노래 방

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March 1st 2009
Published: March 3rd 2009
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[youtube=-O9iiOtRywk][youtube=UD7rIeXIzRU]노래 방 means a Karaoke Bar. it wasn't at all what i was expecting. When I think of a karaoke Bar I think of something like in my best friend's wedding. You go to a bar get a table and some drinks and take turns volunteering your friends to humiliate themselves singing in front of strangers. In Korea, it is not like what. We walked into a very fancy place and rented the room for 30,000KW for the hour (that also covered unlimited ice cream which is why I liked it) You literally go to a small room with a big long couch and the group that you go with sings all the songs they want for an hour.

The part I think i hated the most was when you get there, you aren't allowed to wear shoes in the room. So you take your shoes off and put these 'slippers' on that they give you...that God only knows how many people wore. I did NOT like that part. haha

I've learned a few things about food in korea. First of all rice 쌀 is like a staple food here. It is in everything. When you go out to eat you get a lot of food and everyone eats everything. If you want to try some of someone's soup you just put your spoon in and eat out of their bowl, eat off each others plates...every thing like that. There are no boundaries. I'm sure glad i got my meningitis vaccination.

So far I have only started my Korean Classes. They run from 8:30-11:10 every day. This is not like at Arcadia where that would mean like 9ish-10:45...that means 8:30-11:10 exactly. Every minute of class time is used except for a 10 minute break in between. The Korean class is interesting. My class has a few people from Japan, China, three from the USA, and one from Germany. Everyone is learning in English which for everyone except the American's isn't even their first language. It is a very intense class. It is about 15.5 hours a week of Korean. i get 9 credits for it. We have homework every night and quizzes everyday. In addition to learning a few of the letters every day we learn 10-15 words which we are quizzed on the following day. We get a picture and under it we have to write the korean word for it. It is already very hard and frustrating and it is only day number 2. Because of the rigor of this class and the unavailability of the classes i was hoping to take, I will be taking a globalization class, a korean ceramics class, and a class thats about history through movies. It sounds very easy, and that is because it is. The only classes really available in English are science classes, and I was NOT interested in coming all the way to korea to take Physics, or Chemistry. I will take ceramics 😊


5th March 2009

Next video should be with you singing... now THAT would be worth viewing..... Your mom

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