Blogs from Annapurna Base Camp, Annapurna, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp December 23rd 2015

So I touched down in what would be the final country of my trip in the early afternoon of Saturday 12th December. I'd booked 2 nights at Hostel Alobar1000 (12-Bed mixed dorm for a whopping 3€/night) including the 8€ airport pickup service. However, on exiting the airport I was unable to find the hostel driver and instead was forced to bargain with one of the locals to take me there. Still, worked out well since I got it for less than what the hostel was charging! About 20 minutes later I was at the hostel and it was a great little place - perfectly located, nice vibe & a great rooftop bar/restaurant serving surprisingly good grub. My schedule in Nepal was optimistic to say the least - a had a total of 11 days (including the ... read more
Monkey Temple
Poon Hill
A.B.C Trek

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp November 28th 2014

Ik ga de berg op een neem mee/Ich gehe den Berg hinauf und nehme mit... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp October 7th 2014

Current mood: in need of a massage xx Panoramic images above include Pokhara Lake, and three views from the top at Annapurna Base Camp. Waking for the Red eye Boat on Koh tao was a new experience to me. Usually I would leave on a night boat to drag out my stay to the bitter end, but we had upgraded from the title of Scabby Backpackers to that of ‘FLASHPACKERS’ and had booked a 2000bht flight instead of a 1800bht bus from Surrat Thani to Kuala Lumpur. Coming down the steps from our home of two months had seemed easier than I thought and to further our ease MR ANTAL Canadian Born and Raised was waiting for us in the Selang (bike with metal cage attached to its side with wheels) Was great working with you ... read more
the Mountains in the distance
the beginning before a bus ride
trail entrance

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp April 5th 2014

I woke in the dark. Alex and I climbed the small hill to await the sun and the parting of the clouds. When I walked up the hill there was a small shrine, prayer flags and Buddhist temple. I left a postcard to my other self and I wrote my wanderings down. It said something of the physical planes I had ventured through to reach this the furthest height I had attained in my somewhat short life. I had an extra passport photo and placed it in the shrine as a commemoration and return to my birthland. I was trying to remember being born. No luck. Then I shivered and waited for the sun to break through. It was like watching a sporting event; others were cheering as the clouds broke and formed again. The sun ... read more
The Peace

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp June 1st 2013

My 40th blog entry from my 14th country! My month in Nepal is reaching an end and this is the first chance I've had to write a proper blog. I have managed to cram quite a lot into such a short period of time, though not as much as I wanted to (sorry guys, no Everest pics). Coming from Phuket, Kathmandu was a culture shock. Yes, even after living in a third world country, there are still places in the world that can surprise me. I will get to that, but I think I should begin with what was my favorite experience here, and an impressive accomplishment in general: my Annapurna Base Camp trek. Nepal is a trekkers' heaven, with dozens of routes to pick from, and 8 of the world's top 10 tallest mountains to ... read more
Annapurna I
Annapurna Base Camp

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp April 26th 2013

Inevitably, though slowly, departure day arrived. Mavis ran the Settle contingent to Manchester Airport, and after a brief leave-taking we wandered into the terminal where, as expected, Helen was waiting. Check-in was quick, and the wait didn’t seem too long, particularly as the flight left on time. I failed, yet again, to get any sleep, and I was not alone in this. As the cabin lights came back up Helen ran a survey of what we had been watching / listening to: she’d been watching ‘The Life of Pi’, Merrilyn had watched ‘Hitchcock’, Alan had been listening to Mark Knoffler, I’d heard the Beethoven Ninth (twice !), and Linda had dozed. No conclusions can be drawn ! Our sojourn under the blue dome of Abu Dhabi wasn’t too protracted, and after another relatively pleasant flight we ... read more
Rhododendrons near Ghorepani Deorali
Gotcha !

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp April 23rd 2013

Continued hiking along the valley from Ghorepani on undulating scenic paths through colourful pink and red rhododendron forests. Passed green hillside terraces filled with spinach and potato crops greeting friendly locals along the path with calls of "Namaste", and playing competitive "Uno" card games into the evening with an international mix of fellow hikers. Gradually started climbing again, spotting buzzards circling overhead as the weather closed-in. Hiking through chilly rain and crossing the snowline at around 3400m, we slipped and slid our way in the snow towards Machhapuchhure (Fishtail) base camp, watching avalanches thunder down cliffs on both sides of the steep valley. Quickly warmed up in our first heated dining room over a hot chocolate, as we watched the snow gradually piling up all around. Waiting for the snow to ease the next day eventually ... read more
Nepalese lady
Red rhododendron
Annapurna South from Chhomrong

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp April 20th 2012

Despues de 16 dias de trekking alrededor del Annapurna nos hemos tomado un merecido descanso. Una semana de relax en Pokhara...... nada de andar, nada de cuestas arriba, nada de pasar frio, nada de comer arroz, fideos...., solo dedicarnos a la buena vida, levantarte a la hora que te da la gana, comer cosas ricas (pescadito a la plancha, chuletones a la brasa) en una palabra, vaguear todo el dia y recuperar fuerzas. Una vez descansados y habiendo recuperado algun kilo de los que habiamos perdido, nos preguntamos......... otro trekking ?? Pues venga, ahora podemos ir al Santuario del Annapurna (ABC: Campamento Base Annapurna I uno de los ochomiles mas dificiles de escalar). En honor a la verdad, os diremos que nos costo colgarnos la mochila de nuevo, daba un poco de pereza pero que rapido ... read more
cruzando avalancha

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp November 4th 2011

Ninety five kilometres up and down steep stone stair cases, “no problem!” After hearing my brother’s stories about the Annapurna Base Camp Trek it became something I really wanted to complete while in Nepal. What an experience it turned out to be. I shared the physical examination with a motley crew of fellow trekkers; at different times I hiked with Tristan from Guernsey, Iris from Rotterdam, and Rober and Lynda, who bizarrely live ten minutes from the new flat Michelle has secured for us in Amsterdam! The trek began with just Iris and me leaving from the tiny village of Nayapul, reached by a two hour local bus ride starting at 6am in the lakeside haven of Pokhara. From Nayapul we were gently broken in to what was to come with a four hour hike to ... read more
The Trail
Suggestions from Poon Hill
Female Trail Porters

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Base Camp October 8th 2011

The trek to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) is one of the most popular treks in Nepal. It came highly recommended by other travellers that we’ve met and seemed like a great choice for our first trek in Nepal. We decided to organize the trek by booking a group tour, although it’s possible to do the trek independently and many people do. We had porters for our main gear but we carried day packs, cameras, water, etc. For the first several days of the trek the weather was generally overcast and there wasn't much for mountain views. It would normally rain for an hour or so in the afternoon which was just enough to ensure that we were thoroughly soaked by the time we got to our destination for the day. Thank goodness we kept a dry ... read more
Machhapuchhare by moonlight
Annapurna glacier view
Annapurna South at dawn

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