Pack up! Let's fly away!
Trip to the "City of Dreams" DUBAI

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