Aaron & Laura Jack

A Pair of Jacks

Aaron & Laura Jack

We're a wanderlust couple whose out to live, love, laugh and let loose.

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona April 13th 2011

There are many ways to travel. Some people plan every minute in advance, reading travel guides, choosing restaurants, booking tours and hotels before departure. Others fly by the seat of their pants, with nothing but a credit card, a Lonely Planet and word of mouth to guide them along the way. While we are not so footloose to jump on any train not knowing where it’s headed, we do like to plan as we travel, sometimes not knowing where we’ll be next week. This trip has become as much about visiting family and friends as it is about seeing Europe. Even before Panama and hospitality became our way of life, we often traveled with our parents to go and visit people we knew, whether it was grandparents for the holidays or siblings abroad. Because our original ... read more
At the market
The Esplanade

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Lewisham April 6th 2011

Abbey Road, Bangers and Mash & Double Decker Buses Should we stay or should we go? Do we continue traveling, or do we forgo our tickets to London and begin working our way towards ‘settling down’? Sometimes when you are on the road for a long time, the thought of having your own place, a cell phone, your own fridge and even a job begins to sound appealing. However, the longer we deliberated the more we realized that our indecisiveness was our answer. While we have the time and lack the responsibility of careers or kids, we should take advantage and use our wanderlust as a reflection period about what we want and where we want to be. It came down to the final day before our flight, but finally we said to each other that ... read more
Laura & Aunt Crista

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn March 29th 2011

Mexico, Texas, New York and Montreal “No news is good news,” Laura’s mom used to say to the parents of exchange students who had not communicated in a while. As we take the train through the European countryside we reflect on the two months that have passed since we have written and realize that in our case the expression holds true. Since we last wrote, our life continues to be full of adventure, celebration, family and friends; often with little time to spare. Many of you are probably wondering why and how we came to Europe after three months in Southeast Asia, and we are going to tell you. Others probably are wondering if this is still part of the honeymoon, and while we aren’t really sure, we are calling it “Laura and Aaron’s Great ... read more
The happy couple
Aventura Spa Resort
Nick and Aaron in Cancun

North America » United States » California » San Francisco » Mission February 17th 2011

While our transition back to the States was made easier by family and friends in Seattle, three months in Southeast Asia caused noticeable reverse culture shock and major jet lag. It is hard to describe why we adapted so easily to such a distinct set of cultural norms; however, upon return to our home, we were feeling a little out of place. There are two things we can pin as being part of why we felt this way. The first was how we were living. After months away on our own, we were back around others we knew, making plans and coordinating schedules. We had come down from the high of our honeymoon and being able to spend such amazing, quality time with just one another, without much responsibility to anyone else. It was a simple ... read more
Hanging with Nolan
The baby
Sup guys!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud February 2nd 2011

Indonesia: Land of Diving, Dancing & Dragons With diving and resort living on our minds, we were on our way to Indonesia, our eighth and final country and the exclamation point to our already amazing Southeast Asia experience. We couldn’t believe that we would be returning to the States in just a couple of weeks, and we were not quite ready to concede our time. From Singapore we flew to Bali, an island in the Nusa Tenggara chain, known for its unique Hindu traditions, stunning emerald rice terraces, and a welcoming, hospitable culture. The original plan to visit Bali had been made after our wedding when Aaron’s parents gave us a weeklong stay at a resort as a honeymoon gift. However, before we were to travel to Eastern Bali, we had arranged to meet up with ... read more
Flying into Flores
Labuan Bajo
Too cool

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown January 18th 2011

Malaysia & Singapore: Just a Taste After diving in the Similan Islands we were hooked, and we hoped for another opportunity to dip our fins in this part of the world. Our plan for the rest of the trip included visiting Malaysia and Singapore, then jetting to Bali to indulge in resort living sponsored by Aaron’s parents, a gift for our honeymoon. Throughout our travels, Aaron had been in touch with a friend from university who, with his girlfriend, had been working as a dive master in Indonesia. We told them we were coming with hopes to connect. Scotty and Val who had been working on a remote island an hour’s flight from Bali were about to embark on their final live aboard of the season. They encouraged us to join them and said that it ... read more
Coming into Penang
Georgetown's streets
Our room

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Samui January 12th 2011

Can we get Samui? After diving in the Similan Islands and adventuring around Khao Lak, we were eager to discover southern Thailand’s beauty. People travel from all over the world to take in the splendor of the white sand beaches, crystal waters, and spectacular scenery of the places we have visited. We are constantly humbled by this experience. We feel so lucky that we are able to spend this time together as a young couple and explore a part of the world that has so much to offer yet is so accessible. We continually plan our future adventures while trying to appreciate and enjoy every step of the way. That being said, we left Khao Lak with ample suggestions of places to go and things to do, and in the taxi on the way to the ... read more
Hat Rai Le

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak January 6th 2011

Don't have a Khao We were back on the road and ready for adventure after our week long love affair with Chiang Mai. The land-locked portion of our trip was coming to an end, and while the mountains and jungles were a treasure to discover, the beach was calling our names. We had to make a few short stops along the way, but for us, it was beach or bust. The night train pulled in to bustling Bangkok around 7:00 a.m. We had the day ahead of us to explore the city before returning to the station for our overnight bus to southern Thailand. We maximized our day by visiting the famous Reclining Buddha at Wat Pho, which is said to represent Buddha during his enlightenment as he approached death. The house of ‘Original Thai Massage’ ... read more
Reclining Buddha
A Chinese Rock Giant
Aaron w/ Chinese Rock Giant

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai » San Kamphaeng December 29th 2010

Christmas in Chiang Mai From Seoul to Bangkok, Angkor Wat to Halong Bay, and Luang Prabang to the jungles of Laos, it is safe to say that we have had an amazing first half of our journey. Our return to Thailand was met with enthusiasm and eagerness as we began the second half of our great adventure. Coming down from our high of The Gibbon Experience, we crossed the Mekong River thus crossing from Laos into Thailand. We were pleasantly surprised when we found that our new friends Nate and Caitlin from Tree House 3 were not only on our mini bus to Chiang Rai, but also had plans to stay there for a couple of days. For us, Chaing Rai became a place to reconnect, even though we were only gone for a few nights. ... read more
Thai entertainment
Hike to Khunkorn Waterfall
Hike to Khunkorn Waterfall

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 26th 2010

Dear loved ones, While spending the holidays away from home seems like it is becoming the norm in our lives, one thing remains true; we love you, miss you and think of you often. We hope everyone is enjoying this special time of year. We love all the feedback we are getting from our blog and it really encourages us to keep writing, so thank you. We would love to hear what is happening in your lives as well, so please send us a message whenever you have a chance. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Southeast Asia! Love, The Jacks (Laura & Aaron) Our next post is coming very soon. ... read more
Keep celebrating!!

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