Bill and Gerri


We first began bicycle touring when we were in our 40s. Now that we are retired, we can really indulge our travel fantasties. In fact, most of our vacations are by bicycle. In the US and Canada, we have biked the TransAm, the Southern Tier, the Northern Tier, the Great Parks, Alaska, and many places in between. We've also toured Europe three times by bicycle. Summer of 2011 we did a loaded tour from Lisbon, Portugal, to Frankfurt, Germany, via Spain (reverse Pilgrim Route to Le puy en Velay), France, Switzerland, Lichtenstien. Austria, and Germany. Our trip is chronicled on this blog.

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Abbotsford April 21st 2013

On or about May 15, 2013 Gerri and I will cross into Canada at the Sumas, Washington border crossing and bicycle east thru British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New York, and Pennsylvania to ultimately arrive in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The route is a combination of existing bicycle routes and Google suggested bicycle routes. From Lake Stevens, WA (By the way, we picked Lake Stevens as the start because we have a friend who lives there.) to Abottsford, British Columbia, the route is a Google suggested route. Most of the route from Abottsford to Owen Sound, Ontario is the Canadian Bicycling Association suggested route across Canada. Along the way there will be deviations to visit some of our Canadian friends. From Owen Sound, Ontario, we will follow the Adventure Cycling Association Underground Railroad Bicycle Tour south to ... read more
Bill   2013-04-19

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Langen (Hesse) August 15th 2011

"To travel by bicycle is a humble, nonabrasive way to get close to people. It is a way of saying we are passing through with no thought of invasion or conquest, only the simple will to share a part of the road." Claude Herve The magic number is 4226 -- kilometers that is. That's how far we have cycled since leaving Lisbon on May 29. Not the longest distance we have ever biked, but certainly the longest in the number of days spent on the road. A bit about cycling in Europe. The bicycle is an accepted mode of transportation in all the European countries thru which we have traveled. Bike routes, bike lanes, and bike signs are everywhere. Yes, we have gotten lost a number of times, but we've always come to another bike ... read more
Gerri and our Langen, Germany, Hosts
Flowers Near Langen, Germany

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Biebesheim am Rhein August 14th 2011

Well, these are the last two days of our adventure. Lady and the Tramp are tired and in need of cleaning and maintenance. They have served us well. Other than the broken shifter on Lady and the broken front rack bolt on Tramp, the bicycles held up well. Both are Cannondale touring bikes; Lady a T1 and Tramp a T2. They rest inside tonight in a little pavilion next to our tent. Tomorrow it is just a 45 km ride to Langen, Germany, where we will once again spend a few days with Manfred and Maria Haase, our hosts in Grimentz, Switzerland, and now at their home in Langen. The final day will be bittersweet! We so enjoyed the trip, but we are ready to go home. I think you can probably understand that feeling of ... read more
Along the Rhein Route
The Threatening Sky

Europe » France August 12th 2011

Thanks to the awesome French bike paths, our 10 km ride from the campground through the city of Strasbourg and then to its outskirts was easily accomplished this morning. In fact, throughout the day, we saw little traffic as we were on mostly dedicated bike paths and bike lanes. Much of the route was labeled Piste des Forts, meaning Trail of the Forts. It was those forts that made me a bit misty-eyed this morning. We were cycling through the forest on what was once a major road on the French side of the Rhine. That road is now just open to cyclists, but during WWII it was obviously a line of fortifications. We must have passed dozens of such concrete bunkers, open towards the Rhine with an escape tunnel out of them leading away from ... read more
Along the Rhein Route
Along the Rhein Route

Europe » France » Alsace » Strasbourg August 11th 2011

Bill and I have decided that Robbi is our good luck mascot -- it hasn't rained for two days and we haven't been lost since Linde gave him to us. Guess we had better keep him on the back of the bike for the next few days. It did indeed get cold last night; no clouds equals low temps. But we were packed and ready to go by 7:30 this morning. We had traveled this part of France in 2006 so decided to go a slightly different route this time, cycling through some small villages on our beloved back roads of France and along the canal via a bike path. Arrived in Strasbourg before 1:00, ate a good meal at a restaurant in front of the cathedral (with its beautiful stained glass windows dating back to ... read more
Notre Dame of Strasbourg

Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Basel August 10th 2011

Hi, I’m Robbi, a Swiss cow -- or perhaps a bull; it’s hard to tell. Just as Bill and Gerri were leaving this morning, Linde gave me to them. I had heard all about their bicycling adventures during the past two days, so believe me, I was eager to go with them. Gerri attached me to Lady’s back rack and off we went. Frankly, I was a bit disappointed today as there was no real adventure. Jurgen and Linde biked the first few kilometers with us, keeping Bill and Gerri from getting lost. The four of them bid farewell to each other in Pratteln, thankful for another across-the-ocean friendship. We then headed for Basel, about 20 kms. away, mostly on a gravel bike path. From there we crossed into France and headed up the west side ... read more
Robbi on Tour!

Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Basel August 9th 2011

Let me begin by saying that we had the best spaghetti sauce ever last night for dinner. Now . . . here are the details. Yesterday blue skies greeted us as we awoke. By the time we had packed up the tent, the skies had turned cloudy with a bit of mist, a pattern of sun and clouds that persisted throughout the day, but it never quite rained, so we had no complaints. The bike path also vacillated throughout the day -- from gravel-packed to paved and back again -- as did the terrain -- from flat to hilly and back again. All in all, not a bad cycling day. While we were still on the German side of the river, we stopped at a bakery and enjoyed a snack before we crossed the river at ... read more
Basel, Switzerland
Rathaus in Basel

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Rhine Falls August 7th 2011

Last night we enjoyed one of our most enjoyable meals yet in Switzerland -- stuffed baked potatoes. Because Swiss food is so expensive, we have really have to watch our francs. But our host, Antti, took us to a restaurant that serves only baked potatoes -- about 50 varieties. I got mine with cheese, tuna, mushrooms, and garlic sauce -- delicious. Bill’s had much more stuff on it and was smothered in barbecue sauce. These suckers were huge!!! With an ice cream cone for dessert, we were nicely satiated. In order to work up an appetite (as if biking 60 kms were not enough), we walked up to the castle, which has been a fortress since the mid-fourteenth century. We met and talked with the man who, with his wife, lives in the top of ... read more
The Rheinfall
Swan on the Rhein

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Schaffhausen August 6th 2011

Though Switzerland is a land-locked country, we sure could not tell that yesterday as we were camped right on the Bodensee in Konstanz, Germany, across from Kreuzlingen , Switzerland. We watched people wind surfing, fishing, and sailing in the lake as we walked along the shore. As planned, we took the day off from bike touring. Instead, we biked just five kms. into Konstanz where we spent several pleasant hours wandering the streets, purchasing a few small articles and a donerbox (a shaved meat with french fries, smothered in a cucumber sauce) for lunch. Then we biked back to the campground, took a nap, did some bike maintenance, and played cards. Just as we were ready to hit the sack, the thunder and lightening began. I ran back from restroom, after brushing my teeth, reaching the ... read more
Another Covered Bridge along the Rhein

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Sankt Gallen August 4th 2011

Wow, that bed certainly did feel good last night. And waking up knowing that there was a nice hot shower available and that we didn’t have to pack up the tent was fantastic! By 9 a.m. we were all awake and eating a breakfast of cereal, our favorite breakfast food made all the more enjoyable by the conversation with Kamal and Mikael. By 10 we were all headed for St. Gallen, just 15 kms. away by some back roads and trails with lots of steep ascending. We visited the cathedral in St. Gallen, built in the mid 18th century in the Baroque style, and left Mikael in the center plaza to try his hand at busking, earning money by juggling. Kamal, Bill, and I then took some bucolic back roads through Switzerland farmlands and orchards, seeing ... read more
The Juggler's Sign
Kamal, Bill, and Gerri

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