Blogs from Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu April 12th 2015

Spring has sprung! The cherry blossoms were out in force and I wanted to head some where to walk about in their beauty and, of course, take some photos. I don't know what it is about cherry blossoms, but they just put a smile on my face. Maybe their beauty is amplified as they are the first real flowers after winter. I just wished they lasted longer, cherry blossom season is too short. The flowers would be at their peak on 9th April in Seoul. The KTO (at least I think it's the KTO) publishes a guide stating the dates when the cherry blossoms peak in different regions and cities of Korea. So I was only a couple of days late. Ideally, I had wanted to visit somewhere that wasn't too busy, but I knew I ... read more
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu April 4th 2015

Gaemi Maeul means Ant Village, and is located in northern Seoul. The village is in the foothills of Inwangsan Mountain. It is very easy to get to. I took the subway to Hongje Station and came out of exit one. I walked along the street for about 5 minutes and came to the bus stop. This area of northern Seoul is more traditional, since it was a Saturday, loads of adjummas had set up stalls along the path, selling fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This neighbourhood is a contrast to the modern, polished areas of Gangnam and the like, south of the river. I waited a little while at the bus stop, there were plenty of buses coming and going, but not the number 07, which I needed. The journey on the minibus took about 10 to ... read more
Trail to Inwangsan
Gaemi Maeul
Gaemi Maeul

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu » Sinchon February 28th 2012

27 février 2012, voici que mon séjour à EHWA Womans University (Séoul - Corée du Sud) commence avec d'entrée de jeu les 8H de décalage horaire auxquelles il faut s'accoutumer. Je suis parti pour 4 mois de cours dans cette Université féminine ou les seuls hommes à y être autorisés sont les étudiants étrangers comme moi. Ce blog sera pour moi comme un journal de bord, retranscrivant mes ressentis et mes souvenirs sur ma vie au pays du matin calme.... read more
Exchange student
Spring 2012 EHWA

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu June 26th 2010

After countless palaces and temples in S Korea, Japan, and Thailand, I wanted to see something different. After some research, I found Seodaemun Prison. This historical location was built during the Japanese occupation to control Korean activists. My research also suggested against younger visitors as it holds some gruesome reenactments of what happened during 1908-1945. I was meeting three friends in different areas of Incheon and Korea, so we had a few stops along the way. As a tip for anyone living in Incheon and wanting to get to Seoul quickly using the subway, get yourself to Bupyeong. From Bupyeong, you can grab an EXPRESS BUS to Yongsan. You go up to the Yongsan tracks and choose the side that has the electronic sign reading 급헹 (Express) 용산 (Yongsan). From Yongsan, we made a few transfers ... read more
Alley Bookstore
Memorial Murals2

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu » Sinchon December 6th 2009

Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since I've updated my journal about my time in Korea. Lately life has been a little hectic and difficult to find time to sit down and type out everything about what has been happening. I will try and write more and shorter entries so everyone can keep up. I've been doing a lousy job of that lately but I promise to improve on it. Let me know what you think. I hope everyone is doing fine and is enjoying their lives. Out of the Game The past few days have been very slow. As most of you already know, I had surgery a few days ago for a condition that recurred during past few months due to straining of my abdomen most likely from breakdancing. I ... read more
Wth Kiwoong, my language exchange partner and good friend
Traditional tea pavilion
Modern Street

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu » Sinchon August 23rd 2009

I'm on my way! As my friend Jan, commented, I've been talking about this for such a long time that it's hard to comprehend that I am now on my way. I had a few tears as I waved goodbye to Bill and Sarah and I'm sure Customs wondered why I seemed so dazed but then it's not every day that one sets off on such an experience. My first port of call has been Seoul...what a great idea. If you need to fly to Europe a stopover here is a fabulous idea... luxury plus at the Hyatt and a good night's sleep before the next leg of the trip to London. And it's all included in the cost of the flight. It is very warm here.. a taste of summer with lots of cicadas, hot ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu August 10th 2009

So I'm including some pictures of the places of Yonsei's campus and the buildings to give you an idea of what it looks like and what I look at everyday. I don't have a picture of the dorm yet, because I'm usually too hot and sweaty to pause to take a picture- I see those front doors and I know air conditioning is within reach. I promise to get a picture of my "haksa" soon. Notice how the sky in all these pictures is white or gray? Many days it's hazy due to the humidity and air quality. The pictures aren't as pretty as they could be, but they are realistic.... read more
Our park
Grand Entrance

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu August 7th 2009

Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun. Today I had my first Korean cooking class! We made bibimbap and a jigae (stew). For the first hour of class we watch our sansangneem (teacher) prepare the two dishes and talk about them in Korean. It was like watching Julia Child in Korean. I was trying to keep track of what she was doing and the order of preparation, since our instruction sheet was also all in Korean and the only food words I know are rice (bap) and cucumber (oo-ee). Luckily my partner Angel, who's from Hong Kong, was paying attention too. We got right down to work like we were on Top Chef or something. There was chopping and salting and open flames and boiling and ingredient fetching and sauteing and tasting. I had a lot of ... read more
Cooking instructor
The fruits of our labor

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu » Sinchon August 5th 2009

Besides being my first day of Korean class, today it really came home to me how much English has become a global language. I have started to make friends too! I'm in Level 1 Korean, but there are shades of gray within each level I have come to discover. I'm in section 3, which means that I know the alphabet and can write what I hear, with some limited comprehension, but I don't have the fully functional grammatical structures down. The class is broken down into four 50-minute periods- two for grammar and vocab, one for reading and one for conversation and listening comprehension. There are a lot of Japanese in the program, but also a surprising number of other nations represented. In fact, I met people from 4 different continents today! Europe is pretty well ... read more
Sinchon Night Scene 2
Sinchon Night Scene 3

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Seodaemun-gu » Sinchon August 3rd 2009

Today I had to bid farewell to the Hongs. I really enjoyed my two days with their family. But now it's time for the next adventure- dorm life on Yonsei's campus! Of course, I'm on the top floor. And there's no elevator. Luckily Chairman Hong and his driver carried my bag up the stairs for me. (When it's time to leave I'll just chuck it out the window.) I had trouble opening my door at first, and then it opened itself! I have a Korean roommate! Yay! Her name is Minyoung, and we've spoken maybe 10 sentences to each other so far. I usually have good relations with my roommates- flashbacks to high school and college- so this is the first time the language barrier has really prevented me from being as friendly as I could ... read more
Angel-in-Us Coffee

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