Page 24 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

Asia » China » Hangzhou April 11th 2004

With the help of two young Chinese (especially the young girl) we know where to catch the bus from and what time it leaves 1050am. There is only one bus to Wuyi Shan daily, so we must be on it. Breakfast this morning from a local bakery (cosy Y10 =$2) soft rolls with sausages and an egg. Trying to kill time before we go to the bus station – we have about 10-hour ride ahead of us. We are struggling to get used to our backpacks, but all the time taxis cost less than $2, we will be using them. Caught the bus successfully, but why, oh why, did no one tell us it was going to take 15 excruciating hours? Because we don’t speak Chinese that’s why. The bus cost Y124 ($27) and was another ... read more
Ruth faning sleep
World Heritage marker
Raft landing

Asia » China » Fujian » Xiamen » Gulangyu April 5th 2004

What a horrific day (or morning) we have had! We awoke about 630am, showered so that we could be on an early train to Shenzhen. This is where we cross the border into China, so we wanted to get an early start. Tony has misplaced a padlock and his keys (hopefully inside his backpack). We wore our backpacks on our backs for the first time today as we have about a 10 minute walk through the same flyover that we went through yesterday to get to the train. First hitch was that the escalator wasn’t working so we had to climb stairs so it was easier to have the backpacks on our backs but why does everything have to be uphill? We caught the train to Lo Wu, which is on the border, this train is ... read more
A friendly engineer
Minsk World
The Minsk

Asia » Macau » Macau April 2nd 2004

Tony woke me about 5.30 am – apparently he couldn't sleep due to my snoring!! Decided to get up anyway & get an early start – going to catch a ferry to Macau today. Ate breakfast in our room (we bought cereal & milk yesterday) & were on our way by 7 am. Our first stop was the KCR station to see if we could buy train tickets for our trip to Shenzhen tomorrow. We had to walk a long distance through a flyover and several hotel lobbies before we found it, and then discovered you buy your tickets on the day. Tony yelled at me and made me cry. We then caught the ZMTR from Prince Edward Station to Sheung Wan, which is where the Macau ferry leaves from. The ferry costs HK141 (about $25) ... read more
Senado Square
Senado Square
St Michael Cemetery

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon March 31st 2004

Well it’s finally arrived – the day we have waited for and saved for so long is now here. Woke about half an hour before the alarm was due to go off - 6.15am – but with still so many little jobs to do I’m glad I did. Mum & Dad arrived right on time, 8am and we were ready to go. Tony’s day started with him slamming his middle finger in the car boot – OUCH – as he loaded up the backpacks. By 8.05 am we were on our way down the world’s most boring & frustrating road, North East. Peak hour traffic didn’t help our cause, but we still managed to get to Adelaide Airport with plenty of time to spare. Checking in was easy – my backpack weighs 12.9 kilos, Tony’s about ... read more
Kowloon Harbour
Tram ride up a steep hillside
The world's only floating Chinese Restaurant

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 22nd 2002

Siem Reap was friendly laid back little down in those days so after breakfast we walked down to the markets near the river it is a hot 35-degree day and we can walk the streets with out the harassment we received in Hanoi. The markets were ok I bought a few bits and pieces and gave a little money to the land mine victims and lunch was pleasant, we returned to the hotel to chill until dinner time. We ventured back to a restaurant bar in the town centre for dinner that night which was apparently a favourite haunt of Angelina Jolie when she was filming Tomb Raider. Mark is sick again, so he decided to return to his hotel while I headed on to a night club, not sure what I expected but old perverts ... read more
Siem Reap Circa 2002
One of the many other emples in the area
Beautifully carved temple decoration

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi December 17th 2002

The flight to Hanoi took an hour we then boarded a packed bus into the city which took about an hour, one female passenger nearly fainted. Arriving in Hanoi’s old quarter a Vietnamese passenger on the bus pointed us to a guest house, the room cost USD10 per night unfortunately the bathroom wasn’t good, and Mark slept on a mattress on the floor. Next day we moved to the A-Z hotel then wandered the old town, we visited a rooftop restaurant at the top of some rickety stairs that served snake spring rolls which were full of little bones and drank snake wine. Unfortunately, a group of loud Canadians came in and destroyed the vibe, so we headed off. Not much to do in the old town at night except for the little home run Karaoke ... read more
Hoàn Kiếm Lake
Hoàn Kiếm Lake
Hoàn Kiếm Lake

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane December 12th 2002

On arrival back in Thailand we returned to our previous accommodation in Soi 11 this time checking into a better room with power points, it is a necessity as Mark is carrying a digital camera and mobile phones lol. We then went out for a few beers asking the local tuk-tuk drivers where to go but basically just chilling out. The next day was a veg day, we wandered through the shops on Sukhumvit Road before arranging a flight to Chiang Mai in the nations north then booked a room at Eagle House Hostel No.2. We arrived in cooler, quieter Chiang Mai around midnight and decided to visit the night market down near the river, things were winding down, so we moved on to the Nice Illusion night club which was welcoming aberration in the quiet ... read more
Chiang Mai zoo
One of Thailand's many rivers

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay December 7th 2002

Our flight from Thailand was just over an hour and we passed over jungle, valleys filled with rice paddies, mountains and specular rivers before banking over the mouth of the Irrawaddy River and landing at Yangon (Rangoon) Airport. The country is controlled by a military junta so we were uncertain of what to expect, passing through immigration and customs was a slow process I paid a small bribe to avoid purchasing the mandatory 300USD, it seemed a good idea at the time but later I would regret this action. We took a taxi with a guy named Aung who took us on a city tour and helped us arrange bus tickets to Mandalay. The magnificent 99 metre Shwedagon Zedi Daw or Dragon Pagoda as it is also known was our first stop. The pagoda is said ... read more
Shwedagon Zedi Daw
Shwedagon Zedi Daw
Shwedagon Zedi Daw

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok December 1st 2002

Mark Meyer and I are travelling to the countries of South East Asia I was bumped to another domestic flight but we will meet up in Sydney for the international portion of our journey to Thailand. The flight took nine hours and Mark didn’t like anything about the trip I can’t see him flying British Airways again in a hurry. The terminal was modern and clean so the walk outside was a shock to the system as the humidity was high and the noise pollution high. This is mark’s first trip to Asia so it must be a bit of a culture shock for him. We caught the airport bus to Sukamvit Road from where it was a short walk to our accommodation in Soi 11. My first impressions are of a hodgepodge of modern skyscrapers, ... read more
Riverside architecture
Chao Phraya
Chao Phraya

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