Amy and Chris


Amy and Chris

Two goals in life, whichever we can do first: either take over the world or travel it. I think I know which is more likely to happen...

UPDATE: I realize I need to buckle down and transfer from paper to intertubes the rest of our last trip. We've been kind of static lately, with the ever present health issues taking a prime spot in our lives for now. While we're dealing with that I'm going to try and get the rest of those entries down to keep my thoughts of travel burning.

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris September 18th 2007

Paris is cold and the sky is incredible when we arrive. Fast moving, low hanging storm clouds, intermittent sun, and a biting wind all push those feelings of euphoria that come from traveling and finally being off the train after 12 hours. It's a welcome change from the heat of Spain and Florida before that. So this time around we get into Paris' Austerlitz station at 0900 with only a name and phone number for our couchsurfing hosts and an "international" phone card that we can’t figure out how to use in order to operate a Paris pay phone. I don't know what it is about foreign phone cards and me, but my brain becomes thoroughly non-functional when it comes to their correct use. During our Scandinavian trip we never figured out how to make a ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 17th 2007

Although we had been in Europe for more than one full day by the time we reached Barcelona, it was here that I first felt that our trip had actually begun. It was Barcelona where I became focused in a way separate from the Standard Operating Procedure at home. Even Madrid seemed to be a part of the stepping stone process that was necessary to reach our stated goal, which turns out to be a feeling and state of mind as much as any geographical place. We arrived in Barcelona on the 14th and our train from Madrid was an early one, se we didn’t get much sleep but I don’t think sleep is going to be a top priority anytime this trip. Amy was still feeling ill and the up before dawn wake up and ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid September 13th 2007

We've been up nearly 33 hours without sleep and today was a lesson in how potentially disastrous a lack of sleep can be to a beginning journey. I thought there were going to be a few meltdowns. Between Amy having an upset stomach, a lack of sleep on both our parts and I guess what can best be described as a lack of mental preparedness for the language barrier, we were what is commonly referred to as 'frazzled' by people who don't approve of swearing in the States. Initially when we got into the airport and went in search of the information counter, we found it on the ground level but the guy was still in the process of opening. He was busy straightening items up around the kiosk, and while we were waiting for him ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Daytona Beach September 12th 2007

We're sitting in Daytona Beach International airport waiting for our connection to Atlanta. This does not seem very international to me, but I know there are some strange bedfellows in the whole secessionist movement, and maybe something happened while I wasn't paying attention. From Atlanta, world city of international intrigue, or at least strippers, from what I hear, it's a nine hour + flight to Madrid. Not looking forward to that, but at least they give you plenty of leg room on the plane and when I see the professionalism and thoroughness of the TSA, I am confident that there will be no tomfoolery going on. Or hooliganism. Well, obviously I have nothing important to say, just getting through some pre-travel jitters. I would like to mention that I was monumentally disappointed with my previous entries ... read more
a somewhat depressed Zero
Amy in Gainesville

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 14th 2006

After Iceland and Sweden and the prospect of returning to the States before we felt ready, a few things were happening that created some regret when we arrived home. The primary example is that even before we reached Copenhagen we had largely stopped taking photographs. By then we felt the pictures were going to be woefully inadequate by comparison to the experience and I do believe that is true. However, what we forgot is that the photos serve as a connection for friends and family, a reminder (if somewhat pale) for us of our travels, and hopefully inspiration to fellow travelers. So we apologize for the lack of photos but suffice it to say if you don’t get it from the narrative, our time in Copenhagen was amazing. ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund May 7th 2006

We flew into Copenhagen early Sunday afternoon and immediately got passage for a 30-minute train ride across the Oresund into Sweden. This is a narrow strait of water connecting the North Sea to the Baltic. When we arrived in Lund we settled into our hotel and grabbed a quick lunch from a corner stand before meeting up with the rest of the class for a quick overview of the upcoming week. That evening the Swedish students and faculty had put together food and drink so we could meet and get to know one another before the official start of the week. For those of you who didn’t know, the main reason for this trip is a course Amy is taking this last semester of nursing school to study the Swedish healthcare system. The week long ... read more

Europe » Iceland May 4th 2006

Like all things in this world, Iceland, I would imagine, is a place that not everyone would find awe inspiring. We, however, did. Here's the best we can do in words and photos to describe an experience that was indescribable. We flew into Keflavik airport on 4 May, 2006, greeted by friends - Sonny & Nichole - who had arrived the day before us. Our capacity flight from Sanford to Iceland was a long and cramped seven hours and we were able to snatch about two hours of sleep over the duration. Despite the 6AM local time and accumulated exhaustion, there was a rush of exhilaration when the wheels hit the tarmac. We were told it would be like flying over the surface of the moon and while neither one of us can attest to that ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando May 3rd 2006

Just wanted to put a quick entry in here before we leave for our Scandinavain adventure--a year after the fact! Orlando was a not entirely worthless experience, we met some good friends and are where we are today as a result, but jesus, I'm glad there are people who dig a place like this so I don't have to.... read more

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