Blogs from Ichon Station, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station June 6th 2011

Life is so filled with funny moments. Lately I have felt as though I could make millions of dollars with some of my adventures here in Seoul. I wonder if we are provided to encounter the most embarrassing moments to humble us in our journey on this earth. First I will begin with general updates and then end on funny highlights. Get you favorite beverage, relax and enjoy this read as I bring you up to speed. Updates: As many of you already know I took the Millers Analogy Test recently. My score will be revealed by the end of July. I am planning to continue my education at the Yongsan Garrison Army base through the Troy University extension. Degree plan: Master's in International Relations. Due to begin in August. Special thanks to Rick Tavarres, my ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station May 16th 2011

What causes for us to become inspired? This is an answer that I think changes based on one;s past and daily experiences. In this blog posting I will share some of my inspirational experiences and let you come to your conclussions about the causes. Currently I am continuing to embellish myself in my Hanji Painting. At times it can be a bit challenging as I am learning artistic techniques. None the less, I love doing this. I have set-up my own little studio within one of the enclosed balcony areas. It is a great work space and not to mention such an amazing view of the river. Social shopping has dramatically slowed down as I try to stay at home more. An outcome is that I do not have as much one-on-one interaction with the friends, ... read more
New Friend

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station April 17th 2011

Ever wonder why we think we have it all together when really we are not in control of the final outcomes. I find it so funny that we painstakingly plan, toil and stress over so so many things in this life that in the end tend to work out for good. Of course, our initial choices do play a role in our personal level of satisfaction in regards to the outcomes. Let me take you on my journey of highlights regarding some of my final outcomes for the week. I visited Insadong with my Hanji instructor, Sangsil. We enjoyed lunch and visited a few art galleries. She introduced me to the bus transit system. I personally still prefer the subway. After lunch she directed me to the subway entry for my home destination. I got on ... read more
Smelling the Blossoms
My Honey

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station April 7th 2011

One of the highlights of my unplanned experiences happened this week, but before you go on if you are not open to learning some of the details of what is involved in a Medicinal Herbal Hip Bath in Seoul you may want to consider skipping the Dragonhill Spa section. If you are curious please join me in my journal of explanation. I will begin with the joy of finishing my best yet Hanji Painting. This one took me two class sessions and at least 6 hours of homework to finish. I am very pleased with the end result. Please note without the guidance of my teacher this would not have turned out to be what it is today. Thanks Sungsil. Dragonhill Spa- On Tuesday I decided to take on the challenge alone of Dragonhill Spa. This ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station April 1st 2011

I am told spring is right around the corner and I must say that I can feel the difference as the warmer days are making their much appreciated appearance. I see the signs of the trees green buds and the cherry blossoms delicate flowers beginning to reveal their inner beauty. One day this past week I was able to take off my jacket on my journey to and from the subway. It was refreshing! We have been experiencing the yellow dust which reminds me of the oak pollen in San Antonio. At this time the dust is not as heavy as the pollen, we will see as time progresses as to the increase in density. Currently I am working on what I would claim to be a beginner Hanji Painting masterpiece. My plans are to have ... read more
Handsome Hubby
Adding Spring to our Apartment

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station March 26th 2011

Some days are filled with times of reflection on the good times of the past and the exciting times of the present. Over the last two weeks I have reflected back on the very beginning of this journey. One significant send off event I revisited was that of our dearest family and friends gathering to say goodbye. Jeff and Kaycie pulled off this surprise of a lifetime which started our journey to Seoul. I have attached a video of this big event. As I move forward in writing this blog I also will reveal my newest memory maker moments last week. Here in Seoul we have encountered both the very bitter cold and the signs of slightly warmer spring days. The trees are just beginning to bud. Spring and the heat of summer are just around ... read more
Hanji 7 Daisy
Hanji #8 Fish
Karen Baking Apron

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station March 14th 2011

This week my amazing hubby Matt surprised me by bringing our oldest son Dustin, his wife Melissa and our 3 gorgeous granddaughters to Seoul for my Birthday. On Sunday evening I was playing soft music and working on a Hanji Painting when low and behold 3 little girls come bouncing in to greet me. I had tears of happiness flowing down my face. This was so awesome. I will share our journey this week more in photos and videos. Cyrstal was so kind as to design a daily itenerary of activities to do during their visit. Thank you Crystal, we are so appreciative. Mon, 03/07- We began our journey taking the subway to Youinaru Station to visit Building 63 the tallest building in Seoul. Building 63 contains aquariums filled with fish, otters, penguins, seals just to ... read more
Subway adventure with WA Kids
Papa with girls
Birthday Celebration with Family

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station March 6th 2011

This was my time to get caught up on evaluating the homework for my great students, preparing for this weeks class sessions and enjoying my new found past time of Hanji Painting. I will begin this week on Tuesday as I had ended my last blog with my return from Thailand journey notes ending on Monday. Our lovely Korean roomate took great care of Matt while I was away. I think he may be getting a bit spoiled with all of the attention. The Koreans just love to serve whenever they feel needed. This is one of the awesome things I admire about their upbringing. Tues. 03/01- Spring is just around the corner I am told. Today the brisk bitter wind from the North reminded me of just how cold I felt upon my arrival back ... read more
Sunset from our bedroom 2
Sunset from our bedroom 3
Hanji #5-Marilyn Gift

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station February 19th 2011

This week enveloped me with the sincere appreciation of stress. At times in life we overcommit of which in many cases cause the birth of 'stress'. I am curious as to why as we are so darn hard on ourselves. It is almost like we feelthat if we do not accomplish what we set forth in our minds we have failed. This week I was reminded that stress enhanced my appreciation for all opportunities that came my way within my journey. 02/14-Mon. Valentines Day in Korea. I found out from my Korean friends that here in Korea it is not uncommon for the women to provide the candy and gifts to the men. The men have a tendency to not reciprocate the sweet gifts of love to the women. This is an excellent place for my ... read more
Traditional Handbok
Mrs. Moon our Korean Teacher
Mrs Moon, Monique and Phyllis

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station February 13th 2011

Extreme highs and sitcom lows. In life just when you think you have things figured out there comes out no where a curve ball that hits you smack dab in the nose. This is how I would best describe my week of wonderful learning opportunities. Okay, at the time those encounters were frustrating and I would not have selected the choice word of opportunities, as I am sure you can relate. Let me begin with my weeks journey. 02/07-Mon. Began my day by baking batch number 2 of Miracle Banana Bread. Each time it is getting better. I think I have found one of my mistakes. I could not find regular baking soda, however, I found a box that you place in your fridge to use to absorb oders. So why not use it, seems to ... read more
Second Hanji Painting
New Bed
New Armoire

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