Binns and Cheryl's Guestbook

14th May 2015
The octopus on top was alive...

Looks interesting
From Blog: Jeju Island
14th May 2015
The octopus on top was alive...

Thanks for reading and for all of your comments on this trip, D MJ Binkley!
From Blog: Jeju Island
8th May 2015
For Sarah

Thanks lady lol ♡
From Blog: Jeju Island
8th May 2015
Walking to the Cheonjiyeon falls

Excellent trip!
Turkey, Greece and Korea--you certainly covered a lot of ground. This island trip was fun--love the lava tube, lava/basalt columns, cheesy sex museum and food adventures (I read that the legs on octopus can be active quite a long time after they are dead). How great that Yeon was with you--trickier for a lone traveler. I look forward to seeing next year's adventures!
From Blog: Jeju Island
8th May 2015
Walking to the Cheonjiyeon falls

Excellent trip!
Thank you so much for reading! It was definitely a tricky trip to plan but so worth it. Oh and that octopus moved around for a while when the soup base was poured on top of it, totally freaked me out as a recovering vegetarian :-)
From Blog: Jeju Island
2nd May 2015
Street food lady

Local at work
I always love these snapshots of daily life. Great one.
From Blog: Seoul
27th April 2015

Still one of my favorite countries. Love the history, the people and the food. Have fun and keep the blogs coming.
From Blog: Athens
25th April 2015

Thanks for sharing Cheryl and Binnson. So enjoyed my travels with you. ?
From Blog: Athens
21st April 2015

Fantastic! One of my favorite places.
25th April 2015

Agreed. We had such a great time there!
20th April 2015
Library of Celsus

Never enough time
It never feels like you've spent enough time in the countries that really capture your interest. You'll need to go back.
25th April 2015
Library of Celsus

Never enough time
I definitely hate saying that we need to go back, always new places to see and discover! But I sincerely do hope that one day we will :-)
18th April 2015

april 17
The pics are have a real talent for writing. Have a safe and wonderful trip.
25th April 2015

April 17
Thanks for your comment, Sharon!
15th April 2015

This is still one of our favorite countries.
From Blog: Mykonos
15th April 2015

We are drawn but the beauty and mystery of this part of the world. We hope to get there soon. The grand bazaar would be fantastic.
From Blog: Istanbul, Turkey
14th April 2015
View from our balcony

Greek drama
Despite the airline drama, you two were pretty lucky. Another blogger, Gunga, was there the same time as you, and was marooned on one of the ferries [blog=879558], plus the wind cleared away clouds, resulting in some fine photos. I love the view from your balcony! Best wishes with the weather in your next stop--hope your plane doesn't get blown to an unexpected island!
From Blog: Mykonos
15th April 2015
View from our balcony

Greek drama
Yes, we definitely felt pretty lucky especially after hearing what some people were paying to book a next day flight! And it's always such a nice surprise to show up at a hotel and get rewarded with a great view :-)
From Blog: Mykonos
14th April 2015

The Greek Islands are mooted as paradise for cruise ships...may they also be for you who cruise but do not necessarily ship!
From Blog: Mykonos
15th April 2015

I can certainly vouch for the paradise regardless of mode of travel. Beautiful islands.
From Blog: Mykonos
13th April 2015

travel blog
Hi Cheryl & Binnson----this armchair traveller is enjoying your travel blog!!!! The time of your life to experience the world
From Blog: Mykonos
13th April 2015

travel blog
Thanks, Gwen. More good posts to come :-) Thanks for reading!
From Blog: Mykonos
13th April 2015

Hey Cheryl & Binnson - it's so great to be reading your blogs and keeping updated! Hopefully your next journey is a little smoother but it sounds like you are still having a great time no matter what gets thrown your way. Happy adventuring!
From Blog: Mykonos
13th April 2015

Thanks, Bailey! Miss you guys. Let us know when you want to come visit us next!!
From Blog: Mykonos

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