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July 20th 2009
Published: July 20th 2009
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So today is/was monday. It was another struggle waking up. I do it to myself. Psych was boring, but Professor Zaidel is actually giving justification to some of her nazi 'rules.' They actually make sense. Damnit. Well I still dont like her...but now for fewer reasons. Before it was because she had crazy rules without explanation, but we're learning about 'learning' and 'conditioning' now and so she gave psychological support for some crazy things. Example: 'feedback session' after an exam is mandatory. (i actually didnt have a problem with this one because i like to find out how i did after a test) some other people may not care to know how they do. It's because people learn better when they immediate feedback(positive or negative). Another example: no rescheduling of exams or make-ups for any reason; no exceptions. Reason behind this one is that if people are enabled to do this, then it will become habit and they'll never learn(?). I don't like this one as much. I get it, but I still think it's harsh and lame.

Then arthistory. meh. then lunch w/ kelly. back to the room to watch some 찬란한 유산 Shining Inheritance. Almost caught up. Then Korean Class at 320, the only class I enjoy. learned relative locations today and a bunch of new verbs. z0mg so much vocab to know!! class so hard.

Went to dinner in 신촌Sinchon. Ate 삼겹살sam gyop sal again, but this time for ~$2/person. altogether, it was ~$5.5 . I love korea. friggen awesome food for so little monayz. I think i'm starting to notice myself packing some lbs though. booo. eh, worth it =P

ate 호떡hoh ddok for dessert. again, very cheap and frikkkkken ass delicious. it's this flattened 'rice bread' thing filled with a syrup. mmmm... with a scoop of icecream, we feel it would be an orgasm of the mouth. went to Daiso afterward--friggen awesome store, and then headed back to I-house. always get back late when we go to eat in 신촌Sinchon. Studied a bit and here I am.

I have less than 3 weeks left here...we wants to get more out of this trip!! kind of wish I were staying for a bit after classes, now.



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