9th Day: Mt Namsan Park and N Seoul Tower

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu
September 17th 2012
Published: March 26th 2012
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Today was very special because today we went to visit the famous Namsan Tower. Before we went up the tower, we wandered around the mountain park. The park itself contains over 600 plants and animal species. Northeast the park there is a small traditional village called Namsangol Hanok Village.

At the mountain park, we took the tour bus around the park to see the different plants that grow here. It took us about two hours to get through the tour. We also participate in a quick walk on the jogging tracks. After that we went to the botanical garden and just enjoyed the beautiful scenery and flowers.

When we move onto Namsangol Hanok Village they had many events there when we came; village tour, fan/kite making and folk dancing are to name a few. There were also traditional cooking classes which taught us how to cook with the olden day cooking facilities and natural ingredients. They showed the utensils and cutlery made from pottery and stone to us too. It was incredible. Since we took the tour of the village, I managed to meet Goo Hara, a Korean-Chinese girl that also came to Seoul for a holiday. She was fluent in Korean and English but only spoke a bit of Chinese. She said that she was going to the N Seoul Tower soon, so I invited her to come along with me and Sandra too.

Around 5-6pm was the best time to go up the N Seoul Tower because it was the time that the city would start opening the lights of the buildings. We were planning to go by the cable car which will take us to Myeongdong, but we wanted to get something to eat before we head back. There was one cafe and three restaurants in the tower. We chose N. Grill which was a rotating restaurant which sold Korean Beef, Tenderloin Steak, Lobster and Sirloin Steak. The food was really filling and the rotation gave us a good view of all angles of Seoul. So after the meal, we headed up to the Sky Restrooms on the observation level which had amazing views and fantastic restrooms. After that we head to the safety fence where there were thousands of locks with a message on it about love, happiness and wishes. Locks were sold there so i bought one and wrote a secret message on it in Korean;'세계 평화'. It was time to go so we got onto a cable car and headed back down. We took a subway back to my hotel and ended the day at that.

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