Blogs from Jeollanam-do, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Yeosu August 7th 2016

Left Mokpo and headed to Boseong Green Tea Plantation. We had a taste of the tea grown on this plantation, both in hot tea and ice cream form! The landscape is gorgeous! Our first view took our breath away. After lunch, stop two was Naganeupseong Folk Village. We toured the village which has a town castle. JoSo were disappointed when they didn't see the castle they were used to (aka English style). The village actually has a town castle and traditional Korean style houses ("hanok") where about 100 families actually currently reside. Stop three was Suncheon Wetland. The tour guide took everyone on a 1 km walk through the wetlands. As he spoke only Korean, Halahbujee went with the tour group and RoAnJoSo chose to walk around on their own. It is a beautiful conservation area, ... read more
Pouring tea for each other - awww, so nice.
Green tea ice cream
Unusual tree at Plantation

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Mokpo August 6th 2016

9a Departure from Gusan. First stop was Gusan Modern History Museum. Tour was entirely in Korean so Halahbujee followed the tour group and RoAnJoSo chose to do self-guided visit of the museum. From what we could gather, Gusan or Gunsan is a very fertile area where rice grows in abundance. This made it a very attractive target for Japanese pirates, and during the Japanese occupation of Korea, it served as a major rice storage and distribution area. Still touring along the coast so lunch was seafood congee (Sophie picked out the clams and mussels) and a huge seafood pancake (Sophie ate the edges which didn't have any seafood). Food was very good. Stop number two was Naesosa Temple. This Buddhist template was established in 633 CE (CE = common era = AD). There were two temples ... read more
20160806_122129 ann lunch
Jon is so manly in his man ponytail!
Walk to Naesosa Temple

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Suncheon November 15th 2015

Our lovely pension owner gave us a lift to the bus station and we bought tickets to go to Suncheon. I think the ticket cost around six or seven thousand won. We almost ended up on the wrong bus, but the staff at the station were lovely and told us which spot our bus would pull up into. My friend remarked about how country this place felt. It is a real contrast to the city. The bus journey took about an hour and we were on one of those luxury VIP style buses with big padded reclining seats. And there were only three of us on the bus. We arrived in Suncheon at about 9:30 am. My friend was happy as there was a Dunkin' Donuts in the bus station. Apparently, they don't have them in ... read more
Suncheon Bay Ecological Park
Suncheon Bay Ecological Park
Suncheon Bay Ecological Park

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Boseong November 14th 2015

I had arrived late in Gwangju the night before. We were staying in a hostel that was about a ten minute walk away from thr bus station. We had a private room at the hostel and it was small, but clean and cosy. Breakfast was included, so we headed up to the kitchen to make that, eggs, bread, plastic cheese, hash browns and hot dogs, it made a nice change from the usual hostel breakfasts of eggs, jam and bread. We headed to the bus station and used one of the machines to buy tickets. I love those machines, no need to interact with a human. I can't remember how much the ticket was, but it was less than a man won. We had a bit of a look around the bus station before boardung our ... read more
Bibimbap and Banchan
Green Tea Pajeon
Green Tea  Noodles

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do May 17th 2015

We arrived at Jirisan about 3:45 am. The bus journey up to the pass was pretty hairy. Normally, the driving skills of the bus driver don't bother me, but this time I was scared. We got out at the parking lot and were treated to a sky full of stars. It was so beautiful. There is so much light pollution where I live, I haven't seen the stars like this in years. The car park was quite busy for this time in the morning, there were about 5 other buses parked up. This isn't the normal trail that people do when coming to Jirisan, most people do the hike that goes to the biggest peak in the park. We started hiking at 4 am. It was pitch black. I love hiking in the dark like this. ... read more
Still A Long Way To Go

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do August 15th 2014

15th Aug: We left late the night before from Nambu Bus Terminal in Seoul at 11:30 pm. We were on one of the posh buses only three seats in a row and we were in the first row, so we had loads of leg room to dump our stuff in. The traffic was good, an we arrived in Tongyeong very early, around 3:30 am. We had a lot of time to kill, as we weren't catching the ferry until 7:30. The bus terminal was pretty tiny and ghetto. It was pissing down with rain, so we sought refuge in the only place that was open a 24 hour McDonald's. We all ordered a meal, I had a 1955 burger, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We managed to stay there until about ... read more
Our Pension

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Boseong April 26th 2014

26th Apr: We left from Pyeongtaek Station at around half eleven. I have to say Pyeongtaek Sation is really nice, it's a lot smaller and cleaner than Suwon Station. It has lots of nice new shops, cafes, coffee shops and a department store. It also doesn't have all the dubious characters that hang around Suwon. It's a shame it takes longer to get to or I would use this station more often. The train journey took about three hours, maybe a little more, as the train was late getting in to Gwangju. Not too bad as we had traveled pretty much all the way to the bottom of the country. After alighting the train, we headed to the tourist information office to find out how to get to Boseong. We headed to the bus station by ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Jeungdo August 23rd 2013

23rd Aug: We left Seoul just before midnight for the long drive down to Jelloanam-so. We are heading right to the bottom of Korea. I scored a double seat to myself. It's a shame it wasn't comfortable! Also as we headed south the rain started to pelt down. 24th Aug: We arrived at Wolchulsan National Park around half four in the morning. After Warren handed out torches and muffins, we were off up the mountain. It wasn't raining at this point, but we all grabbed a poncho, just in case. It was 5 a.m. We walked a little way through the national park to the start of the trail. It was pitch black still and I'm glad I had the torch. We came to the start of the proper hiking and there was a temple there. ... read more
Wolchulsan National Park
Wolchulsan National Park
Wolchulsan National Park

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Dolsando June 14th 2013

On my second day in Yeosu took the Planet’s advice and headed down on a local bus to Dolsando the long island to the south now joined by a bridge to the mainland. The Planet had advised of the temple called Hyangiram there at the bottom of the island/end of the bus route. It was very scenic going down for the most part. When you were out of the built up areas it was very green with trees etc and rice paddies and small time agriculture (as in a lot of those mustard greens which are used in the local kimchi). Got to the end of the line (literally) at about 2pm – the bus ride takes about an hour and max fare is about $1. Before hiking up to the temple got some lunch stuff ... read more
Dolsando Hyangiram greens with cat
the Hyangiram temple complex
Dolsando Hyangiram temple

Asia » South Korea » Jeollanam-do » Yeosu June 12th 2013

This was mostly written in the Yeosu bus terminal so I am on my way outa here (to where? You will have to wait and see). Spent two nights in Yeosu cos getting here was such a trial – what could go wrong did go wrong (the trials of travel – one of worst ever but you have to just grin and bear it sometimes). Had got some info at main Busan station just up the road from hotel but I think only the fast KTX services. Was directed by station staff there to go to Bujeon train station (10 mins away on same subway line) for train to Suncheon, change to Yeosu. So far so good there. I got there and had about 8 mins to get a ticket but the old pensioner dear in ... read more
Yeosu Dolsando (island) bridge
Yeosu harbour nite
Yeosu more changing nightlights

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