Blogs from Taech on, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Taech on August 13th 2011

Oh how poignant a single song can be at times.... It's 10.37pm here in good ol' Chuncheon, most simply the place I now call home. Just been dropped home by a rather lovely taxi driver, who despite minimal English managed to get it out of me that I enjoy "old school songs" and put on What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. Now of course, bare in mind I was still horribly jet lagged..and feeling the effects of about 20 hours sleep in two weeks...ANYWAY that's enough of that my god! Now it's time for the good stuff. That being what was the grand vacation of 2011 baby. To Thailand with a Motley Crew of friends... So I'll start at the beginning because you KNOW the drama or craziness would have started early..and bloody hell did ... read more
Or lovely girlfriend Anne
The crew partying up a storm
Dessert.Nuff' said.

Asia » South Korea » Taech on September 9th 2007

Taeanhaean National Park was the location of the first Ladies Camping Trip of the '07-'08 school year! Japans' Typhoon Fitow tried to make us change our plans, as the days leading up to the weekend were wet and rainy and the forecast called for more rain over the weekend. We went ahead anyway, and we were blessed with absolutely beautiful weather - by far the nicest weather we have had since we arrived in Korea! You can check out the park at ... read more
All the girls
Mallipo Beach shops

Asia » South Korea » Taech on July 17th 2006

Ths irony of creating a holiday among your friends when you are young as an excuse to meet up every year and party is that sometime syou find yourself on the other side of the world partying alone. Well, I suppose it isn't "the" irony, but this year I was not able to celebrate the infamous "Good Day" with my friends (and I am sure that they didn't celebrate it either come to think of it) in Canada. Instead, I trucked my ass down to Daecheon beach in Boryeong for the glorified Mud Festival- a shmorgous-borge (I have no idea how to spell that word) of foreigners chomping at the bit for a little liberal celebration among the sometimes straight and narrow conservative Korean culture. I was a little trepidatious about the weekend. As I am ... read more
My necklace got a little dirty
Andrew and Brianne

Asia » South Korea » Taech on May 28th 2006

Here in Korea, “Membership Training” has a whole new meaning. Saturday morning, two busses full of 50 Korean and International students headed off to the HITE Factory and to the East Coast Beach for our MT. After a few hours on the bus, we arrived at The HITE Factory. The HITE is one of Korea’s most popular beers. It is cheap, tastes like water, and gets the job done (just like Soju). We had a grand tour of the Factory, but since it was the weekend it was fairly deserted employee wise. If you would have asked any one the real purpose of the trip, I can guarantee that no one would say, “I really wanted to know how they reused all of those glass bottles we go out of our way to recycle!” No, no ... read more
Lable 'em
Drink Up...
Our Hizzi

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