Canada - Seoul Flights

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Songpa-gu » Jasmil Baseball Stadium
January 27th 2011
Published: January 27th 2011
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Flight #1

Flight from YOW>YVR>ICH


You know you're in Canada when.

The Air Canada Flight

YOW is its typical sterile self. Don't get me wrong, it is a great airport, but something lacking...

Security takes the typical 5 minutes in line with zero resistance at the scanners. I'm pretty much an expert at not setting off metal detectors. I expected more from the x-ray guys, because I've got a laptop, external hard drive, cables for the phone, camera, chargers, granola bars, Air Canada issued hand sanitizing spray (as a tiny amount *25ml* of undeclared liquid), etc. etc. but they didn't even look in the bag.

The flight was pretty good, a bit bumpy over Northern Ontario, and there was an unfortunate pregnant lady two rows up who looked panicked the entire time and spent a good long time in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure she was deathly motion-sick.

YVR is a great airport, long straightaways with people-movers, lots of shopping, simple layout and friendly people. Not too much to report! The international terminal was at opposite ends from my arrival gate, so it felt like 5km of people mover!

Oh, I bought some cold-fx at the airport because I remembered my Auntie Brenda recommending it. I think

Has epic river watersheds...
you're supposed to take it well in advance, but better late than never! I also brought some Strepsils. I tend to get strep symptoms 12 hours after flights like this, so I brought them just in case.

The Korean Air Flight

The boarding starts at the out-doorsey YVR, complete with salmon swimming in a stream through the middle of the airport.

The Korean Air announcements include the usual 'pre-boarding' for those with children under 5 or adults over 70, or those who require additional assistance. I'm not surprised when the first class and 'star alliance preferred doo-dads' members can board. After all this, you would expect the pre-boarding to be finished. However, lets not forget about the prevously unknown and under-represented 'Morning Calm' group of passengers. Where are they sitting, why do they get to pre-board and also, their style of travel sounds appealing...Morning Calm..hmmmmm. How do I become a Morning Calm member? It sounds much less stressful, less babies crying perhaps? The boarding attendants have a special red and blue protest-looking sign they hold up to show the Morning Calm people where to go, because the gate isn't obvious enough, with its large desk and 50-inch

Has epic mountains
electronic billboard...

Our plane is a Boeing 777-200, with 70 rows of three-three-three configuration. I'm one of the lucky few who sit next to a window. Our seats are covered with the usual trans-oceanic items, a sanitary looking pillow wrapped in paper towel, a 100x used and washed cheese cloth type blanket, and a bottle of water. What I'm surprised to find is a classy pair of light slippers and a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. Nice touch, Korean Air, nice touch.

There's a faint scent of jasmine in the air, the plane is pleasantly cool, and there is some sort of inspirational music playing in the background (as if the mentally challenged kid in the movie just realized his girlfriend was finally in love with him, and they lived happily ever after). Although now that I've written this, its switched to Celine Dion. Equally good plane boarding music.

The slippers come on, the REMOTE CONTROL for the seatback entertainment comes out (again, nice touch, the lighting, air conditioning, interactive maps, movies, tv and music is at my fingertips!). My legs are comfortably stretched out under the seat in front of me. It seems like it will

Am I inside or outside right now?
be a good flight!

Once we've been flying for about an hour, bumping around in the Vancouver Island turbulence, the flight staff starts to distribute the first of many rounds of drinks. I opt for the wine, against my better judgement. The businessman next to me does the same, downing his glass in one gulp and getting a refill before the flight attendant can step away.

Lunch was an option of Korean Rice, Bulgogi, or Beef (?) which seems to me mystery beef. Given that I'm in for the long haul and I'm trying to experience everything, I opt for the bulgogi, Which I've had for lunch countless times before at Kochu on Elgin near work. However, the flight attendant hands me a large, white peice of paper with visual aides on how to eat it. See, the bulgogi comes ready-made with the ingredients in a big bowl (cooked bok-choi like greens, bean sprout, zucchini (or cucumber), beef (ground in this case), shredded carrots, and other mystery vegetables). The instructions show how to open the blue sample size rice container to empty the steaming hot rice onto the room-temperature vegetables. A small ketchup-like packet of sesame oil and a squeeze bottle not unlike a polysporin container of hot sauce go on top. The guy next to me encourages me to dump the rest of the half-squeezed tube of hot sauce on top. Once mixed, its a delish mixture of flavour, and the plane food actually rivals Elgin Street!

The meal comes with a side of spicy sliced pickles, with what seems like Italian salad dressing and green onion on top of them. More wine! Wine was served before (x2) during (x2) and after (x1). My neighbour took full advantage by:
1. Asking for an extra-full glass, and
2. Drinking quickly and getting a second refill on each service. I think he's still drunk and its 4 hours and plenty of snoring later!

The flight is only about 3 quarters full, so the centre seats are empty, leaving one empty seat between everyone. Lots of space to spread out and get comfortable. As I write this section of the post it feels like my butt might actually be melded with the seat. I've gotten up about a dozen times to walk up and down the plane, but it still feels like I'm bruised, and there's still 5
Welcome to Korean AirWelcome to Korean AirWelcome to Korean Air

here are your plastic bags.
hours of flying left. I can't remember what time it was where I started, because I took a friend's advice and changed my watch to the arrival time. All I know is it feels like midnight, but its about 1:00pm. Which, come to think fo it, is about right.

1. There's a movie list titled 'Beyond Special' with such classics as: Othello, Imagine: John Lennon Story, Amadeus, A Boy Named Charlie Brown, and Home Alone. Beyond Special is right.
2. Babies LOVE walking up and down plane aisles. Korean Air flight attendants LOVE carrying the babies around.
3. Koreans read right to left, so in-flight magazine page turning is in reverse.
4. Everyone closes their windows during a long-haul flight. The curious pop open their windows, only to blind 1/2 the cabin.
5. A set of 6 pens from the in-flight shopping will set you back $200USD, which is perfectly acceptable when you've had 100 glasses of wine.

I'll be posting this when I get a chance in Seoul. The plan is to check in through customs, find a money exchange, call Spencer and Jess and hop on a bus to Jamsil station, which is in their neighbourhood. Its a 90 minute bus ride, which should be complicated by rush-hour, but hopefully not. I'm scheduled to arrive at 5:30, so by the time I get out of the airport it may be closer to 6:30, which means I'll get to their place by 8:00pm!

Right now we're flying over Kamchatca, Russia, and if you haven't guessed, out of boredom I've written all this detail, so I'm just going to put the computer down, before risking losing readership :P

Thanks for reading!

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18



Surprisingly, they mostly fit my feet...
mmm... Bulgogimmm... Bulgogi
mmm... Bulgogi

Clockwise from top left: Spicy pickles, grocery store fruit salad, wine, tea/coffee, rice, seaweed soup, bulgogi.
Sunset at Incheon AirportSunset at Incheon Airport
Sunset at Incheon Airport

The day lasted from sunrise at the Ottawa airport until sunset at Incheon, Korea. Who knew planes flew just fast enough so that it could be daytime while you fly around the world.

Spencer and Jess took me for dinner when I arrived. Delish Dukgalbi cooked by Jess at our table. Chicken with cabbage and noodley dumplings.

27th January 2011

I do believe this will become my daily/weekly/monthly however often you post, reading. Have a great and safe adventure my dear! I look forward to reading and seeing more. The pictures are so-Andy ;)
28th January 2011

Andy enjoy the experience
Andy this was a great entry, you write beautifully. I hope to become a follower of your adventures over the next number of months. Take care, enjoy and as you always do experience, experience, experience.
28th January 2011

Keep the Photos and Blogs coming!
Love the photos Andy! Hope your trip has started off well! Much love. G'g
28th January 2011

you uploaded this photo already, it was so good to have you, wish you stayed here for weekend!, have a safe flight!
29th January 2011

I've finally figured out the blog navigation to get to your next entry. It was fun to read your recent posts Andy and to see your pictures. I agree with Jessica - the pictures are so Andy - but fun to see the airplane food etc. Doesn't look like you had much room for your feet! Glad to hear you picked up the Cold FX and Strepcils. Better to be armed. Were you able to fit in the tiny flashlight? Mark has returned safely from Milan. I dare say that his last night there is a bit of a haze - a crazy Kareoke night with his co-workers at a pub in Milan. Anxious to read your next post. Enjoy - and give a big hello to Trung from us! xo
29th January 2011

Hey Andy; So far your trip sounds great. I have been enjoying reading your blog-you have done a great job of writing it. Hope that you are continuing to have a good time in Korea, with your cousin and his girlfriend. Keep safe. LOL Barb
30th January 2011

Thanks all!
@AuntieBarb: Thanks! The trip is amazing so far. I'm in Hanoi and trying to keep up with blog posting. Hopefully tonight I'll have some time to post pictures of the great time I had in Seoul with Spence and Jess. @AuntieBrenda: I figured out the coldFx is just the immune boost kind, not the classic kind. Whatever it is, its working so far! knock on wood! @Jess: The flight was good! Very uneventful, except for passport control in VietNam, which I'll get to, eventually! @Gigi & John: Miss you guys already. I'm trying to organize brunch with Trung here. There's a place with a full-on American brunch, including coffee and all the fixings for about 60,000VND, or $3CAD. Amazing. Oh, and its at the National Opera, which is all you'd think it would be, its a copy of the Paris Opera. @Jess Lo: Hey Lady, lets chat over skype sometime. I'm 12 hours behind, so either you come on in the morning, or I'll try some other time other than evening! Woohoo! @Everyone else: Thanks for the comments, keep them coming!!
31st January 2011

G@G Love your blog
Your Grandmother sends her love and says that they both love the blog and are finding your trip very interesting - keep well love Dad XXOO
3rd February 2011

Yes on the Skype
I'm usually up early and up late. One of my besties is in Beijing so I've adjusted to these times quite well for Skype. I'm really enjoying the photos and posts! On to read the next one.

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