You shoulda told me to stop digging...

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February 26th 2009
Published: February 26th 2009
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Daytime SeoulDaytime SeoulDaytime Seoul

...i have this same picture later on in the seoul at night pictures...
So is it true? You start digging a hole and you come out to China, right? The other side of the world. Well I've always had a hard time doing things the straight on right way, so my hole curved just a bit, and I made to to Seoul, South Korea.

The flight over wasn't even as bad as I thought. Cramped, packed in like a sardine, yes. Long, yes. But aweful? Surprisingly no. It was two hours to Chicago, wait 20 minutes to board, 4 hours to San Fran, sprint to the gate to get there in time for last call, then 13 hours to Seoul. When I landed it San fran it was 1pm and i hadn't eaten or slept yet...but then when i called Dad i realized it was 4 back home. so I've been going for 12 hours with no sleep or food so far. I couldnt' believe they didn't feed us at all on the flight. I was getting starved. On the long flight we got some 'food' The best part was the oatmeal raisin bar and the ham and cheese hot sandwich haha. I waited about an hour for my buddy to pick me up, which was my fault. She said she'd be there at 7. I said come a little after 8 because it will take me a while to get through customs. Well, we landed a little after 7 and by 730 i was outside the gate looking for her.

We took a bus and a taxi to get to EWHA. She took me up a dark ally to get to my dorm. Sketchy? A bit. My room is unfortunately not in the International house but next door in the graduate dorms 😞 I'm just hoping my roommate speaks english hah. I'm on the third floor. There's a touchpad to get into the room, where there's a 3x3 area to take your shoes off along with a shoe closet. A girl can never complain about being given a closet just for her shoes. THe hardwood floors are heated which is LOVELY! haha Our room is probably 12 feet wide and 25 feet long including the bathroom. The bathroom is a small room with a sink, toilet, and shower head. Is there a separate room for the shower you there is not. This will surely be interesting. There is a lot of storage space in the rooms, more college dorms should look like this. It's a bed with what looks like kitchen cabinets a few feet above it. I have a desk with a book shelf attached to the side of it. A closet that locks and a refrigerator. We also have a small balcony, and on the 3rd floor its pretty cool! I think i'll get a plant.

How does it feel to be in Korea? We'll after sleeping for the first time in two days I feel a lot better about things. I'm still freaking out a little because i have NO idea what to expect from anything. I'm still sad because I had to leave my husband for what is about to be a long year for us. I'm kind of wishing I would have gotten a room where I didn't have a roommate. I'm still too afraid to unpack. I'm not going to lie this is...going to be hard. This is my first REAL study abroad experience. London was easy, it wasn't scary. Here, I'm in a world that I don't speak their all. All though so far I keep being told that I pronounce things very well. I guess that's a start. I was given a list of classes to chose from and unless I want to take "Theory of Integers" or "Advanced Organic Chem", I'm in trouble.

So today I got up at around 0700. Waking up today was weird. I was discombobulated. Between not sleeping well the last week and then traveling for two days, I woke up with that pit in my stomach remembering where I was. My roommate came in late last night so she's still sleeping. I haven't unpacked or showered yet so i don't wake her. I have to take a Korean Placement exam this afternoon and then go exchange money and get a cell phone.

Well who knows what is going to happen the next few days, weeks, and 109 days. I'm nervous, excited, and sad to have left my hubby, but in the end all is well, and all is worth it. Sorry I don't have any pictures yet, but ya'll know they'll be coming...

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2nd March 2009

Hows things with Becky?
Hey becky its me gene the person who did your stress test. wondering hows things are for you? just read your blog and was happy to see you didnt't mind the flight over there. hope you can adjust to the weather and food!!! lol tell us about the healthcare there and take some pictures of there hospital. if you need anything just email have fun gener
15th July 2009

heeey becky. nice room. haha

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