Dancing GyPsies


Dancing GyPsies

George & I love to travel, dance, & teach dancing. Stay tuned if you want to see our next adventure.

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean » Gulf of Venezuela December 18th 2017

Hello Everyone! I'm trying out a new way to send out my travelogue. This way I can even attach a map! Unfortunately I can't place the photo's in the text. So not sure if I will like this format or not, but going to try it! We had our Annual Holiday dance on Thursday, 14 Dec. (see pictures!). It was well attended & great fun. This year we also allowed folks to BYOB & we enjoyed a lovely social visit after dancing. We had saved back some of the finger foods for more eating afterwards!! Friday I spent packing all day! Hadn't had time to do anything before, so really did take me all day! Luckily I had my lists, so knew what I needed. Not too complicated this time since we were heading on a ... read more
Ph 4-5-6 Holiday Dance, 14 Dec 2017 (4)
Ph 4-5-6 Holiday Dance, 14 Dec 2017 (5)
Ph 4-5-6 Holiday Dance, 14 Dec 2017 (7)

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis April 2nd 2017

First full day at sea! Both enjoyed sleeping in. My tooth is not giving any trouble whatsoever!! Yippee!! Capt announced that we had stopped during the night at Nassau to drop off a sick passenger! Never even noticed!! Still getting oriented on the ship. Found that there is a HUGE salad bar up in the buffet & you can just point at everything & they put it in a bowl, then mix everything up for you! Lovely! Also discovered something they call a Tea Dance in the afternoon in the Ocean Lounge. They only played for 45 minutes, but they were very good & we danced all but one of their tunes. Even an Argentine Tango!! It was our first "Gala" night on this cruise. We decided to just join a table for 6 & met ... read more
2 - Transatlantic - boarding Koningsdam, wandering ship, first dinner & cabin animal, Sun, 2 Apr 2017 (3)
2 - Transatlantic - boarding Koningsdam, wandering ship, first dinner & cabin animal, Sun, 2 Apr 2017 (11)
3 - Transatlantic - First dinner & show, Sun, 2 Apr 2017 (1)

North America » United States » Arizona » Mesa April 1st 2017

What a way to start a vacation!!! Had a tooth infection that started on Wednesday. Hoped it would disappear, but just got worse. Finally told George on Thursday afternoon & he made me call the dentist. They made me an appointment for 9am on Friday morning. I suffered through the last Thursday night dance & the BIG afterparty. Wine certainly helped! The next morning, we headed to the dentist & I was lucky enough to get the services of Dr Holbrook, visiting periodontist & he pulled the tooth & gave his okay for leaving tomorrow on the trip! He even put in a bone graft in case I need an implant later! Stopped by to say bye to Bill & Carol (George gave my love to everyone so that I could keep my chipmonk look to ... read more

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