Page 4 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

South America » Ecuador » West » Guayaquil December 3rd 2016

Our return to Lima wasn't without pain, the all night bus journey from Puerto Montt was followed by a quick taxi ride to Santiago airport and a ridiculously long check in period. Ruth has had a nasty allergic reaction to something so a quick trip to the chemist was necessary before another long wait going through customs. It was then time to chill for a few hours before our flight, there were no cameras in Chile's duty free stores and only a few inadequate for my needs at Lima airport, I really need a decent one. We were quickly out of the airport and into a cab to our hotel in Miraflores, unfortunately the cabby was useless and we got lost, she wouldn't listen to my directions and her phone was flat do she couldn't call ... read more
Pyramids at Caral
A delicate species of dove

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Montt November 26th 2016

Sunday saw us hopping on a bus to Tierra del Fuego National Park where we chose to do a 8.5km walk along the shores of Lago Acagami. The weather is always unpredictable in this part of the world and we started in bright sunshine negotiating, at times a rough path through lovely forest. It took a little under an hour and a half to reach the end which sits astride the Chile - Argentina border amid stunning mountain scenery. The return journey was comolested after a more sedate pace which allowed as to see Caracara ghosting ghrough the forest and to listen for Red headed woodpeckers at work. Only minutes after emerging on the lake shore the weather turned bleek and we headed for a cafeteria about a kilometre away getting quiet wet along the way. ... read more
Lapataia River
To old to Limbo
Ruth crosses a stream

Antarctica » Antarctica » South Shetland Islands November 14th 2016

It would be two days sailing through bad weather to Antarctica or so we were lead to believe, the weather however was so good that we were able to land at an Argentine research station in the rarely visited South Orkney Islands. The base is located in a bay where a Scottish expedition ship was once frozen in the ice and the crew were forced to survive on penguins and seals for eight months. The base has been operating since 1904 and seems to be an Argentine land grab rather than anything else as little scientific research appears to be going in. There are 16 males at the basement during the winter months and they have a small museum, a church and several bars. These islands are remote, cold and harsh but I did see the ... read more
Cape petrels
Old shack built by castaways
Snow mobile

South America » South Georgia » South Georgia November 2nd 2016

The next two days we were at sea and again the weather gods smiled on us although Ruth was a little sea sick, all we did was eat, sleep and attend lectures. Eventually we arrived in Elsehul Bay our first landing in South Georgia where we boarded a zodiac to go ashore. Here we encountered our first King Penguins, Elephant Seals and Antarctica Fur Seals as well as various seabirds including the carrion eating Skua. I had seen Elephant Seals from a distance in New Zealand but was unprepared for the sheer size of the males at close quarters. The King Penguins here were a bit ragged as they were molting, this affects their capability to swim and hunt which means they are hungry and miserable. At this site we also witnessed Elephant Seals mating and ... read more
Elsehul Bay
A big male Elephant Seal challenges a competitor
Close and personal

South America » Falkland Islands » East Falkland October 27th 2016

Our last day on the South America continent was spent visiting museums, shops and restaurants around Ushuaia which is a pleasant enough city surrounded by beautiful mountains. In the early afternoon we pulled on our backpacks and walked down the hill to the dock where we began the customs process with our fellow (70) travel companions the vast majority of which were older than us. As we boarded the MV Ushuaia we were greeted by crue members who delivered our luggage to our cabins and directed us to the common area (bar) where we received the good news that we had been upgraded to a larger ensuite cabin so we no longer need to share a bathroom. We then returned to the deck to watch our home for the next three weeks pull into the Beagle ... read more
Home sweet home
Zodiac fleet
Ruth crossing the gang plank

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia October 24th 2016

Lima was pleasant city which we really enjoyed and Buenos Aires has proven to be just as good. We are staying in microcentral within spitting distance of Plaza San Martín and a rather large shopping district. We have one full day in the city so we decided to do some of the more difficult sites to get too including the Recoleta Cemetery which is a walled necropolis located in the Recoleta district, we had to change trains twide to get there. I have never seen so cemetery made up almost entirely of crypts and sarcophagi and we spent an hour and a half looking at tombs including that of Evita Perone. Next we reboarded the metro travelling to the zoological gardens where we saw some of South America's unique fauna including Spectacle Bears and Giant Anteaters. ... read more
Evita's tomb
A church like tomb
Gothic style crypt

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores October 20th 2016

Another horror bus ride terminated at 5.30am after a few hours sleep we headed into the faccinating colonial heart of world heritage listed Arequipa. This place is just as attractive as Cusco, is much larger and is better value for money. Tourist numbers are also much lower here which is refreshing when visiting the city's major attractions. Arequipa the white city is at least 500 years old and sits in the shadow of the perfect cone shaped 5822 metre El MistI volcano. The old town is centred around the Plaza de Armas and features a huge cathedral built from volcanic sillar and the slightly smaller Iglesia de La Compania an interesting Jesuit church. Our first stop was an atm followed by one of the second story restaurants that dominate the Western side of Plaza de Armas, ... read more
Arequipa cathedral
Musicians performing
Iglesia de La Compania

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu October 12th 2016

We arrived in the city of Puno late in the evening exiting the bus and lugging two bags up another hill to our hotel, we will only be here for one long day and are keen to make the most of it so we booked a car and driver and after a short delay due to a really loud festival we drove up the hillside and out of town. After about half an hour we took the turn off to Sillustani encountering some lovely little mud walled farmsteads generally made up of four or five buildings one of which had a guanaco, llama and an alpaca out the front. A little further down the road we came upon a wetlands that had flamingo and Andean geese feeding amongst wading cattle while the brooding stone Chullpas (funerary ... read more
Andean Geese
Funerary tower

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana October 6th 2016

The bus ride from Uyuni to Potosi traversed some dramatic mountainous countryside as we continued our journey north through the Andes. There were a few close calls with Vicuna and llama which slowed the journey a little, about an hour out of Potosi a salesman got on the bus and delivered his pitch to a captive audience, he went on and on about the benefits of what ever snake oil he was selling. On arrival in Potosi we hopped in a cab to our hotel high in the old town, travel in Bolivia is very cheap compared to Chile, so the two dollar cab fare was a welcome surprise. Potosi has a world heritage listed old town with a strong Spanish flavour, this is not surprising considering the tonnes of silver dug out of the mountains ... read more
Rooftops of Potosi
Potosi church
Alleyways of the old town

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni September 30th 2016

After a much needed sleep in we went to breakfast which was surprisingly good consisting of cereal, yoghurt, Strawberry milk, tea and coffee and a ham and cheese roll which was yummy once the ham had been removed. We then wandered the streets of this charming little town taking care of various errands as we went and finally stopping at a nice little restaurant on the central plaza. Here we had seafood dishes in the middle of the world's driest desert in the shadow of ghe Andes at 2500 metres. At 4pm we went on our first tour of the day I was not impressed, we climbed a hill in the afternoon heat to look at a dune, looked at a whole in the ground dug by salt miners, visited a rock formation called the Three ... read more
Beer in a restaurant on the plaza
Iglesia San Pedro
The interior of Iglesia San Pedro

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