Blogs from Pokhara, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 16th 2023

Nepal Tour - Nov-2023 Day-4 & 6: Pokhara Lumbini to Pokhara: Next four days are going to be very hectic. In the itinerary, day-4 and day-6 were for Pokhara and day-5 was for Muktinath. Day-4: Wake-up call at 5.00 am, tea at 5.45, check-out and start at 6 am. Packed breakfast. Tea break on the way. Lumbini to Pokhara is 200 Km and takes 7½ hrs. Reached at 1.30 just in time for lunch. Pokhara is the second largest city of Nepal with population of around 5 lacs. It is one of the best scenic places in Nepal. Pokhara is also considered to be the best hill station in Nepal although only at an elevation of 822 m (2700 ft). Searching the internet, there are many places to be seen, visited in Pokhara. However, in our ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara April 21st 2020

Driving trip from Siliguri to Mustang, Nepal:- 1st March, Day 1: Drive along Asian Highway 2 across Bagdogra to Panitanki and crossed over the Mechi River bridge into Nepal. Obtained Vehicle permit from the transport office after paying INR 2200. Mercifully the system at the transport office has been upgraded to online, as such it was smooth and easy. Another temp road permits fro. Makeshift virta more office for INR 300 including INR 200 for the requested tip that we gave generously! I was surprised that we were asked by a transport official and 3 police personnel as to why we wanted to go into Nepal for 7 days. I told them this was the Nepal tourism year and should they be asking such questions instead if welcoming us. The going was good while the road ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara October 21st 2019

Bij het ontbijt werd het wel duidelijk. Pokhara is voor Nepal wat Benidorm voor Spanje is. Ongelooflijk veel groepen toeristen. De één al onbeleefder dan de ander. We moesten bijna vechten voor een tafeltje, want het was enorm druk, maar al bij al viel het goed mee. Het eten was verder weer niets op aan te merken. Om 9u30 moesten we klaar staan om te vertrekken. We ontmoetten onze nieuwe gids. Een zeer vriendelijke mens die ons in de auto al heel veel over de regio kon vertellen. Karen had het ondertussen al wel gehad met het gepamper en wou haar rugzak zelf dragen! Onze gids heeft het dus geweten. :) Sindsdien vraagt hij eerst of hij moet helpen. :) Je zou voor minder. Onze eerste stop was de bekendste en oudste tempel (uiteraard) van Pokhara. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara October 18th 2019

Dag 10: Bandipur Vandaag stonden we weer vroeg op om te ontbijten, want om 8 uur rijden we door naar Bandipur. Nog een stevig ontbijt, behalve voor Karen, want ze voelde zich nog wat slechter dan gisteren. Ze klonk en zag er echt ziek uit. Het was een weg van ongeveer 3,5 uur rijden. Onze chauffeur rijdt overal zonder GPS, maar toen de hoofdweg was afgesloten door enkele bamboestokken, heeft hij toch een goeie 8 keer de weg moeten vragen. ongeveer 2 min na ons vertrek zag ik ook nog een 'kingfisher (ijsvogel) van heel dichtbij zitten. een mooi afscheid van Chitwan. Onderweg maakten we een tussenstop aan een hangbrug op aanraden van onze chauffeur. "good for pictures!" En hij had wel gelijk. We zagen enkele sherpa's en trekkers klaar om een berg op te gaan. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara April 26th 2019

I woke up early at 06:00 and did some blogging until the arranged breakfast time of 08:00. Nice buffet breakfast before stating our tour at 09:00. It turns out that the un-named guide from yesterday was not our guide for this day tour and in fact, there was no guide. It was just a driver taking us around to designated sites, very similar in fashion to when we hired a driver or taxi for a day in Bolivia and Ecuador last year. He limited English and it was quite amusing at times as we tried to make him understand what we wanted. Overall the Pokhara highlights tour was pretty underwhelming compared with what we had seen during our trek. The first stop was Devis Falls which didn’t even compare that well with no name falls we ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara April 25th 2019

Woke up very early this morning at 05:00 by a group of guests who must have been leaving for the first flight out of omsom. Couldn’t get back to sleep so got up and did some work on photos. We all met for breakfast just before 08:00 and left for the airport 08:45. It was just a 5 minute walk to the airport and the porters also came with us and carried the big duffel bags. We then waited for a while before Sudarshan got our boarding tickets and we had to put all our luggage on a scale. We mentally added up our group weight and thought we were under the 15kgs each we were allotted but to our surprise they said we were 5 kgs over for the group. Considering that’s just 1 kg ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 22nd 2018

Raj took us on a weird day of sight seeing in Pokhara. It was 5 or 6 places and 10 to 15 minutes at each place with the exception of the Gorkha Museum which took us hours to get through. We started at a large waterfall which was renamed Devi Falls in the 1970s when a European woman drown while taking a shower. It took so much time and cost to look for the body they remained it after her. After we went to the caves which has the river from the falls flowing through it. It was very deep and had a Hindi temple inside. This was followed up by the hydropower damn that provides electricity to over 400,000 people. They had massive flooding in the early 1990s and the water rose 26 meters in ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 17th 2018

After a 7 hour bus ride, including 2 stops for food and 2 stops for a toilet break, we arrived in Pokhara. From here, the hiking adventure will begin. Pokhara had a different feel to it than Kathmandu. It is right by a lake and has one main road near us that runs along side it. The shore line stores almost follow a pattern of tourist shops: hiking gear/clothing, art, jewelry, tours, trinkets, hiking gear/clothing, insert random restaurant and coffee cafe...repeat. There is a park with a soccer field constantly in action and traffic is not so crazy that a random cow or two can‘t meander down the street looking for a snack. Our night consisted of roaming the back roads which really led more to the center of town (apparently the tourist stretch is on ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara October 22nd 2018

We went to the airport early (6:20), to go to Kathmandu and have a full day there. I write this post 15m after we were supposed to be in the air (7:55) and boarding has not even started. ... We were just invited to go trough security check. Nice and easy. Just roll your bag trough a scanner, walk trough a gate, ignore the beeping and answer two security questions: 'do you smoke?', 'do you have a knife?'. Feeling very secure about the fact that all our fellow pessengers are non-smokers, we proceed to wait at the gate. It's 8:24 and no yeti airplane in sight. Interesting is the low-tech standards here. To show flight info, someone with a remote turned on a smart TV somewhere and started chrome on it. Then used a mouse that ... read more
Planes outside
Simon looking at the planes, queues
The just logged-in-to flight info screen

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara October 22nd 2018

Did paragliding with 'sunrise-paragliding' today. After getting our bags to yet another hostel (pushkar), we went to the paraglide company, that got us up the sarangkot mountain. My phone sadly didn't charge overnight, so I had no photocamera. Anything you see here is simons work :). We took off from the point that we reached in an earlier hike and I immediadiately felt a bit nauseated. Motion sickness. I could hold out for a while, as the pilot of our tandem flight navigated us in mostly straight lines,after the initials twists and turns to get a couple of hundred meters above the mountain. We had a beautiful view of the mountain, the places we hiked to, before, and the town of pokhara and fewa lake. It was especially interesting to see all the little sparkles reflect ... read more
You are a backpacker if..
.. Interesting art on the walls
Also mountains

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