Blogs from Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 15th 2016

Part 3 des ersten Tages. Zur Information, ich bin schon den dritten Tag hier. Hoffentlich vergesse ich alles Andere nicht. Wir waren stehen geblieben bei dem kleinen Spaziergang zu meinem Quartier der nächsten Tage. Wir mussten nur einmal um die Ecke gehen und schon waren wir da - der City Park. Der Teil mit der City stimmte schon mal, denn ich schaute zu riesigen Wolkenkratzer empor. Jedoch von einem Park war nichts zu sehen. Doch! Da! Zwischen den Hochhäusern schlängelte sich eine kleine Grünanlage hindurch. Es sah so ähnlich aus wie in einem Hotel und dieser Eindruck wurde später nochmal verstärkt. Wir gingen zum Eingang des Gebäudes und wurden auch sofort von einem Portier (es stellte sich später heraus, dass es 3 Portiers gab - Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim und Mr. Lee) begrüßt. Sehr nobel dachte ... read more
Han River
perfekt zum Entspannen

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 14th 2016

So, wo waren wir stehen geblieben? Achja, beim Ankommen am Incheon Flughafen, also .... Da stand ich nun - allein, aufgeregt und von Müdigkeit war nichts zu spüren. BIIEP! BIIEP! "Willkommen in Südkorea. Für Anrufe nach Deutschland und vor Ort zahlen Sie 2,99€/Min, für ankommende Anrufe 1,53€/Min. und 0,46€/SMS. Mir blieb kurz die Spucke weg. Aber ich dachte mir, wieso würde ich ins Ausland anrufen? Mit Mama schreibe ich über WhatsApp und mit meinen Freunden über Facebook? Tja, falsch gedacht, aber dazu kommen wir später. Wie jeder gute Tourist und Reiseanfänger folgt man am besten dem Strom, die wissen schon wo es lang geht. Wir kamen an eine Zugstation die uns zur Gepäckausgabe und Passkontrolle brachte. Doch zuerst war ich mir unsicher ob ich hier auch richtig wäre. Und was tut man in so einer Situation? ... read more
Seoul Skyline
Seoul Skyline

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 13th 2016

Hi! Ich melde mich zurück aus dem wunderschönem Seoul! Im Moment sitze ich auf meinem gemütlichen Ausziehsofa und bewundere die wunderschöne Nachtaussicht Seouls. Doch ich fange lieber von vorn an... 12.10.2016 Fahrt nach Frankfurt Nach einem etwas verspäteten Start saßen wir 10:15 endlich im Auto (geplant war 9:30 Es wurde noch schnell etwas Motoröl gekauft und und schon ging es Richtung Frankfurt/Main. Auf der Fahrt dorthin hörten wir ,zur Einstimmung auf die kommenden Tage (und zu Papas Leid und meiner Freude), ununterbrochen koreanische Popmusik. Ich hatte meinen Spaß dabei, Papa allerdings nicht. Er belächeltet mich nur und meinte: ,,Du bist schon anders als die Anderen..", aber diesen Satz kannte ich schon. Nach 1 1/2 Stunden Dörferkunde Thüringens und 1 1/2 Stunden Autobahn, erblickten wir die atemberaubende Skyline Frankfurts. Uns blieb wortwörtlich der ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu June 14th 2014

A night out in style! We had made a reservation to have dinner at the posh N Grill in Namsan tower. Our reservation was for seven, so we all met around 6:30 in Myeongdong and headed over to the cable car to be whisked up to the base of the tower. Well, disaster struck, we got to the cable car and it was heaving. The queue was huge. We tried to hop into a taxi and get them to take us up, but no taxis can't go all the way up to Namsan Tower. So we had to call the restaurant and tell them our predicament. It must happen quite a lot as they said they would send us a text message, so that we could jump the queue. The text message arrived and we headed ... read more
The View
Appetizer of the Day
Appetizer of the Day

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu April 19th 2014

Since I never blog about what I do in Seoul, I thought I should start. Most of the touristy stuff I've done before, but never blogged about it. Anyway... I met up with the others in Itaewon. I was very late. Evil traffic and insomnia the night before were to blame. They were already settled in in PLANT and had ordered my meal for me. I had nearly missed my subway stop as i was too engrossed in deciding what I wanted to eat. PLANT is an amazing vegetarian and vegan cafe run by two women, who make delicious food. I wish they could cook all my meals for me. I had ordered a mushroom burrito with corn soup and kettle chips. It was delicious, the soup was served cold and it was great after the ... read more
Namsan Park
Namsan Park
Namsan Park

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu September 21st 2013

Hello :-) I don't normally blog about my time in England but considering it is now a holiday destination for me, I thought I would include a little bit about my summer activities (plus I had photos I wanted to put up!) I can't actually remember the order I did things in now but I had a great cream tea with Mum at Springfields (where I spent as much money as I always do when I'm there!), attended 2 weddings, and spent time with loads of people including Claire (on the way back from the airport in my Skoda!), Debra (back from Zambia), Kate (on many occasions but most importantly we had great Vietnamese food in Sheffield), Sam (for our usual lunch at the Spirit in Boston), Carly and Abdallah (so nice to meet you!), Stacey, ... read more
Hand held
Afternoon tea

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu June 6th 2013

Hi everyone! I'm just going to write a quick blog to document the last few weeks since my visitors left, then the next one I write will probably be about my Summer travels as it's only 3 weeks until the end of term and there's nothing particularly exciting happening in those 3 weeks! So, as the title of this blog suggests, the weeks have been very much work-filled. I have settled into a routine of work from 7am until about 6pm each day in order to get everything done; then Mondays and Wednesdays I have Korean class after school, Tuesdays I have pilates and chiro, Thursdays I play netball and Friday I go to salsa. So my life has been very structured recently - just how I like it, let's face it :-) But such long ... read more
So excited to be at the lantern festival!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu January 13th 2013

Hello! It's been absolutely ages since I blogged, so as the title suggests, this will encompass before Christmas, Christmas itself and a few weeks after Christmas too! So there were 2 weeks in Korea between when I last blogged and when I flew to England. To be honest most of that was taken up by Christmas shopping, whenever I wasn't at work!! Myeongdong, Sinsadong and Insadong were the shopping areas of choice and I spent all my hard-earned cash on Korean tat and some non-tat! There was also the Key Stage 1 Christmas meal, where we enjoyed a huge amount of meat at a Bulgarian restaurant, and the Christmas concerts at school, which were all getting me into the festive spirit! Then there was the excitement of snow day of course.... It snowed for about 4 ... read more
Snow Angels!
Me in the snow :-)
Katharine posing

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu December 2nd 2012

Hello! Well it's been 4 weeks since I blogged; the reason being that I've been waiting for something exciting to happen! I've been noting down things that are slightly exciting and then after the Charity Christmas ball I attended on Friday night, I now feel that I have enough to talk about :-) Coming back to Seoul from the Philippines was a bit of a shock due to the sudden drop in temperature and general 'going back to work' feeling. When we left it was getting chilly, but was still about 15 degrees during the day. When we got back it was about 6 or 7 degrees and has dropped ever since! It is now averaging minus figures every day! So the under floor heating is on and the hibernating has begun....although this has mainly been ... read more
Queuing up!
The first huge lantern
Lantern man

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 26th 2012

Hello! I have absoultely nothing exciting to say about the past 3 weeks but thought I should very quickly blog before I head off for a week in the Philippines (I don't want to ruin my Philippines blog with the little bit of school related stuff I do want to tell you all about!) The taxi is due to arrive in 4 hours time to take me to the airport (it's currently 12.30am and it's coming at 4.30am to get us there for a 7.30am flight) and I've just finished packing ready to go. I sort of went Salsa dancing instead of packing my bag! And I figure that instead of getting an essential 3 hours sleep I'm going to write this, send some emails, eat an omelette and watch some Glee! What are plane journeys ... read more
A Christmas tree!
My new bike :-)
Watching Love Actually....

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