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Asia » South Korea » Osan
June 16th 2009
Published: July 9th 2009
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We have been travelblog fans for a loooong time. All those times we spent together looking at other people's awesome travels, wishing that one day we would be able to do the same. Even though we spent most of out lives moving from one continent to another, this trip is going to be different. We graduated high school (yay!) and for the first time ever, we will be traveling alone! We are both excited and a little scared...you never know what adventure you will run into!

So, tomorrow we are leaving for our trip to Thailand! We will stay there for 12 days, and so far it looks like it's going to an amazing trip. We will try to upload pictures and write about all the cool things Thailand has to offer, and maybe, somewhere in the world, a lonely person might be able to live the trip through our eyes (something we have done many times!)

Well, this is our first blog so I (ieva) won't write much...but I will be back here again, in less than 72 hours, from Bangkok, Thailand!

Peace out,

ieva (and monika)

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