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July 24th 2009
Published: July 24th 2009
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Bam here I'm is with another blog post. I know you've been anxiously waiting but your wait is over.
This week has actually been pretty awesome. I slept through pychology again -__-. Monday night I couldn't sleep, so I ended up finishing The Office. I'm all caught up now. David went drinking and came back late(Yeah, monday night. people do that). I was trying to go to sleep but MAN that guy can snore. He usually snores, yes, but the alcohol brought out the beast in his nose. Because holy crap it was like I was sleeping in the same room as a rhinoceros.

Anyhow, I saw Katie during one of the Korean class breaks and she said that she was going to a baseball game with some people and asked if I wanted to come. Calvin had really been wanting to go watch a baseball game so we was like 'alright let's go.' After Korean class we met up at I-house (after I helped stella tape up her finger--she broke her nail) and off we went. Ended up taking ~40mins to get there via subway.

On the way there, we were getting to know Shelby, Katie's friend,and she asked Daryl "Daryl are you an undergraduate, too?" Now, this doesn't sound like anything suspicious when you read it here, but I mention it because I thought it was pretty sad/felt bad for Daryl. Daryl is what some might say 'bald' and therefore looks older. He's actually only 23. ANYHOW, we came during the 5th inning or so.

부산 Busan Bears vs. 롯대Lotte Giants When we got there, Bears were down 4-2. Not long after that, friggen 카르시아Garcia hits a grand slam and score becomes 9-2. End score was 14-2. That was lame. But overall: good experience =D.

Came back and found a place to eat around 이대Ewha University. Got back to Ihouse around midnight. Friggen the streets of 이대Ewha University are so quiet at night. No nightlife whatsoever because 'girls dont go out at night.' (It's an all female university) I thought that was kind of o.O

Wednesday: school=whatever. For dinner, Calvin, Daryl, David and I went to eat 육회yook hweh RAW BEEF. It was friggen delicious. Expensive, but delicious. ~$20/person. Bibimbap will never be the same again. Sauce(s) were amazing. Anyhow, got back late and studied for psych test.

THURSDAY! Finally, the week ends. Psych test--think I missed 2. One very careless mistake-__- Then got short essay prompt for arthistory. Got my midterm paper back: B. Met up with Eric after Korean class to go meet up with Jasmine, Jenny, and Jay for dinner. Ate another awesome+cheap dinner. 대지갈비(dont know if i spelled that right)marinated pork stuff and then went to the oldest cafe in Seoul. Turns out our beach trip got postponed to next weekend because Jenny is sick and her 할모니halmoni wont let her go. (Actually the trip has been cancelled becaues her 할모니halmoni doesnt want them going next weekend either.)

So sad though because Jasmine planned out this elaborate trip for us and made rental payments for a car and deposits for out accomodations =[ I was really looking forward to it. boo.

After the cafe, I headed over to 홍대Hongik University to meet up with Calvin and the guys he was with. After the bar we headed to M2 where we merged parties with these girls someone knew. Then had a night to remember.

I'll write about friday next time--and maybe about thurs night.



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