The day before the Fair!!

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong
October 5th 2007
Published: October 5th 2007
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Washington to South Korea

The groupThe groupThe group

Here we all are standing in front of this 5 story electronics building. The lights and colors are just beautiful!
Hello Everyone,

Well yesterday we traveled to the Coex convention center to check out our booth. It is awesome!! I will take pictures of it today all decorated so that everyone can see! The colors on the buildings are amazing. Everything is so bright and vibrant... All of the bridges have color changing lights that illuminate the sky beautifully. All of the women were high heels with everything and all of the men wear business suits. We took the subway to the convention center which is attached to this GIANT mall... At the subway, during rush hours they have people they call pushers that will literally push all of the people into te subway so that the doors can close!! Clothes are very expensive here, and everything is a brand name with english writing if any. People are very nice and it is hot and muggy! I miss you all, this trip would be a thousand times better if you all were here... Check out the pictures and I will again update this later. It is Saturday Oct. 6th at 7:13am and I'm just starting to get acustomed to the difference in time. I lie, I'm exhausted but I'm trying

Here I am in front of the electronics bulding again.
not to let that ruin my time. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will talk and see you all soon.



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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


The entry of the hotelThe entry of the hotel
The entry of the hotel

Everything is so beautiful

6th October 2007

Hi Destiny,
6th October 2007

Hi Destiny,
6th October 2007

Hi Destiny,

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