Autumn Night

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September 30th 2009
Published: September 30th 2009
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1: 58 secs
BUSAN IN T-MINUS 2 DAYS!! I am so excited.....words cannot even describe it! I am not sure what I am more excited for, leaving the city for 3 days or just having a break from work? We are able to go because it is Cheusok here which is the equivalent to our Thanksgiving. That does make me a tad bit homesick but I was able to talk to my brother on skype last night and that made me very happy! As well my family is coming in Dec!!
Work here is so exhausting because little kids are so tiresome. I adore each and every one of them but they tire me out! I am now a huge fan of afternoon naps : ) Today was another great day at work. The students wanted to know about Canada money so I showed them what I had brought with me. I had no idea they would be that interested in money. That makes me think that I should have brought more stuff with me from Canada to show them. Open classes have started and it was made very apparent when I got kicked out of my classroom meaning I had to lug all these books with me and then having the English department manager on a crazy frenzy. Only 30 more days of this and counting.
Autumn is here and it makes me so giddy. I adore autumn here and I can see why most people call this their favourite season. All the leaves are changing colour and the sun is shining but there is still that crisp feeling in the air. Absolutely gorgeous! Chestnuts are everywhere right now and they are so yummy. I have ate so many so far.
There is so much I need to do before I go away this weekend including some cleaning and lesson planning. I am being the worst procrastinator though! I made a list of the things I need to but I have not been able to cross one thing off yet. I did get to the store tonight to buy some things for the trip. This was not smart though. Have you ever gone to the grocery store the day before or the day of thanksgiving and had to fight your way through the crowds, get the last of the items on the shelf if it wasn’t already sold out and then had to stand in a huge line? Well that is how the stores here are at the moment. The ladies are all out cramming their carts full of items for their traditional Korean meal and kids either screaming or running around. Many of the employees are in their traditional clothing trying to get you to buy one of the hundreds of gift sets that are out. At least I can cross one thing off of my list.


2nd October 2009

Happy Thanksgiving in Busan
Enjoyed reading your blog Chantelle. I am so excited for you too. I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving there, and we will be thinking of you. We will miss you this year at Thanksgiving, but know you will be in our hearts. Have fun and can't wait to read your next blog. Love you lots Auntie Traci

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