Blogs from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Asia


Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching August 12th 2019

After two weeks on the 'mainland' of the Malay Peninsula, Linda and I took a flight two hours east from Kuala Lumpur to Kuching – the capital of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, and, if the guidebooks were to be believed, the most cosmopolitan city on the world's third-largest island: Borneo. With Linda still putting her insides back together after suffering some serious anxiety during the flight (and in particular the descent) we hopped in a taxi and headed into town, where thankfully our hostel was not only located smack bang in the centre of the city, just one block from the Sarawak River; but also a significant step up in comfort from our two previous hostels in Penang and Melaka. (It took the air conditioner in our room mere minutes to cool the room down ... read more
A City Icon
Riverside scenery, Sarawakian-style
The city's oldest surviving temple

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching August 11th 2019

Sunday, 11th August 2019 After breakfast, we headed to the Sunday Market (Medan Niaga Satok) for some shopping opportunities. Since it was a holiday when we visited, closed to 70 percent of the stalls were not opened for business. Nevertheless, we found ways to entertain ourselves by posing plenty of wacky shots by the Sarawak River. We were back in the city centre by lunchtime. Starting from the atmospheric Old Courthouse building, we made our way to the Carpenter Street where there is a popular satay stall within the airy Lau Ya Keng Foodcourt. There were also other Sarawak staples - Kolo Mee and Laksa to fill our hungry stomachs. After lunch, the group of us headed for drinks at the Granary Cafe to cool down from the heat. It was free and easy for the ... read more
The duel behind Sunday Market
Sunday Market, Kuching
Sweet Sarawak pineapples anyone?

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching August 10th 2019

Saturday, 10th August 2019 The highlight of the day was not the visit to the Bako National Park even though I did enjoy the speedboat ride (without our life vests on) and the steep hiking trail that came with it. The weather was humid today and some of us were getting a bit restless during the guided walk. Thankfully, we were back to Kuching sometime after lunch. It was free and easy until dinner at Topspot Foodcourt, a congregation of seafood restaurants in the city centre. Prior to dinner, a few of them headed to the Kuching Waterfront for some nice sunset views while I headed for a much-needed body massage to soothe the nerves from the climb in the morning. I remembered that I had went to Topspot too during my last trip to the ... read more
Great choice

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching August 9th 2019

Friday, 9th August 2019 And so here we are on our annual MC retreat to the state capital of Sarawak with some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. About 40 of us assembled at the airport on National Day 2019 for our flight to Kuching. In fact, some of us had met earlier for an exclusive tour of Jewel Changi Airport as well as complimentary admission to the Canopy Park. Our plane departed from Terminal 4 and it was already quite late by the time we reached our accommodation at M Hotels in the city. After checking-in and feeling a little bit peckish, a group of us decided to walk to the nearby ICOM Square for some bubble tea and supper before heading to bed. It was quite late by the ... read more
Welcome to Kuching

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 20th 2019

Ranajky si robim opat tie iste, toasty s dzemom. Okolo 8.15 objednava ind grab a ide sa na turistiku. Vodic zhovorcivy. Vyskakujeme pri hlavnom vchode. Tu domcek kde byvaju rangeri. Zapisujeme sa do knihy, fasujeme mapu. Este upozornenie aby sme zacali zostup o 1500, i ked by sme dovtedy nedosiahli vrchol. Okolo 1900 totiz rangeri kontroluju registracnu knihu a ak niekto neni odpisany udajne zacina po nom patranie. Minuly rok patrali po jednom turistovy, ktory sa stratil. No ale podla mna to je len historka. Spustam endomondo a ide sa. Podla knihy je na trase 6ludi, ti vsak vyrazili uz okolo 7.00 Znacenie je vynikajuce ale ono neni kde sa stratit. Su tu dva okruhy, modry kratis loop k vodopadu a cervena trasa k vrcholu. Cervena je nasa. Spaniel vyzera v dobrej kondicii, to sa vsak ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 19th 2019

Ranajky len toasty resp vajicka, vsetko vsak samoobsluha. Jest sa to mohlo pocas celeho dna. Na recepcii ina baba, tak reku ako to bude s cenou. Ak ostanen a nebooknem to cez appku, cena bude 20rm, ok, tak ostavam. Do odchodu busu do dedinky bau este hodinka. Nakup suvenirov, zjednavat nechceli, bo kamenne obchodiky a predajcovia boli len zamestnanci. Bus do bau odchadza z jalan gartak. Bus je cervenej farby, odtialto odchadzaju skoro vsetky busy (aj zelene). Samozrejme oznacenie zastavky ziadne ale ludia poradili. Bus stara rachotina so starym cinskym vodicom. Ten pred odchodom zbiera peniaze a dava aj listky. Drbli ludia furt nastupovali tak meskanie asi 5min. Uplne jak keby ti ludia naschval cakali vonku, ked uz bol bus priraveny odist, naskocili dnu. Cesta pohodova. Isli sme aj blizko letiska. Tam sa da dopravit kombi ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 18th 2019

Guideho na izbe vystriedal jeden chalan. Na noc som bol uz nachystany a zakril som sa plachtou. Ranajky opat v bufete. Okolo neho zas skurvene opice, co chceli ukradnut jedlo. Na recepcii sa pytam kedy odchadza cln nazad do mesta. Okolo 11.00 mam dojst na recepciu. Este mam nieco cez 1.5hod, tak vyvalenie sa na plazi pod stromi. Na slnku susim topanky, ponozky a uterak. Ludia z dormov uterak nefasovali narozdiel od ludi co byvali v samostatnych izbach. Na plaz prichadzali kvanta lodiek s tour. Nieco pred 11.00 prichadzam na recepciu. Tam odemna pyta listok, zistuje ci som si dohodol s kapitanom cas vyzdvihnutie. No nie, bo na pevnine mi povedali, ze nazad mozem ist s hociakou lodkou. Tak to je problem, kontaktuju kapitana, za 50rm ma dojde vyzdvihnut. Ak nedam, tak potom az o 15.00. ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 15th 2019

Noc bola dost nahovno, bo hudba z lobby bola dost pocut. Batoh mam zas o nieco lahsi. Zistil som, ze som v bire nechal klobuk. Ten mi sluzil cca 7rokov ked som si ho kupil v saigone. Ranajky tentoraz nedavam u ujka v ulicke ale v ind.restike. Jedlo som mohol mat aj gratis ak by som si ho zobral z indickeho chramu poceste. To si brali rozny ludia od zobrakov az po manazerov (aspon podla oblecenia). No ja som veru na ryzu nemal chut, chcel som roti. Dal som hned dva kusy plnene vajcom a cibulou, Cakacka dost dlha. Po jedle rychlo chodza na pudu central. Predajca listkov na nastupisti v podzemi spal na stoliku. Som mal problem ho zobudit. Bus 8/45 meskal, vyrazili sme o 9.00 Kedze mam love, kupil som si cely bus pre ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 25th 2018

Friday 25th May 2018 The weather gods were kind last night. The afternoon rain dried up and the balmy evening proved just perfect for a river cruise on the Sarawak. The cruise lasted just an hour and a half, travelling downriver and back as the sun slowly set. Some young dancers came onboard so that we could enjoy a traditional dance display and beer was sold in ice buckets complete with a built-in bottle opener in the rim. This little cruise was so idyllic and the sunset was made to order, especially since it was the first in a week due to evening thunderstorms. What a wonderful finale to our Borneo adventure, which has passed by too swiftly! Tomorrow morning, we fly off to Kuala Lumpur.... read more
River boat
Traditional dancing
John's happy!

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 25th 2018

My cousin Eric sent this to me yesterday on Whatsapp. He saw it on Facebook. This is such a tragedy. Not only has human greed in Borneo destroyed the habitat and food supply for thousands of primates, bears, leopards and other mammals down to the tiniest Tree Shrew, but also for fish, insects, reptiles and birds. Palm oil is used in the manufacture of so many things that we use unknowingly every day; but we do not need to use it. There are alternatives. However, it is cheap to produce (fast-growing and easily harvested using cheap labour). Please look in your larder and fridge now and see what is there that has palm oil in it. Throw it in the bin and don't buy that product again. The Palm oil Barons do not even care that ... read more

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