Blogs from Chitwan, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Chitwan December 12th 2023

Nepal Tour - Nov-2023 Day-2: Chitwan Janakpur to Chitwan: It is 210 Km and 6 hrs. Chitwan has a wildlife sanctuary - Chitwan National Park. It is on the UNESCO world heritage list. It is best known for Indian one-horned Rhinos (~700), Bengal tigers (~130) also wild elephants, crocodiles (mainly Gharial) apart from many varieties of birds and other animals. In vegetation, we had heard of ‘elephant grass’, but got to see it for the first time. Chitwan was a transit halt from Kesari’s point of view as distance from Janakpur to Lumbini cannot be covered in a day. A wild-life sanctuary is not a ‘divine’ place and Rhino is not the vehicle of any deity - God or Goddess, so the jungle safari was not a part of the official itinerary (in simple words, safari ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan October 16th 2019

Dag 8: rijden en junglewandeltocht Vanochtend moesten we weer vroeg uit de veren! Om 7u moesten we vertrekken. Daardoor konden we de ochtendspits vermijden. Na weer een geweldig ontbijt (we waren nog steeds alleen) en dit keer met buffet, waren we klaar om te vertrekken. Er stond een rit van 5 a 6 uur rijden op de planning. We zouden ongeveer rond 13u in Chitwan aankomen. Bij het uitchecken kregen Karen en ik nog een afscheidscadeau. Karen een typisch Nepalese ketting en ik een typisch Nepalese hoed. Weer iets voor in de verkleedkoffer! :) Doordat het zo vroeg was, konden we inderdaad goed doorrijden. Als je me trouwens vraagt aan welke kant ze hier rijden, dan kan ik daar geen duidelijk antwoord op geven. Ze rijden hier namelijk langs beide kanten, maar het stuur staat rechts ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan October 11th 2018

Nepal national park, chitwan, is about a 1000km2. We arrived at 7ish in the morning to collect our second guide (minimum) and let us be paddled downstream. The river was teeming with wildlife. Lots of birds, fish, crocodile and deers, on the side. After a few km, we disembarked.the guide started his explanation, about what we could encounter, what to do if rhino's get aggressive and about the behavior of the different animals. Halfway trough the explanation, however, a rhino was heard. We stopped everything and got our cameras out. (see below for photos) After a while we walked further, only to see that the road ahead is blocked, by probably the same rhino. We had to hide a bit until it passed. Moving on, there were some interesting edible plants, tracks, flowers, reeds and watering ... read more
More canoos
Morning sun

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan October 11th 2018

We spent the evening resting, booking the next place, in pokhara, and refilling headache medicine. At 20:30, we got to a restaurant. We chose one that is not so touristy. This one had, what was probably a family working around the building. It was a bit weird ordering: the waiter ran off after taking marks order and did completely other things until we called him over with the question if Simon and I could order as well. Then, without writing it down or telling it back, ran off again. After that, we waited for an hour or a bit more. We saw people from the restaurant go down to several of the shops further in the street and come back with small plastic bags with groceries. The food itself was amazing, however. I just was at ... read more
My manchow

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan October 10th 2018

Arrived in Sauraha, the city next to chitwan, halfway the afternoon. Despite the bumpy road, we were in pretty good condition, because of the airconditioning. And becausee of the relative quality of the roads outside of the capital too. The owner of 'Chillax Hostel' came with his Jeep, to pick us up. It's a bit crowded, with all us and the bags, but we were fine :). Upon arrival, some people helped us getting the bags to our cabin. We got the super-deluxe one, with airco,which was a whopping 6€ pppn. Super deluxe here is sort of a mud cabin, simple beds with mostly intact musquito-net-tents over them. some tiles, a bent fire-resistant door to the bathroom, that only closed when you lock it. Pink flower-tiles a leaky toilet with a bucket, loose sink, everything grimed ... read more
Rhino in the wild
More rhino
Sneak peak: another rhino in the park

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan August 20th 2018

Upardang Gadi Hike “A few hours of walk, and you see everything below your feet: the lights, the city, the rivers, the clouds, the forests, and even the setting sun.” Situated at an altitude of 1275m above sea level, Upardang Gadi served as the district headquarters of Chitwan until the mid-20th century. It is mainly a fort built by the Shah Kings to protect Nepal from the southern invasion. Now, the fort is one of the main attractions of the place. In addition to the fort, Upardang Gadi is now known for the rich culture of Chepang, Gurung and Magar communities. Moreover, it is a perfect place to enjoy the beauty of flat plains of the south and the majestic peaks of the Himalayas in the north at the same time. The landscape gets amazingly mesmerizing ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan May 15th 2018

Current status? Very busy sitting on our balcony overlooking the river as flowers slowly drift past in the current, sun shining, birds chirping. As the taxi driver told us proudly, multiple times on the way - it is quite pretty here. We arrived yesterday after an 18 minute flight from Kathmandu, yes officially announced as 18 mimutes and arranged a canoe ride with a short walk for the afternoon... after lunch of course. This area offers elephant rides and so as we lunched elephants, mingled with cars and horse carts sauntered up and down the streets. Quite lovely afternoon drifting along the river as the guide worked hard to earn his money frequently pointing out fish and birds, yet barely reacting when we saw a crocodile or elephant. We spent about ten minutes watching some birds ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan March 23rd 2018

20-21 Mars Temp: Hot hot hot 33 degrés Ouin ben, Chitwan nous a laissé un genre de goût amer...mettons que les $$ que nous avons dépensés pour voir des cerfs, ours noirs, sangliers et paons, je les aurais utilisés pour faire du paragliding à Pokhara!!! Bien sûr, on a vu plusieurs rhinos ?, des crocros et des singes, mais moi je m’émeus plus au parc Oméga tsé ?!!! 5h de jeep assis sur nos bagels à se faire barouetter sous un soleil dément...En plus, ce qui nous à fait gricher des dents c’est que les Népalais (complètement inconscient de la pollution qu’ils génèrent), font brûler la forêt...sur des kilomètres et ils disent que ça aide à faire pousser la végétation!!! J’veux ben, mais tsé quand ça brûle de partout, pense tu voir un beau tigre sortir ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan March 19th 2018

19 mars Temp: 33 degrés Nous sommes arrivés à Chitwan après 5h d’autobus!!! 18$ la ride de bus, diner inclus!!! Pas pire :) il y a des bouts où j’ai revue tout les beaux moments de ma vie passer, par exemple!!! For Dalaï la sake!!! Il y a une portion de la route en construction ? pour se rendre dans le parc et Doux Bouddha! Sur un côté on avait une montagne de roche ou on risquait un éboulement à tout instant et de l’autre bord, un ravin de 250m...pas de garde de fou!! La route était tellement étroite et on passait deux autobus en même temps...sur plusieurs km! Merci la vie, nous sommes encore là!!! On avait booké la chambre sur et vers 12:00 Mario a reçu un appel sur son cel (il a ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan December 19th 2017

Despite the late night, we were off by 6:00 a.m. Not sure why the early start, it is only 150 km to Chitwan But they said it would be 7 to 10 hours, After 2 hours we had gone about 15km, the roads were chaotic and congested. Having weaved and bullied our way out off Kathmandu we found ourselves in a long slow queue weaving its way up a mountain. After falling asleep I was rudely awakened by my head crashing against the window, the road had gone, and in its place was a rock strewn mud track. Seems the road was washed away 18 months ago. Bits are being repaired in odd places, but every time we hit smooth tarmac it only lasted 50 yards. 7 hours later we arrived and gave the driver a ... read more
Too close

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