


North America » United States » California » Los Angeles August 15th 2015

It's 5.18am LA time, and 1.18am back in Britain, on the 11th of August. Currently we have just gone past he coast of Greenland, and will be arriving in Heathrow in 3 hours. This will, of course, be my last blog. So Sunday. We got up at a reasonable time, breakfasted, and Rosie, Kate and I headed out to have a little look around downtown before heading back to pack. We caught the subway there, and walked through the jewellery district to a Starbucks for a coffee. From there we wandered about a little more, first through... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles August 10th 2015

It's 15.58 on the 9th of August. I have just finished packing for the last time, and now have an hour or so before we head up Hollywood Hills to watch the sunset over the city. So, picking up where I left off - we got up Thursday at a reasonable time, somewhere between 8.30 and 9, and headed out for breakfast. It was warm but a little overcast that morning. Regardless, we decided to make for the beach that day and have a bit of a lazy day. Matt, who told us he wasn't much of a beach person, decided not to come and Kieran was that day heading to Universal Studios. So, the three of us headed off to train station, with the heat beginning to build in earnest, and rode the line down ... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles August 8th 2015

It's 11.36 on the 6th August. In this blog I will write about our first 3 full days in Los Angeles. We got up Monday morning fairly early, about 8am, for breakfast. This was mainly due to the local dogs' chorus of barking and howling at that time, but also as we'd gone to bed at a reasonable time the night before. We walked the couple of blocks up to the main mansion house, where one of the staff served us a first course of bacon, eggs, sausages, grits and oatmeal, followed by waffles with cream, chocolate sauce and strawberries. It was the best breakfast we've had from a hostel, and a great way to start the day - sitting out in the garden by the pool in the morning sunshine. We headed back to our ... read more

North America » United States » California » Sacramento August 6th 2015

It's 10.10 on 5th August. We've now arrived at our final destination - Los Angeles, and in this blog I will write about how we got from San Francisco. We got up at the usual time on Friday morning, as we needed to be checked out by 10. I went down for breakfast, showered and packed up my last few things. From there we made the long walk from the hostel, down 5th, to the bus station. Normally this would have been a pleasant 20 minute walk through the city, but laden with bulging backpacks, redundant coats and, of course, Rosie's suitcase, the walk was a little more of a challenge. We made it, however, and at length found our Megabus heading for Sacramento. This particular bus company only does shorter trips so is without some ... read more

It's 12.00 on the 2nd of August. So we're now at the beginning of our last week of the trip, and I am currently sitting on the bus from Sacramento to LA. In this blog, I will write about how we managed to cram most of San Fransisco into 3 short days. I woke up at 7.30 on Tuesday, and met Kieran in the kitchen to make pancakes. We got up at this time because the kitchen was yet to get busy, so we had freedom to cook at our leisure - so consequently the pancakes turned out much better than they had the morning before. We ate while pouring over the map and deciding our route for the day. It was only just gone 8 by the time we had finished, and we weren't to ... read more

It's 22.43 on the 28th July. So here we are in San Francisco, and in this blog I will write predominantly on how we found ourselves here. We got up in Seattle, for the last time, at about 7am - aiming to leave the hostel at 8.30 for our 9.30 train. Thankfully, the train station was only a couple of blocks away from us, so we arrived by quarter to 9, all kitted out with bags and cases (some carried, some dragged) and checked out luggage. We then spent the next half an hour in several queues that were apparently necessary to board a train, before we found ourselves directed to the top floor of carriage 13 of the huge Amtrak train - which was complete with viewing cabin, sleepers (which, of course, we did not ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle July 26th 2015

It's 12.14 on the 25th July. Currently we are sitting on the train to San Francisco, but for this blog I will write about our last 3 days in The Emerald City. Wednesday started as usual, we got up for an early-ish breakfast - about 8.30 - then got ready for 12. In the meantime I ran down the seafront to a set outdoor chin-up and dip bars that had been installed a fair way down the promenade. I spent half an hour doing a little body-weight training there, then ran back to the hostel. By the time I had caught my breathe and showered, it was 12 noon. The plan was to walk up to a district of Seattle called Fremont, to explore the area and see the Troll statue under the bridge there. The ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle July 24th 2015

It's 12.44 on the 24th July. It's been a little while since I've written a blog - we've packed our days so full here in Seattle - but hopefully I can write and upload one today, then another one whilst on the train to San Fran tomorrow. So, I think I left off on Saturday evening, so I pick up from Sunday morning. We all got up and had breakfast before everything was tidied away at 9am, then got ready to go out at 12. The plan for the day was to head down 5th into Downtown Seattle to explore. We left and walked the 10 or so blocks to where 5th intersects with Union, Pike and Pine streets, and the main shopping section begins. From there, we decided to split up as everyone wanted to ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle July 20th 2015

It's 21.58 on the 19th July. So we're now settling into our hostel in Seattle, and getting used to seeing the Stars and Stripes over the Maple Leaf for the first time in nearly 4 months. In this blog I will write about our last day in Victoria, arriving in Seattle, and our first full day here. So Thursday was our final full day in Victoria, and Canada for that matter, so both Donna and Bob had taken the day off. We got up and ready to leave for 3pm, when we were going to head into town to go on the Pickle Boat Pub Crawl for the evening. Before we left, Rosie and I walked up to the plaza to print a photo of us all at the zip lining place and buy a frame ... read more

It's 9.31 on the 18th July. I haven't got round to writing a blog for a few days now as we've been moving on from Victoria and on to Seattle. We're settled in now here in Seattle however, so I will write about Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of our last week. Monday was a fairly uneventful day, with Donna going back to work and Bob having to go in for a meeting. So in the morning I got up early-ish, wrote my last blog and had some breakfast, by which time everyone else was up. Bob came back at about 12 and was now actually on holiday. Around that time Rosie and I decided to head out to the plaza, grab some frozen yoghurt and throw some ball, while Kate sunbathed and Matt watched a film ... read more

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